Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2320: Gin: let people go

"Conan: I Am Not a Snake Syndrome"

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Chi Feichi dragged another unconscious man from Room 2506 to Room 2508, searched him and tied him up, and sat beside him to check the things found on the three people.

The same is true for the mobile phone of the third person, and the information in it has been wiped out.

The things brought by the three were different. The men who sneaked into the management building mainly carried bombs, ropes, and rope hooks. After that, the two men who sneaked into the hotel building carried bugs, transmitters, and other items, as well as pistols... ·

Bombs, pistols, can these things be brought into the park again and again?

Although he knew that the park was so big, there were too many places to check, and there might be ghosts among the staff in the park, but he couldn't help but wonder if the security protection capabilities of the Umbrella Red Umbrella team were not good enough.

Feichi crawled on the table, and while Chi Feichi was looking at other things, he propped up his front half of his body, kept his head and neck in a question mark-like posture, hung above the black box bomb, fixed his eyes on the bomb, and swallowed snake letters.

After checking other items, Chi Feichi used a simple method to extract the fingerprints on the pistol, and put the gun back silently.

Neither of the two pistols was new. He originally wanted to see how many people had passed the two pistols, and see if he could find clues from fingerprints or palm prints.

However, there were only two marks on the two pistols held by the right hand, and the size of the marks was the same as the fingers of the palms of the two people who sneaked into the hotel. Before the person took it, it was wiped intentionally to remove the fingerprints on it.

Too clean, not necessarily an important clue.

Although these three people did not have the same items on them, their mobile phone information was very clean, even the only locked but blank mailbox was the same, and they sneaked into the park furtively on the same day, it is impossible for such a coincidence, the three It's not wrong to be an accomplice...

The division of labor between the three is clear, each has its own goals, and they sneaked into the park in a planned way. The group has bombs and guns in their hands.

There was mud from the nearby jungle on the backpack carrying the bomb. One of the pistols had a strange smell. It seemed to be some kind of disinfectant, which was put in the toilet tank in the park. The other pistol had a little bit of some kind of disinfectant on it The smell of food flavor may be obtained from places such as the kitchen, indicating that bombs and guns were sent in in different ways, and there is a high possibility that there is an internal response among the staff in the park...

The skills of the three are different. The man who sneaked into the power distribution room to install the bomb was the best. The man who first sneaked into the hotel was the worst, but his belongings were the cleanest. The manpower of the bug, the second man who infiltrated the hotel is worse than the first one, and the detail traces of the items are not as good as the first man, as if he knew that the first infiltrator has been captured...

No, the second man who sneaked into the hotel didn't know that his companion had been taken away. When he attacked, the man didn't have much defense, just like he didn't know that his companion had sneaked in and was taken away.

And during the whole process of catching these three people, they didn't receive any calls or letters on their mobile phones...

Taken together, there should be a commander behind these three people. The two parties have agreed on a contact time. When the time comes, this side will unilaterally contact the commander at regular intervals, and clear the records on the phone after the contact is completed.

The time of contact between the eighth and the film is not accurate, but the contact time agreed between the person who sneaked into the hotel and the commander may be within ten minutes after he started, because there has been no contact for a long time. , so the commander judged that the situation had changed, so he allowed the second person to sneak into the hotel within 20 minutes, but did not tell the second person the specific situation, causing the second person who sneaked into the hotel to be unprepared...

The second person who sneaked into the hotel was used by the commander as a test!

The manpower of these operations is not weak, and the background behind them is not weak. The mobile phone contact records have been cleaned up, and there are cautious and cunning commanders behind them...

Although there are other well-organized criminal gangs in this world, he still smells the smell of alcohol from the actions of these three people.

"Not red..."


Chi Feichi and Feichi spoke at the same time, and their gazes collided with each other. It's a pity that one's eyes were calm, and the other's eyes were cold and cold, neither of them showed any emotion.

The next second, there was another chirping of birds outside the window.

Feichi came back to his senses, turned his head and looked at the sparrow with fluttering wings outside the window, "Huh? There won't be another person here, right?"

"Here we come," Chi Feichi got up and walked towards the door, "One."

Don't care if it's the handiwork of the organization, just catch it.

No one wants to spoil this music festival!

Ten minutes later, Chi Feichi dragged an unconscious man back from room 2506.

After the body search, the person was also tied to a chair and all his belongings were placed on the table.

On the fourth person, Chi Feichi discovered something new.

A bug that was slightly hot, a miniature camera that he deliberately avoided when he knocked out the man, and then crushed...


The bug shattered under the fingers and ceased to function.

After Chi Feichi destroyed the bug, he sat on the chair opposite the three of them, ready to wait for news.

