Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2486: Is there a possibility

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Mao Lilan and Sera Zhenchun still kept surprised expressions and nodded repeatedly. Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but asked, "Sonoko, could it be that you made a mistake?" Mao Lilan also smiled dryly, "Don't make a fool of yourself!"

"Oh, I knew you didn't believe me," Sonoko Suzuki sighed pretentiously, but he couldn't hide the excitement on his face. "I'm not the only one who knows about this. Our school has already spread it secretly. You, Lan and Shiliang, are too slow to notice the undercurrent of a peaceful life....."

Hearing Suzuki Sonoko say that he was slow, Sera really recalled seriously, unconvinced, "Impossible, if many people in the school knew about it, everyone would have spread the word a long time ago, how could I not have heard the news!"

"Yonko, where did you hear the news?" Mao Lilan asked. Koshimizu Nanatsuki also looked at Suzuki Sonoko waiting for the answer, his mind spinning.

Could it be some strange rumor that Yuanzi misunderstood?

Or.... Someone saw Mr. Chi behaving intimately with other girls?

Suzuki Sonoko didn't care about other people's doubts at all, and said confidently, "I heard it from the new doctor himself! It was the official summer vacation day, and we finished school at ten o'clock in the morning. Didn't I have a stomachache at that time? After a trip to the bathroom, I wanted to go to the infirmary to see if the new doctor was still there. If he was there, I would ask him to bring me some medicine. The doctor was talking with a pure name student in the first year of high school, and I heard the new doctor say at that time."

As he spoke, Suzuki Sonoko smiled, lowered his voice and calmed down, trying to imitate Shinde Tomoaki's tone, "Feichi said he has a girlfriend, let me tell you, I'm sorry he can no longer accept gifts from everyone And the letter..." Mao Lilan was even more surprised.

If it was said by a new doctor, this matter is really possible...

"Could it be that Mr. Chi has been receiving letters and finds it too troublesome, so he let the new doctor say that?" Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help questioning, "You are so familiar with Mr. Chi, and you haven't heard of him. You've got a girlfriend, haven't you?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki: "...." This seems to be her fault.

She had discussed with Mr. Chi before that they don't need to deliberately publicize or conceal their relationship, just tell others when they ask.

Logically speaking, she should have told Yuanzi and Xiaolan, but she has never been embarrassed to say so.

"It's not impossible what you said, but everyone is serious," Sonoko Suzuki said happily, "The new doctor seems to have said that to more than one girl. Many people in our Didan High School already know about it. Even though it was a holiday, they still established a chat group with more than a hundred people, all of them are people who know about this matter, of course I am also in it..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki: "...."

Can gossip groups gather so many people?

"Just yesterday, a few girls in there decided to investigate who Brother Feichi is dating, and the others are also very curious, so naturally they won't object..." Sonoko Suzuki asked Mao Lilan curiously , "Xiaolan, they said they called you, didn't you receive the call?"

"Yesterday, a classmate in my class did call and asked me something about Brother Feichi, such as whether I have ever been in a relationship, what type of girl I like, whether I have said that I am looking forward to a holy place for dating, etc. "Mao Lilan thought back, "I thought she was just here to inquire about Brother Feichi's preferences, because some people came to me to ask this kind of question before, and more than one person asked me, so I didn't think much about it... ..”

"How did you tell them?" Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously.

"I don't know if he has ever been in love, I haven't heard of it," Mao Lilan recalled earnestly, "I don't know what type of girl he likes, I just heard him tell Yuanzi that he likes good-looking girls, I don't know which dating place he yearns for , I haven’t heard him say it, but Feichi is the only one who likes video games and horror movies, I can answer that for sure, and I can’t answer the others.”

"Why didn't they ask Xiaolan directly, did Mr. Chi have a girlfriend?" Shiliang Zhenchun asked doubtfully, "So

Isn't it more convenient and faster? And the answer might be more accurate too. "

"Because Xiaolan is the target of their suspicion," Suzuki Sonoko gloated, "Until Xiaolan's suspicion is ruled out, they will never tell Xiaolan directly! Those who participated in the investigation are all people who like Brother Feichi very much, They must want to know what kind of girl bewitched Brother Feichi, then caught him and tortured him viciously...It was also to make Xiaolan tell the truth, so they deliberately concealed their real purpose from Xiaolan !"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "...." Bewitching shouldn't be called that, right?

And hearing what Yuanzi said, it seemed that she would die if she was found out.

That's fine, she's still worried that a girl will cry to her, and she will feel a little guilty, but if it's malicious towards her, she won't panic.

"Yuanzi, you are exaggerating," Mao Lilan said with a helpless smile, "I think they just want to know who that person is. If they don't know who that person is, they will probably feel unwilling. After they know, And they'll let themselves go."

"Who knows," Sonoko Suzuki said with emotion, not paying much attention to the motives of those people, "From what they said yesterday, Xiaolan didn't seem to know much, so I ruled out the suspicion, so I can tell you this too. The past few days have really suffocated me!"

