Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2301: Another day to worry about my brother

You're so rigid...." Seeing that Chi Feichi didn't react shyly at all, Miyamoto Yumi withdrew his arms in frustration, took a step back, looked at Chi Feichi and said, "Okay, let's get down to business, Mr. Chi, why did you Shall I suggest Mrs. Shigei go to a psychiatrist?"

Before Chi Feichi could answer, Miyamoto Yumi asked in a low voice nervously, "Did you see something? Is Mrs. Shigei not in a good state of mind?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Just let Yumi Miyamoto decide for herself.

Miyamoto Yumi sighed, "But it's no wonder, the baby carriage was knocked into the air in front of my eyes, and my child died because of it. For a mother, this is really a cruel and unacceptable thing, and Seeing that the rear window of the car in front was blocked, she was so angry that she drove into it regardless of the safety of herself and others, her mood was very unstable..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Understood, Miyamoto Yumi pulled him over, besides asking him about the situation, the main purpose was to find someone to express and discuss with.

"So..." Yumi Miyamoto looked at Chi Feichi anxiously and asked, "Did Mrs. Shigei suffer from a mental illness or a mental illness because of the pain of losing her son?

"You are too nervous, I just think she has a tendency to have anxiety attacks," Chi Feichi said lightly, "She has acted dangerously regardless of the safety of herself and others, and her emotions have reached the peak of the explosion. If a psychiatrist can intervene in advance , can prevent her condition from getting worse in time.

"Is it just like that?" Miyamoto Yumi was dubious.

"Officer Yumi," Chi Feichi followed the others, changed his address, turned and walked out, and asked, "As a policeman, do you still expect bad things from others?"

Miyamoto Yumi was stunned, thinking about Chi Feichi's situation, she quickly followed up and explained, "Okay, I admit, I wanted to gossip just now, but I also hope that Mrs. Shigei will be fine."

Before the two of them returned to the aisle at the entrance and exit of the parking lot, Nana Koshimizu and the children who were peeping shrank back and hid in the side of the car next to them.

"I know, it's up to you to remind her." Chi Feichi said.

"Please rest assured and leave it to me!" Miyamoto Yumi raised her hand in salute with a serious face.

Conan peeked out his head quietly, and quickly retracted his head. Just as he complained about the subdued police officer Yumi in his heart, he was bumped forward by three children who came forward behind him.

One, two, three, four...

When Chi Feichi walked to the aisle, Conan, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi fell to the ground one after another. Looking up, Chi Feichi stopped to look at them, with an embarrassed smile on his face.


"Don't laugh like a fool," Chi Feichi commented, then looked at Koshimizu Nanachi and Huihara Ai who reached out to the side of the car but failed to hold the four of them, and greeted, "Let's go, I'll tell the doctor Alright, let’s take you to the newly opened barbecue restaurant in Mihua Town to have a big meal together tonight.”

"Big meal?" Yuan Tai immediately forgot the comment of "smiling like a fool", Ma Liu got up and cheered, "Okay! Let's have a big meal tonight!"

Miyamoto Yumi watched the backs of a group of people retreating quickly, fell silent for a moment, and sighed.

Who told her to be a policeman, she has to deal with things... No, I have to let Miwako accompany her to a big meal later!

Outside the parking lot, as soon as Conan got into the back seat of the car, he lay on the back of the passenger seat and talked to Chi Feichi in front of him with his head. Brother Chi and Mrs. Shigei had already acted in disregard of the safety of themselves and others. Are you really all right?"

"It may be an anxiety disorder. I will be overly worried and afraid of things that are uncertain whether they will happen in the future, anxious, overly alarmed by external stimuli, and easily frightened. It may also be accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty falling asleep and difficulty concentrating," Chi Feichi pulled on the seat belt and put it on, "Any serious illness may hurt others or yourself. Her condition is not too serious, but it needs to be taken seriously. Of course, I just saw that she had some strange symptoms just now. Frightened reaction, what is the specific situation?

She went to see a doctor herself to be sure. "

Yue Shui Qixi drove the car, and reminded aloud, "Conan, we are leaving, hurry back and sit down!


Conan's childish voice was so cute, he obediently returned to the seat and sat down, and continued to confirm with Chi Feichi, "In other words, her life may have been greatly affected, and she must see a doctor, in case Officer Yumi forgot to remind her , wouldn’t it be bad?”

"Officer Miyamoto may be confused about small things, but he can't make mistakes when it comes to big things," Chi Feichi affirmed, "Even if she forgot at the time, she will call or come to remind Mrs. Shigei when she thinks about it."

Conan didn't expect Chi Feichi to have such confidence in Miyamoto Yumi, after careful reflection, he found that he also had the same confidence in Miyamoto Yumi, he smiled relievedly, "That's right..."


That night, after having a big meal, the three children went home contentedly, ready to get up early to go to school the next day.

Hui Yuanai packed her schoolbag, followed Chi Fei late to the small building in Mihua Town for one night, and paid attention to her brother's recent situation.

After entering summer, the temperature at night becomes cool and pleasant.

From time to time, cars drove slowly on the street, passers-by with pet dogs gave way to the side of the road, and laughed and chatted with the same pet owner again at the intersection.

