Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2363: Bold and blind

When Mao Lilan heard the movement, she turned around and looked at the anxious person behind the door, startled for a moment, "Xin, Xinyi..."

"It's not that I don't want to see you," Kudo Shinichi looked at Mao Lilan, eased the eagerness on his face, sighed helplessly, and deliberately pretended to be loose, "It's because I have a job, a job!"

"Huh?" Mao Lilan came back to his senses, walked up the stairs in two or three steps, leaned forward and approached Kudo Shinichi, with fire in his eyes, "Is there any job that allows you to come here secretly without telling us, You didn’t care about the murder incident before, and you still wanted to run away after I discovered it? You should explain it clearly to me, Shinichi!”

Kudo Shinichi took a step back, leaned his back against the wall, looked at Mao Lilan's still dangerous gaze, quickly raised his hand to stop him, and said with a dry smile, "Listen to me, because you called me before, You said that you are going to be someone else's bodyguard, and you want to participate in the Miss Hefeng selection contest, and it happens that I am not very far from here, and I have nothing to investigate for the time being, so I want to come and see what's going on here."

Mao Lilan thought that Kudo Shinichi still cared about her affairs, and the 'hostility' in her heart dissipated a lot, but she still glanced at Kudo Shinichi, and said in an awkward tone, "You seem to be busy investigating recently, let you Did you come here to see the situation, did you cause trouble for you?"

"How could you cause trouble?" Kudo Shinichi said with a smile, "Seeing you in a wedding dress, I feel that today is not a bad day at all!"

Mao Lilan's face turned red all of a sudden, the anger in her heart dissipated instantly, and she felt a little embarrassed, "Yes, yes..."

Kudo Shinichi continued to laugh, "I haven't seen you for a while, you seem to have gained weight."

"Speaking of which, when I put on a dress, my waist is a bit..." Mao Lilan frowned slightly introspection, suddenly realized something was wrong, and gritted her teeth angrily, "Xin-one!"

Kudo Shinichi was sweating, and quickly changed the subject, "Anyway, to enter the banquet hall, you need to be invited in advance. I originally wanted to wait for your game to end before going to you, but I didn't expect to meet my previous client in the hotel. I helped her catch a bad guy who wanted to harm her, and that bad guy's accomplice wanted revenge on her because she hired me to investigate, those guys found out that she was doing odd jobs in the hotel, and they chased her to the hotel..."

While speaking, Miyano Shiho also cooperated and walked down the stairwell on the third floor.

"The client I'm talking about is her!" Kudo Shinichi looked at Miyano Shiho who was behind Mao Lilan, struggling with what name to say, "She is..."

Miyano Shiho was still wearing the hotel's dark blue uniform and baseball cap. Seeing Mao Lilan turned his head to look at him, he made up a pseudonym before Kudo Shinichi's introduction, and took the initiative to say hello, "Hello, I'm Haili."

"So that's how it is. When I got off the elevator, I saw you running this way. I thought... I'm Mao Lilan, please give me your advice." When Mao Lilan saw that the other party was a young and beautiful woman, she felt a little bit confused. I was apprehensive, but when I thought that a hard-working girl who worked part-time in a hotel was being targeted by a bad guy, I couldn't help feeling sympathetic, so I decided to ask clearly first, "Speaking of that bad guy's accomplice...why didn't you call the police? Officer Mu Mu and the others just left, if you If you want to get help, can't you go to them just now?"

Kudo Shinichi and Miyano Shiho looked at each other, and said in a solemn voice, "The problem is, we're not sure how many people came to take revenge on her... Uh, the bad guy I helped her catch is a member of a criminal gang , so the number of accomplices is more than one, they are all dangerous guys, I am not sure how many people came to retaliate against her, and there is no evidence that she will be in danger, although based on my relationship with Police Officer Mumu, as long as I mention Come out, Police Officer Megure will definitely help to search, but they can't waste too much police force for something that didn't happen and there is no evidence to prove that it will happen..."

"Then what should we do now?" Mao Lilan looked up and down the stairs, frowning and thinking, "As long as those people can be caught and thrown to the police, then the matter will be resolved, right? Then we Just try to lure them somewhere..."

"No!" Miyano Shiho stopped him, "That's too risky!"

"I'm also worried that those guys will be forced to hurt innocent people," Kudo Shinichi said hastily, "Xiao Lan, the top priority now is not to fight against them, but to find a way to ensure Hai... Haili's safety, and wait for us to escape Afterwards, I will track down their criminal evidence and let the police send people to arrest them, this is the best solution, right?"

Mao Lilan thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and looked at Kudo Shinichi, "You didn't plan to be brave this time, which really surprised me. I thought you had already considered how to catch people when you made your plan. Is it..."

Miyano Shiho glanced at Kudo Shinichi, but said nothing.

If he hadn't repeatedly felt the danger of the members of the organization, Kudo would probably not have regressed casually, and would definitely think that he would take care of self-protection, arresting people, and collecting evidence today.