"They haven't called me yet," Sera Masumi pointed at himself, and asked, "You told me about it now, so it doesn't matter?"

"It's okay!" Suzuki Sonoko waved his hand disapprovingly, "Because it's impossible for you, Shiliang, and you are not very familiar with Brother Feichi. They never suspected you at the beginning, and they wouldn't call you, so I It’s okay to tell you!”

"What do you mean it's impossible for me?" Shiliang Zhenchun said in disbelief, "It's too contemptuous!"

"What about me?" Nanatsuki Koshimi asked, "Sonoko, do you think you can tell me about this?" Mao Lilan looked at Nanatsuki Koshimi thoughtfully.

Wait, doesn't Miss Nanatsu like Brother Feichi? Her previous feeling should be right. Hearing that Brother Feichi has a girlfriend, Miss Nanatsuki shouldn't have reacted so calmly, right?

"It's really risky to tell you," Suzuki Sonoko nodded solemnly, instigating Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "Miss Nanatsuki, please don't tell Brother Feichi about this, if you tell, we can't handle it I can’t find that person, so you’re also curious about who that person is?”

Koshimizu Nanatsuki: "...."

Is there a possibility that she is not really curious?

Mao Lilan saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki's face was speechless, neither curious nor frustrated at all, she became more and more sure that her guess was correct, and couldn't help reminding, "Sonoko, is Miss Nanatsuki not suspected?"

"To tell you the truth, they asked me for the list of suspects," Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile, "I told them the names of all the women I know that Brother Feichi often contacts!"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu, Ran Mori, Masumi Sera: "...."

Does this count as selling Mr. Chi/Brother Feichi backhandedly?

"I don't know much about it. There are artists from the company, Nanatsuki-san and Xiaolan. I even mentioned Azusa-san to them, but I think Xiaolan is the least suspicious. She likes Kudo Xinyi is a reasoning freak, although I think Brother Feichi is no worse than that guy, but it's hard to say clearly about the relationship. Xiaolan and Brother Feichi have been in contact for so long, and they obviously don't call, so it must not be Xiaolan. Lan, "Suzuki Sonoko put on" "I'm serious" analysis, "Miss Nanatsuki is also impossible, she has been in contact with Brother Feichi for a while, and Brother Feichi is upstairs and upstairs in the same house as her I've lived here before, but they haven't had any intimacy until now, no matter how you think about it, it can't be Nanatsuki-san..."

Mao Lilan: "..."

It makes sense.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki: "...." There is no way to refute.

"So the biggest problem now is that I don't know who that woman will be," Suzuki Sonoko rubbed his chin with his right hand, frowning and thinking, "Brother Feichi has a lot of women, but it seems that no one is particularly close to him."


Nanatsuki Mizuki felt that Sonoko Suzuki did not regard herself as a woman, and asked quietly, "We live in the same house and share the toilet and bathroom, isn't that considered close?"

Sera Masumi looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki, her eyes widened.

There are a lot of co-renters, and it’s not unusual for men and women to live in the same house, but if they share the toilet and bathroom... Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a moment, "But Brother Feichi rarely lives there, right? Only occasionally one night."

Sera Masumi relaxed a little.

If one party occasionally stays for one night, the two can stagger the bathing time....

Nanatsuki Koshimizu was also seriously thinking about it, "Then...when one party is taking a bath, can the other party stand outside the door and chat?" Mao Lilan smiled and said, "If two people are not related by blood, they are definitely very close Only those who can do it!"

Sera Masumi thought about it and agreed, "If it's not something urgent or important to discuss, but just chatting, then it's considered intimacy..."

"In addition, both parties have confirmed their relationship?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked again.

Mao Lilan's eyes lit up, unable to resist the urge to gossip in her heart, she looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu and asked, "Are you guys really in a formal relationship? When did it start?"

"It hasn't been long..." Nanatsuki Koshimi felt a little embarrassed when asked by Mao Lilan It started about two weeks ago. "Suzuki Sonoko was a little confused, "What are you talking about...who, who?"

"It's Mr. Chi and Miss Nanatsuki." Shiliang Zhenchun also understood it completely, and couldn't help laughing, "Actually, I quite like Mr. Chi, I admire him very much, and I really want to know what kind of person he is. I didn’t expect that there would be no chance at all.”

"Ah?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki was a little surprised, seeing Sera Masumi's frank and innocent appearance, not sure if Sera Masumi was teasing herself on purpose.

"Hey, aren't you too receptive?" Suzuki Sonoko said incoherently, "It turns out that Brother Feichi really has a girlfriend. I thought he and the new doctor were lying, and the date was seven. Miss Nanatsuki, how can you be so calm, and Miss Nanatsuki, don't tell us such a big thing...

"Sonoko, you are too slow." Mao Lilan felt helpless, "I have already seen that Nanatsuki likes Brother Feichi, and Feichi has always taken care of Nanatsuki, hasn't he?"

"And they're not kids anymore, it's normal to fall in love!" Sera Masumi laughed.

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