Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 256: Multi-party confirmation

"Kuidou is taking an exam recently, and there is no action," Feimo jumped to the table and said, "The crows have not found the organization's activities, and they can't find any traces of them for the time being."

"Continue to stare, he must be restless after the exam, let's go on vacation first..."

Chi Feichi looked down, and after seeing the name of the hotel with the free hospitality coupon on the table, his eyes paused.

Wufeng Hotel?

At the banquet two years ago, he also met the president of Wufeng Hotel.

Siquan Senior Five.

A man in his fifties or sixties, well maintained, looks like a man in his forties.

The reason why he was impressed was because his father's secretary had specifically mentioned to him that this person was not clean.

There are some things that outsiders don't know, but Zhenchi Group has purchased land with Siquan Dawu before, and has specially known this person.

After Siquan Dawu aimed at some people's good cars and real estate, he instigated the other party's children and family members to sell it at a low price, or released bad news, and then bought it at a low price when the other party felt that the value of the things was depreciated.

What's more, some of the owners of those things will suddenly destroy valuable things, and some will start to indulge in gambling or buy lottery tickets. Funds to buy things, or outright mortgage loans, and finally get things in hand.

At that time, Siquan drank too much, and talked to the person in charge of negotiating affairs in the group. The real estate in his hands has been around for more than 30 years, big and small, some depreciated, some appreciated, He almost forgot how much land he had taken. However, some of the registration information was too vague to be sold through formal channels, and some dark channels were too dark. He did not have enough funds to develop them, just like chicken ribs Same.

Now, the tasteless rib in Siquan's eyes has become a 'treasure' in Chi Feichi's eyes.

He wanted to find two more safe houses, but he just didn't know where to start. He could afford the land, but it was easy to find. The hospitality coupon given by Maorilan reminded him of this person.

This type of property with vague information is the best safe house.

A temporary location is fine, even if it is temporarily occupying someone else's place, but if you need a little more stability, you must determine who the original owner of the property is.

These houses are not easy to transfer, and it is difficult to obtain permission to start construction, but some agreements have been signed, the kind that can be won in a lawsuit.

If after the occupation, the original owner is still alive, or if someone is found to be occupied, it will be troublesome to find them and make trouble.

"Master, what's the matter?" Feichijian Chi Feichi stopped halfway through speaking and looked at the table.

Chi Feichi picked up the reception ticket and looked at the date on it. He remembered that today was July 25th, so...

If the calculation fails, give up directly.

"How many days until July 3?"

"July 3rd is the day after tomorrow." Feichi answered proactively, sighing inwardly.

Feimo couldn't bear to look at Chi Feichi again. He was in a complicated mood. He didn't know whether to sympathize or feel sad. Without them, how would the master live...

"Are there two more days..."

Chi Feichi turned his head and looked at the scorching sun outside.

Forget it, wait until the sun goes down.

This time, Conan will also go to the Kaifeng Hotel. Compared with the plot in his memory, it should be the case of the supercar trap. The murderer killed the person because his sports car was cheated.

If nothing else, the Big Five of Temple Quan is dead.

If there is an accident, the fifth of the temple springs will not survive.

His involvement may save the victim of the case or cause other accidents. The more people the deceased offends, the stronger the 'rebound'.

That is to say, he must get the appropriate real estate before July 3, otherwise, when the fifth of Siquan dies, even if all walks of life cooperate to count the assets, I am afraid that some of the real estate will not be found, so it will be abandoned.

Do you want to bring the organization?

If he wants to build a safe house, it is necessary to say something, but if he has information but does not tell the organization, let the organization miss useful things in vain, and it will be troublesome to be known in the future.

It's better to take the opportunity to brush some achievements...

Chi Feichi thought about it and sent an email to that person:

[There is a lot of information about real estate with vague information. I can't use that much. Does the organization need it? ——Raki]

The reply was quick and concise: [you contact Jinjiu yourself]

The answer did not surprise him.

That one only determines one goal, such as ensuring the progress of a certain research, and in the process of achieving this goal, how many laboratories are needed and when to replace them are things they should consider.

He sent an email, just to report in advance.

There are also some systems in the organization:

First, report in advance.

Private actions, no matter what you do, but actions related to the organization must be reported.

The actions of the core members are arranged by the action commander, and there is no reporting situation, but if an individual discovers something or wants to carry out an action related to the organization, it is generally reported to the action commander.

And the commander of the action is the one who is in direct contact. If you want to arrange an action, you must report to that one.

Even if he knew that the one didn't care about this, he would have to say something to let that one know what he wanted to do.

Second, multi-party confirmation.

For most of the external operations of the organization, you can collect information alone, but when you operate, you need two or more members to participate together. There may only be one person who does it, but at least two insiders are required.