The fourth person is stronger than the previous three people. He was prepared for a sneak attack, and he was also equipped with a bug and a miniature camera. If he hadn't been lurking in room 2506 in advance, when this person entered the door, he would find that there was something on his body. With a tiny camera, his muscles were tense when he entered the door. He might inevitably be seen by the other party when he moved, or be photographed by the miniature camera pinned to the collar of the other party.

This person was sent by the commander to find out his identity as the 'plan destroyer'!

Judging from the time of action, the fourth person was in the park before, and the bugs and miniature cameras are all devices that receive short-distance signals. The commander should also be near the park. I'm not sure if there will be another one Five people, sixth person.

He won't let the other party master his appearance and voice first, but he destroys the bug after returning to the room, and he can also let the other side hear the fourth person who was suddenly attacked, quickly lost consciousness, and was dragged somewhere sound.

If the four people are behind the organization, and it is the person he guessed, he should be able to guess that it was him...

"Master," Feichi asked hesitantly, still staring at the bomb, "Is there a familiar feeling about what happened this time?"

"What did you find?" Chi Feichi asked back.

"The smell of gunpowder coming out of the bomb is too strong, I'm not sure," Fei Chi was still staring at the bomb, looking very focused, "but there seems to be a familiar smell on it... the tobacco in the cigarette is fully burned The smell of cigarettes is different from the smell of your cigarettes, and it is more irritating...」

"The next time someone creates second-hand smoke in a narrow space, you should hide under your clothes carefully, and be careful to smoke it out..."

Chi Feichi complained about someone who likes to create second-hand smoke. When he noticed that the phone in his pocket was vibrating, he took out the phone, glanced down at the caller number, and pressed to answer.

It really is gin...

On the other end of the call, Gin asked directly, "Are you in the park where the music festival is held?"

"For such an important event, of course I will come," Chi Feichi confirmed the answer in his heart, and also gave Gin Jiu the conditions to confirm the answer, "I'm at the SO Hotel, on the 25th floor."

Qin Jiu was silent for a second, wondering if there was any divine beast galloping past in his heart, "...let me go."

Chi Feichi: "Four?"

Gin: "Four."

Afterwards, the air was silent for a moment, filled with the embarrassment of "I knocked out one after another, and it turned out that they were all my own people", and "The people I sent lost contact one after another, but they were all knocked down by my own people."

Chi Feichi thought to himself, 'As long as I am not embarrassed, others are the ones who are embarrassed. He looked at the four people who were unconscious and tied to the chair, and said to the phone, "People were stunned by me.

I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up. I will throw them into the utility room and cut the ropes that bind them. You can contact them and retreat by yourself. "

Qin Jiu also said silently in his heart, "As long as I'm not embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed. Let yourself be speechless first, "When you attacked them, they didn't see their faces, right?"

"No, I'm very experienced in how to stun people quickly, and I won't let them see their faces."

"Hmph... It seems that their skills and vigilance are really not very good. Four people were attacked, but none of them saw your face clearly, including the one I reminded you in advance..."

Dislike from Gin's arrogant attitude.

"The last one's skills are not bad, I was almost seen," Chi Feichi said a word of justice to the last person, and then asked, "Where did you find the non-staff personnel?"

These four people are definitely not core If they were core members and were assigned to the action group, they would not be settled so easily by him.

"Two of them were introduced by a peripheral member of the organization. They had criminal experience but were not caught by the police. The other two had some cooperation with the organization. People..." Qin Jiu thought of making arrangements for himself, but didn't see anything, so he resolutely stopped talking, and said in a teasing tone, "Since they can't wake up for a while... Lark, you caused The instigator of the plan to run aground, shouldn't he also help me deal with their unfinished work?"

"I cut the wires of the bomb, and I destroyed the electronic board, and I couldn't detonate it even if it was installed in the power distribution room." Chi Feichi did not agree, "And I don't want the music festival to be destroyed. You want I will cooperate with you, so you have to tell me what you are going to do, right?"

"Let's talk about it after we meet," Gin paused, "After an hour, turn right at the main entrance outside the park. You walk along the road to the first intersection, and I'll park the car on the side of the road and wait for you."


"If it's convenient, help me bring out a dinner for two, I don't choose vodka, you can bring any food."


Chi Feichi hung up the phone, cleaned up the people, things, and traces in the room, threw the four men and the found belongings into the utility room, went to the hotel restaurant to get food, and walked out of the gate of the park. First went to the outdoor parking lot.

When he came out of the parking lot, he had already changed his clothes, with an ordinary face of a middle-aged uncle on his face, and the bag in his hand had also changed.

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