In the face of crime, "ninja hand" is definitely not Kudo's style, but "bold" and "unsuspecting" are.

Even now, Kudo feels that after they have a certain chance of winning, they will definitely want to collect more clues.

"I want to change my style of doing things a little bit." Kudo Shinichi smiled deliberately, "As long as I can find evidence, the police will definitely have no problem arresting people. They are also better at catching criminals, and I can spare Wouldn't it be better to have time and brains to resolve other events?"

"Learning to cooperate is also a kind of growth." Mao Lilan smiled and expressed support and encouragement, and soon remembered that there was another person beside him, and quickly smiled at Miyano Shiho, "Sorry, I accidentally mentioned other things... So, what are you going to do? Do you want to find a room to hide for a while? Or..."

"I will contact the doctor and ask him to drive to the parking lot to pick us up. Haili will leave the hotel in his car. As for me..." Kudo Shinichi originally wanted to say that he would stay and check the situation, but seeing Mao Lilan's serious expression , quickly stopped talking, smiled and said, "Of course I will leave with you."

After Xiaolan gets into the car safely, he can use an anesthetic needle to put Xiaolan down, and then he doesn't have to restrain himself if he wants to investigate!

Outside the so hotel building, the police took Shou Meimei into a police car.

Of course, the TV station staff and newspaper reporters would not let go of the news. They gathered around the police car to take pictures and ask questions.

The light of police lights and flashing lights flickered, and the light was projected on the white exterior wall of the nearby church, and some light also passed through the large windows with patterns made of stained glass, making the interior of the unlit church sometimes bright and sometimes dark .

In the corridor behind the window, a middle-aged man in black walked quickly and lightly along the corner, holding a mobile phone in one hand and talking on the phone. When he turned the corner, he looked back at the police light on the window The projected light and shadow finally entered the darkness completely.

"A man in a dark green suit, not very old...yes, very young, his body doesn't look very strong..."

"Female, female? Well, it's not impossible, because I only saw masculine short black hair, so I subconsciously thought that the other party was a male, and I didn't confirm it..."

"Yeah, the other party is wearing a hat and lowering his head on purpose, I can't see his face clearly..."

"Women too... But there is nothing wrong with hair color, brown hair is rare in Japan..."

"I didn't see what it was that hit me, but I'm sure it wasn't a fist, it should be something like a ball..."

While talking, the man arrived in front of the chapel and looked back vigilantly at the dark aisle he had just passed. When he saw the colorful light flashing on the wall at the end, he felt that those colorful light spots were so colorful that his heart beat.

Just as the man looked behind him, a pistol protruded from the darkness behind the chapel door, and the muzzle with the suppressor was aimed at the man's head.


There was a flash of light from the muzzle of the gun, and a bullet pierced through the back of the man's head and forehead covered by the hat. The muffled sound echoed between the high dome of the chapel, and was soon replaced by the sound of the bullet hitting the wall.

The man fell to the ground with a plop, and the mobile phone in his hand fell beside him, and the display of [in call] on the screen immediately changed to [call ended].

A hand wearing a black glove stretched out from the darkness, picked up the mobile phone on the ground and put it away, and dropped a small bomb on the body.

The two people in the dark did not touch the corpse anymore, and walked straight outside the chapel.

"Brother, shooting in such a quiet church, even with a silencer, the sound is still very obvious, but at least it is far away from those windows, and there is no more suitable venue nearby than here. The reporters outside are so noisy. No one can hear the sound here, the chapel is constantly being visited by people during the day, and there are traces and footprints left by others everywhere, the police have no way to investigate anything based on the traces..."

While thinking about vodka, the two quickly walked through the dark corridor, turned the corner, and arrived at the corridor with large windows along the road.

There was still light on the windows, and the red, blue, and yellow glass looked very magnificent, but the beating red light of the police lights did not reflect on the glass anymore. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com

"It seems that the police have already withdrawn. Let me hurry up and contact Luke." Vodka looked at the light and shadow on the glass, took out his mobile phone and lowered his head to dial, and followed Gin to go out, "Brother, according to the architectural drawings sent by Luke, we As long as you exit from the side hall, you can enter through the disabled entrance of the hotel parking lot, right? Just don't know which way Shirley and the gang will choose..."

"Hmph... No matter which way they choose, they can't run away!" Gin Jiu looked up at the Celtic cross hanging on the wall in front of him, his eyes under the silver hair were extremely cold, and there was a bloodthirsty sneer on the corner of his mouth, "I am I hope they can go to the parking lot, compared to Luke, we can catch up with Shirley when we meet, so that she won't be too boring before she dies..."

"Gin Jiu, wake up, he has friends, and he won't feel bored without you to chat with."

On the side, the voice from the mobile phone was hoarse and unpleasant, with a hint of teasing in its tone.

Gin: "..."

Holding the phone, Vodka watched Gin's sinking face in embarrassment, "Brother, I want to remind you that the call is connected, but you were talking just now, I don't want to interrupt you..."

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