That one will occasionally intervene, comparing two or more answers to see what they are doing.

For Belmod and him, who have the right to act freely, some small actions can be solved by themselves, but others are basically multiple members participating in a certain action.

In the future, that kid Amuro will take Belmod's secret and threaten Belmod to "cooperate with him", not only to ask Belmod to help him disguise, but also to achieve the condition of "multi-party confirmation".

Belmod has the right to act freely, and he can investigate what he wants. As long as two people speak the same voice and say that they are investigating something, or Belmod asks Bourbon to cooperate with her investigation and achieves the conditions for action, there will be a large number of people. Time to make small moves, to check things that have nothing to do with the organization, or two people to plan their own actions.

This system is not only to ensure that members of the organization do not mess around, but also to be safe.

For each action, the action party and the responder must be arranged in different positions. If an accident occurs to one of them, at least one other person will understand the situation, so that they will not be smeared, and why even if someone dies? The dead don't know.

And the real estate involves security issues, which is not his business alone. Starting from action planning, he had better discuss it with Jinjiu or other members. Before reaching the goal, keep in touch to make sure that neither side has made any small moves.

Chi Fei thought for a while, and then sent Jin Jiu an email with the same content:

[There is a lot of real estate information with vague information, I can't use that much, do you want it? ——Raki]

[Let's talk at night. ——Gin]

【recently, I am busy? ——Raki]

【The weather is hot. ——Gin]

Chi Feichi: "..."

Well, it looks like he's not alone in hiding from the sun, Gin is hiding too.

I think so, in this weather, wearing black clothes and walking under the sun will definitely make people understand what it means to be desperately hot...

Exactly, take advantage of the time before the sun goes down to deal with the skin that is not red.

Chi Feichi put Feichi on the sofa, went to get the snake skin in the glass box, found the glass bottle, and collected half of his venom.

On the bedroom cabinet, five palm-sized glass bottles were placed in a row, and they were full of venom.

The venom doesn't seem to be used, and it's too wasteful not to take it, so I can only save it like this.

Consider selling Venom?

Forget it, it's the same as raising poisonous snakes to get venom, except that he raises himself to get venom...


After the sun went down, the heat in the air slowly subsided.

Chi Feichi just went out. He went to the farm to get a fish for Feichi. When he was buying ingredients, he bought pears for Feimo and some fruits. He went home to cook and asked about the two pets. Do you want to go with him.

Fei Chi naturally followed.

Fei Mo Jian probably didn't need his own help to investigate the situation tonight, so he didn't plan to follow.

Not long after the meal, Jin Jiu called.


"See you in Yamato-cho in an hour, and contact us when we arrive."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Chi Feichi took Feichi out and drove to Yamato Town.

After arriving, confirming the specific meeting place is also for safety reasons, so as to prevent one party from premeditated and first arrive at the destination to do tricks.

In the case of one party arriving first, it will only be that the sniper will go to the vicinity of the event site to investigate first.

There was once a sniper who arrived at the destination about an hour before Gin arrived, brought a group of FBI in an ambush, and told Gin: It's safe, no problem, come here!

That's right, that guy is Shuichi Akai.

That person said these things specially when he introduced the situation to him.

When the undercover agent Akai Shuichi was in the organization, he acted neatly and had excellent knowledge. Before the action, he noticed the abnormality many times and helped the organization members to evacuate safely. In addition, he also 'cleaned up' Scotch whisky, which gained a certain degree of trust.

The members of the organization who have cleaned up undercover can basically be reused.

So suddenly throwing the trap out, changing the ordinary person, I am afraid that I really have to be tricked.

But unfortunately, when it comes to its own safety, Gin also likes to play 'multi-party confirmation', allowing multiple members to confirm whether the destination is safe, so they discovered the FBI's ambush.

The last time he went to, when the sniper would arrive some time before him, he also asked the peripheral members to check the situation near the sniper and to check whether the sniper was lying.

After all, "the core members can't be trusted," as the one said, multiple confirmations are necessary. Since it is possible to transfer people, it is a matter of sending an email or making a phone call.

For Gin, this has probably become a prudent action charter. Not to mention Shuichi Akai has only been lurking for a few years, even if it has been lurking for ten or twenty years, no matter how good the relationship with Gin is, the more credible the performance is. , Gin will continue this set of action regulations.

When they arrived in Yamato-cho, after the two contacted, the two cars drove to a street, left the street one after another, and parked in a secluded place with a wide view.

This way, there is basically no situation of being tracked or ambushed.

Gin didn't bring vodka. He drove alone. After getting out of the car, he asked directly, "What's the situation?"

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