Chi Feichi, Yueshui Nanai and Hui Yuanai stayed on the balcony on the second floor of the Seventh Detective Office Building, and they could clearly see the street view. Each of them had a piece of watermelon, and they ate the watermelon while looking at the street view.

Before the cut watermelon was finished, Conan's shout came from downstairs.

"Brother Chi!"

Downstairs, Conan stood beside Mao Lilan and waved towards the balcony. After confirming that the three people on the balcony saw it, he followed Mao Lilan into the front yard.

"I gonna go see."

Chi Feichi talked to Yue Shui Qixi and Hui Yuanai, got up and went downstairs to open the door.

Hui Yuanai threw the watermelon rind in his hand into the trash can, reached out and took another piece of watermelon from the plate, taking advantage of Chi Fei's absence, he tried to gossip, "Miss Qixi, I didn't bother you tonight, did I?"

Yue Shui Qixi was stunned for a moment, pretending to be calm and said, "How can you say I'm bothering you, it's great that you can come here, finally someone can talk to me."

"What? Brother Feichi didn't talk to you before?" Hui Yuanai asked jokingly.

Yue Shui Qixi thought about it seriously, shook his head and said, "He recently lived here, but his injury just healed a few days ago, and he resumed his daily activities. He doesn't seem to have much energy. We play with everyone during the day, After he came back, he went back to his room to sleep. We didn’t chat much. His spirit improved a lot in the past two days, but he and Mr. Maori went out to investigate very late every day. When he came back, I was already asleep. When I woke up, he was still sleeping, so we really haven't talked much in the past two days."

Hui Yuanai's expression changed, and she looked at Nana Koshimizu with a look of surprise, seven points were acting, but three points were real, "This kind of cohabitation life is too bad!"

"Men and women... Yue Shui Qixi quickly declared, "It's not cohabitation, we can only be regarded as neighbors upstairs and downstairs!"

Hui Yuanai regained his composure for a second, "You're right, at least you have to live in the same room to be considered cohabitation, and you can only be considered roommates if you live on the same floor. In fact, Brother Feichi and I used to go to the balcony He blows the night breeze on the balcony, but when he is on the balcony, he is either drinking or smoking and thinking about things, and sometimes he brings his laptop to work on the balcony, so will think he is boring ?"

Living under the same roof with a girl, although one person lives upstairs and the other lives downstairs, but the living room and bathroom are shared, how can they not talk much for several days in a row?

She felt that if things went on like this, Brother Feichi would sooner or later follow the doctorate path--single to fifty years old has no match.

Another day of worrying about my brother.

"Is there?" Yue Shui Qixi pondered for a while, and was more worried that Hui Yuan Ai would be dissatisfied with Chi Feichi's "too boring" behavior, so she explained with a smile, "Mr. Chi is not too hot in the first place."

It may be because you suddenly want to stay quiet for a while, or maybe you are really busy at work, so you don't mean to ignore you,..."

Haibara Ai:"......"

She was worried that her brother would be disliked... Forget it, listen, this way she can judge sister Qigai's attitude.

"He also tells you interesting stories sometimes, doesn't he?" Yue Shui Qixi smiled, "So, when he wants to stay quietly, Xiao Ai can find things that interest him, of course Well, if Xiao Ai was in a bad mood at the time, you can tell Mr. Chi directly that you really need him to accompany you to talk for a while, and he will definitely put down what you are doing and chat with Xiao Ai first.

Hui Yuan mourned Chi Feichi's 'throwing high' in the past, couldn't help pursing the corners of his lips, and sighed again, "Sometimes you don't need to tell Brother Feichi, Brother Feichi can sense that I'm in a bad mood.

Then, she will use various methods that she can't think of to make her forget her troubles for a while, such as throwing her high...

Well, she doesn't really want to admit that being thrown high does make people feel refreshed, stimulated and happy.

But having said that, ever since Brother Feichi injured his waist, such a thing as throwing Gaogao has never happened. In order to prevent Brother Feichi from leaving any sequelae, during this period of time, she also prevented Brother Feichi from trying to treat the younger brother. Children make 'throw high, this kind of behavior, including her.

"Isn't that great?" Koshimizu Nanachi couldn't understand why Hui Yuanai sighed, and said with a smile, "Mr. Chi is very careful sometimes."

Hui Yuanai nodded, and said again, "Don't talk about me, what about you? Don't you think Brother Feichi is bored like this?

"I think it's okay, UU Reading" Yue Shui Qixi recalled, "The night before yesterday, when we went home, we found that the elder tree in the yard had small buds, and Mr. Chi accompanied me to count them. How many buds are there..."

Haibara Ai:"?"

Would her brother do such a boring and childish thing?

"And Mr. Chi has always been a very caring person," Koshimizu Nanachi continued to recall, "When he and Mr. Mori went to investigate, if they came across dim sum or snacks that looked good, they would buy some and bring them back and label them The paper reminded me that there is a very special kind of dessert, and he even wrote down the heating method before eating it..."

Haibara Ai:"......."

If Brother Feichi is patient, he will definitely be able to do this, so, is she worrying again in vain?

"In short, two people obviously live in the same building, but their lives seem to have no intersection. It's strange, but I don't feel bored. In addition, I am a little worried that he will be overwhelmed after investigating for several days until late... Yueshui Nanachi looked at Huihara Ai who looked pensive, and stopped the topic, " little one, I also want to ask you a question, you have to tell the truth."

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