Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2496: It's not the first time

The old lady of the Orange family thanked Chi Feichi, Dr. A Li and others gently, "Of course, I also want to thank you for your troubles on this matter. Thank you very much!" "Where," Dr. A Li smiled embarrassedly, "This time we were able to find Ms. Nanase, Master Xiaomo and Mr. Kuroki in the whole world, but we couldn't help much."

"Anyway, I am very grateful for your kind help." The old lady of the Orange family smiled. Feimo behaved obediently and politely, "Also, just call me Xiaomo from now on."

Conan thought that he really didn't have a chance to perform this time, so he couldn't help looking at Chi Feichi.

Hattori participated in the investigation before anyway, he just added soy sauce, while brother Chi didn't even add soy sauce. Although Brother Chi was at the bottom, he still couldn't be happy.

After all, their detective team wins and loses.

What made him even more helpless was that he found that brother Chi's role in one matter would jump between full and zero points, and the score all depended on his mental state and whether he was not interested in the things around him.


That night.

The group of people who returned to the camp ground brushed their teeth, rinsed their mouths, boiled water to wash their faces, and did not return to the tent to pack until twelve o'clock in the morning.

The original arrangement was to let the two girls, Yanhara Ai and Ayumi, live in a small tent, but Ayumi wanted to chat before going to bed, and Genta was too sleepy to take a nap, so the sleepy Dr. Ali brought the sleepy Genta Go live in a small tent.

Chi Feichi was in charge of taking care of the remaining four little ghosts who still had the energy to chat, and he didn't feel any pressure. He gathered the people in the big tent, closed the tent door, distributed the thin blankets, and let the four children open up to chat.

"Xiao Ai, this is for you!" Ayumi gave a puppet toy to Haibara Ai, hugged the other puppet herself, and rested her chin on the doll's head, "We seem to have forgotten to ask about Xiaoshu's situation."

"But I really didn't expect that Xiaoshu's elder brother is actually a student of our Didan Primary School," Guangyan sat around, with no trace of sleepiness on his face, his eyes sparkling, "He looks like a smart and very A person with self-cultivation, if we have time in the future, we can also go to him in school.”

Chi Feichi didn't participate in the children's night talk. He lowered the brightness of the camping lights, tidied up the books in the corner, pulled the thin blanket and lay down, staring at the top of the tent.

Judging from the current situation, he should have three different states during the experience period of the crime of gluttony. The first is the "hunger period", the key words are spiritual lack, hunger, and unquenchable thirst.

The second is the "eating period", the key words are frenzy, agitation, and desire for more satisfaction. The third is the "digestion period", the key words are static, flat, and boring.

During the sin of gluttony experience period, his state will continue to cycle in the order of "hunger-eating-digestion-hunger-eating-digestion'. For him, the digestion period should be the most comfortable period of time.

Since time travel, his mood swings in life have not been big, and the intense emotions disappeared quickly. The digestion period is very close to his usual state, and he can easily adapt without feeling uncomfortable.

When the hunger period comes, his heart will slowly become restless, and he is eager to do something crazy and exciting, no matter what it is.

Tonight, before dinner started, he had the urge to "make trouble" in his heart, and it hasn't subsided until now.

Under the feeling of longing, his heartbeat seemed to be a little faster than usual, so that he would not fall into fatigue, and always feel the restlessness in his heart clearly.

The duration of the starvation period depends on when he lets himself 'feed'.

"Once eating' starts, he has to eat to a certain extent before he can stop, and if there is a slight stagnation during this period, he will feel more serious dissatisfaction.

Just like drinking last night, he can only maintain psychological satisfaction when he sees people getting drunk one after another. If he didn't trick Amuro Toru to accompany him for a drink, he will definitely feel more dissatisfied in his heart. I can't sleep well.

It is not wrong for human beings to pursue spiritual satisfaction, but most of the spiritual food needed for the crime of gluttony must be effective in the short term, either harming people or

If he hurt himself, he must be cautious.

Furthermore, who can guarantee that his appetite will not get bigger and bigger?

Gambling, alcoholism, and drug abuse, which symbolize the sin of gluttony, are all addictive behaviors that tend to escalate and become more and more serious.

There may be the synergy of the sin of greed or other original sins, and there may be reasons for the increase in physical resistance, but there will also be the motivation brought by the spirit's constant desire for stimulation and satisfaction.

He is not in a hurry to let himself enter the eating period tonight. One is because of the environmental restrictions, he has to bully the children if he wants to do something, and the other is that he is worried that he will enter the eating period too many times, which will increase his appetite.

In the end, he decided to hold on and try to see if he could survive the starvation period directly...

"Brother Chi, are you okay?" Conan's face appeared in front of Chi Feichi's eyes, "After arriving at Tachibana's house, you don't seem to care much about the things around you, even Miss Nanase's kidnapping, you It doesn’t seem like you paid much attention.”

Mitsuhiko also probed and cared, "Brother Chi, is there something wrong with your body?"

"Do you still feel that you are not interested in many things?" Hui Yuanai also gathered around Chi Feichi, observing Chi Feichi's face in the dim light. "If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell us in time." Ayumi said hurriedly.

