Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2472: YesorNo

"Conan: I Am Not a Snake Syndrome"

"But if it's not wasting food, would it be the definition of 'intemperate eating'?" Xiaomei continued to hide herself, only a secluded voice rang from the table, "Because Feichi will once Sexually eat a lot, eat until the stomach is bulging, the host did not show a big increase in appetite, it may be because this is the first day, the original sin characters have not affected you too much."

"I'm not eating without restraint," Feichi thought seriously, "For a snake, it's normal and healthy to eat a lot at a time, digest it at a time, and store energy for several days at a time. Way, of course, if a person eats food for several days at a time, it is indeed overeating..."

Chi Feichi also considered the possibility that Xiaomei said, and raised doubts, "But the first day when the character of the crime of laziness entered my body last time, as soon as I woke up, I was very tired, didn't have a good rest, and didn't want to get up. I didn’t feel hungry this morning, and I had breakfast just now, and I didn’t have any idea of ​​wanting to eat more. Even if the original sin characters didn’t have much impact at first, it wouldn’t have even the slightest impact Bar?"

"That's right," Xiaomei's voice showed a trace of confusion, "If you don't feel the slightest feeling of hunger, then it means something else... Could it be alcoholism?"

"It's possible that Feichi always took the opportunity to drink while knowing that he couldn't drink." Chi Feichi picked up the cup and took a sip of the iced blood. , or it may be greedy for pleasure, Feichi can make himself more happy than any creature, although I think it is content and happy, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with it, but this is based on the condition that I can raise it , it is a good thing for it, otherwise the pursuit of pleasure will affect its ability to survive."

"But master, if you are just looking for pleasure, then don't worry, right?" Feichi suggested cheerfully, "there is food and drink at home, and the master has savings, it doesn't matter if you play for a week or a month, we can go out and play together , to eat delicious food from all over the world, and to play with interesting toys and games all over the world!"

When Chi Feichi heard Feichi talking about toys and games, yearning and anticipation suddenly arose in his heart, and soon he felt a strange feeling in his heart. Not sure if it was because he really wanted to relax, he picked up the cup and took a sip of blood, thinking, "If it's that simple, then we can have fun for a while, do you have any good suggestions?"

"Well..." Feichi thought for a while, "I'm going to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes this afternoon, and I made an appointment with Mr. I and Conan are going to take notes today, and the children's camping activities have been postponed until tomorrow, didn't you invite us? Let's go too!"

"Well, I'll call the doctor later." Chi Feichi agreed, and lowered his head to sip his blood again.

There was something wrong with him.

He had already heard about this camping activity from Dr. Ali and the little devils, and he refused it at the time, but now he actually thinks it would be good to go for a trip.

The Boy Detectives would go camping every once in a while. He used to go with him, just looking for a place to relax. When he thought of camping just now, he thought of many camping activities, such as hunting birds in the mountains, chasing chickens in the village, and fishing in the water. , and the more I think about it, the more I long for tomorrow to come as soon as possible.

Is gluttony really a desire for pleasure? In other words, is the desire for pleasure just as simple as having a childlike innocence and a strong interest in playing?

He also hoped that this time it would be easier, really just having fun for a week, but his intuition was always warning him.

Could it be that I usually have little mood swings and am not used to this lighter mood than usual?

He couldn't figure out the situation for the time being, so he could only do things according to his own heart.

Anyway, he will be affected by the sin of gluttony in the future, so why not try to explore what the sin of gluttony is and which theological concept is more consistent with it.

That afternoon, Mori Kogoro took his daughter, Conan, and two apprentices to the Metropolitan Police Department to make notes.

The kidnapping incident last night originated from Mori Kogoro's first online commission. Conan was the kidnapped person. Mori Ran witnessed the whole process. Amuro Toru was both the witness and the person who stopped the blue car. There are many details that the four need to confirm.

In comparison, Chi Feichi, the person I ran into on the road, didn't have so many things to explain, but the middle-aged women and young women in the car at that time were all frightened by him. When describing the situation last night, he repeatedly mentioned Chi Feichi. Feichi's behavior and speech were abnormal, like a lunatic, so the police wanted to ask Chi Feichi to confirm what Chi Feichi saw and said that day.

On the one hand, this can be regarded as the witness testimony of this incident. On the other hand, if the two criminals who robbed the bank and killed two gangsters in a row, if they insisted that they were mentally stimulated by Chi Feichi and needed to be To go to the hospital for treatment, the police not only need a psychiatrist to issue a mental appraisal certificate, but also need a document to record what happened to the two people in detail. At that time, they knew what Chi Feichi said and did, except for those two people. Chi Feichi and Conan, the former is a party and the latter is a witness, both need a detailed statement.