Chi Feichi looked at the four faces in front of him, feeling that he couldn't deny his irrelevant attitude tonight, so he quickly looked away, "It's not the first time." Hui Yuanai: "... ..."


Although this is not the first time, mental illness is not something that can be 'get used to', right?

"Then..." Conan stabilized his mind and tried not to be distracted, "Then do you want to take medicine? Huiyuan should have brought medicine." "Don't take it," Chi Fei Chi closed his eyes, and endured the restlessness in his heart, "Taking and stopping the medicine is very troublesome."

"This decision was within my expectations," Hui Yuan Ai thought that he couldn't make Chi Feichi feel more disgusted with taking medicine, so he didn't try to persuade him any more, "Then wait until you wake up tomorrow. If the situation improves tomorrow, then there is no need to take medicine anymore, but if the situation worsens tomorrow, I believe you can contact Dr. Fukuyama in time or take medicine to control it yourself, right? Brother Feichi?"

"Of course." Chi Feichi replied decisively.

Hui Yuanai thought of Chi Feichi's behavior of seeking medical treatment and taking medicine on time last time, and felt that her brother should be reasonable, so she nodded and said to the other three, "Then let's go to bed too."

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi lay down obediently, and pulled the blanket over them.

Conan waited for the other three to fall asleep, reached out and turned off the camping light, and then lay down next to Chi Feichi. In the darkness, Chi Feichi's calm voice suddenly came out.

"Conan, I found a problem."

Conan felt a chill behind him, and wrapped the blanket tightly, "What, what?"

Chi Feichi opened his eyes, adapting to the dim environment after lights out, "Sometimes you forget to take off your glasses when you sleep."

Conan froze for a moment, raised his hand to touch his glasses, took them off, and put them next to the pillow, "Yeah...sometimes I forget." Chi Feichi didn't continue the topic, "You want to Listen to a bedtime story?"

Conan: ..."

The topic jumps too fast.

"Brother Feichi, you can't sleep, can you?" Hui Yuanai saw through the essence. Chi Feichi didn't hide anything, "A little bit."

His heartbeat was faster than normal, faster than a human would fall asleep, and although the lack of fastness was obvious, it also made it difficult for him to fall asleep. "Then let's listen to the story!" Ayumi said expectantly.

Mitsuhiko also looked forward to it, "It doesn't matter what story Brother Chi says. Conan immediately warned, "Except for horror stories, everything else is fine." Haibara Ai: .. "

Isn't the point now that brother Feichi is suspected of insomnia?

Forget it, let's tell stories, let Feichi tell a story, maybe Feichi can fall asleep.

"Then let me tell you something..." Chi Feichi thought of a story in "Bi Xiaoxin", "The story of ordinary Taro, a long, long time

Once upon a time, in an ordinary place, there lived a man named Bantaro...」

After running all day during the day, the child's energy was already exhausted. Lying in a dark and warm environment, listening to a male voice with a calm tone talking about something that doesn't require thinking and will not cause too much trouble. The story of emotional fluctuations, the eyelids began to sink.

Mitsuhiko: "What a strange name." Ayumi: "Shh...

Chi Feichi: "One day, Ordinary Taro heard that there was a ghost who had been bullying the people in the town... Conan lifted his spirits a little, "Didn't it be agreed that we won't tell horror stories?"

"It's not a horror story," Chi Feichi said, "Ordinary Taro has heard such a legend, but he is just an ordinary child, he grew up in an ordinary way, he got married in an ordinary way, and lived an ordinary life. Life is really gratifying.”


Ayumi and Mitsuhiko slowed down their breathing and fell asleep.

Although Conan's eyelids were heavy, he still laughed in his heart that the child was fast asleep, and he asked vigorously, "This is too ordinary, how can you say it's gratifying?"

"Sometimes people want to live an ordinary life, but it's not so easy to do it. There are so many accidents, tribulations, and pains in life. It is a good thing to be congratulated if you can pass your life smoothly," Chi Feichi said. After a pause, "But people are restless. When life is calm and unchanging, people will feel pain because of it. At that time, even suffering will become the spiritual food for that person to confirm that he is still alive... ··」

"That's right," Conan also expressed his life emotion, "Probably as everyone said, people always envy another kind of life. UU Reading" Haibara Ai heard the two start Talking about life perception, I closed my eyes speechlessly.

Let's chat these two slowly, she can't stand it anymore.

"What kind of life does Brother Chi like?" Conan asked curiously. "Blandness is tormenting."

"Me too, although there may be many setbacks and troubles, but I still like a challenging life, if life remains the same, I will definitely go crazy...

Not long after, Conan fell into a deep sleep.

Even Feichi didn't hold back, and spit sweetly on Chi Feichi's chest.

With his eyes closed, Chi Feichi connected to the Ark with his left eye, frantically scrolling through Umbrella's recent status report and recent programming knowledge.

The agitation in his heart is like a child who is idle and crying for hunger, and what he is doing now is to regard work and study as the only food, and roughly stuff it into the mouth of that stinky brat.

Not hungry?

Eat quickly, give him to eat frequently!

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