In the No. 2 lounge, Chi Feichi and Shiratori Ren Sanlang sat alone at the table facing each other, and neither of them drank the water in the paper cup on the table.

"That is to say, Mr. Chi did say that Ms. Tekawa strangled or shot Conan to death, and you can pay her a large reward, right?" Shiratori Rensaburo asked seriously.

"That's right, but my original intention was to interfere with her, to see if I could create a chance to rescue Conan." Chi Feichi's expression did not fluctuate at all, appearing calm and open, "If it doesn't work, I can also restrain her attention, after all At that time, I didn't know why she held Conan hostage. If she held Conan hostage because she wanted to revenge Maori teacher or Conan's relatives, then she might kill Conan because of hatred. There was an annoying and troublesome person pestering her. It's also hard to focus back on Conan or Urakawa-san who was driving the car, those two would be safer, wouldn't they?"

How could he admit that he also thought about the ending of Conan being killed?

It would be terrible to be sent back to a mental hospital.

Fortunately, he can also say these high-sounding words, and he can say them logically.

Shiratori Ren Saburo nodded, bowed his head and finished recording, and asked again, "After that, you recognized the white Mazda driven by Mr. Is there a chance to intercept the prisoner?"

"That's right." Chi Feichi affirmed.

"Excuse me, did you negotiate before launching the rescue operation?" Shiratori Ren Saburo asked.

"No, but I recognized Amuro's car, and he kept honking the horn," Chi Feichi said, "I immediately guessed that he had a solution and signaled me to get out of the way, so I let his car drive to the front .”

"In fact, the deceleration behavior can prove that you were not in a state of mental abnormality and behavior out of control, and that you actively cooperated with the rescue of the hostages," Shiratori Ren Saburo continued to record, "so we also believe that you were in a normal state of mind at the time. , and didn’t intend to instigate others to kill Conan. When we confirmed what happened with Ms. Urakawa, she said that she didn’t know if you were deliberately attracting Ms. Tegawa’s attention for rescue purposes, and that you might really It's to save people... But this is really dangerous. You guys acted without discussing the rescue plan in advance. Fortunately, you slowed down and braked in time, so that you didn't crash into Mr. Amuro's car like Miss Urakawa's car, otherwise the car would He, Mr. Maori, and Miss Xiaolan will all be in danger."

"I won't hit you," Chi Feichi explained. "He honked his horn three times before overtaking. When I gave way to let him overtake, he honked twice. After the blue car pulled over to allow him to pass, he honked his horn twice, and before he was about to let the car cross the road, he honked his horn three times ahead of time..."

"Three times, two times..." Shiratori Ren Sanlang quickly recorded, and asked in bewilderment, "You guys used this method to convey information, right?"

"To be precise, he is the only one who is sending me information," Chi Feichi calmly explained, "it is the judgment message of 'yesorno', and the three horns represent 'いい元', which is composed of three pseudonyms, and English' No' means negation, as for the two sounds, 'はい' is composed of two pseudonyms, which means affirmation just like the English 'yes'."

"Then why can't it be two sounds for 'no' consisting of two English letters, and three sounds for 'yes' consisting of three English letters? Amuro seems to be the kind of person who prefers to use English..." Bai Tori Ren Saburo stared at the for a moment, then realized instantly, "I understand, he followed your car and honked three times before overtaking, to convey to you 'Don't block my way ' signal, and three horns as a 'you're wrong' signal of denial..."

"That's right, after overtaking, he honked his horn twice to express his affirmation of my behavior. Afterwards, Ms. Urakawa tried to pull over as much as possible to let him pass first, and he honked his horn twice again to say 'Yes. , That's it', expressing affirmation," Chi Feichi said, "Three signal transmissions are enough for me to understand that he is using a Japanese pseudonym."

"So that's how it is," Shiratori Ren Sanlang suddenly realized, "Finally, before he put the car on the road, he pressed the horn three more times, sending out a negative signal, which means 'you are wrong, stop immediately', implying that you stop, right?"

"That's right," Chi Feichi nodded, "Plus, he drove the car to the front..."

In the lounge next door, Toru Amuro, Mori and the others gathered together to take notes, and they were also answering the same question.

"...The consultant will definitely think of the possibility that I might forcibly stop that car. When I send out the 'no' denial signal, he will think that it means 'don't continue driving, stop'," Toru Amuro said in a soothing tone Said to Takagi, "Of course, even if he didn't think of this, when he received the denial signal, he would slow down the car because he thought about what his behavior was denied. When people face denial information, their attitude is always cautious. A little bit, isn't it? As long as he slows down the car in advance, he can stop the car in time near our car and never hit our car. "

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