Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 376: The writing is not very good

After that, the police investigated the belongings of the person who came to the wake.

According to the current situation, the murderer took Naoko Heijiang's dugong arrow, but after investigation, among the people present, the only ones with dugong arrows on their bodies were Yuan Shan and Yehanmenwaki Benzo. .

Hattori Heiji talked to a policeman for a few words, then walked over to Conan and sat down, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, I have asked the police to help us find Brother Feichi. Do you have any clues?"

"Not at all," Conan said with a solemn expression, and he had no appetite for food at all. "At present, only the murdered Miss Sumi Eirahara, Miss Heijiang Naoko, and the missing Kadowaki Sa..."

Hattori Heiji saw Conan paused and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered the incident of Ye Caisan last time, 'the gang'..." Conan wanted to laugh a little, but he couldn't. "Cough, do you remember?"

Hattori Heiji was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood.

That time, after hearing the names of those people, Conan teased that Chi Feichi was a 'gang' with those people.

The crab river and the rock shell are all creatures in the sea and have something to do with water, and Chi Feichi's name also has water.

Speaking of which, the victims and missing persons this time are the same, Hai, Jiang, Sha... and Chi Feichi's 'chi', all together!

Brother Fei Chi is rushing with the water criminals... eh? Wait, what does this have to do with this incident?

"Hey, do you think the name is the motive for murder?"

"How is that possible," Conan Banyueyan, "I just suddenly remembered that it was a coincidence that Brother Chi was also attacked by the murderer."

Hattori Heiji was even more speechless, what else did he say that had nothing to do with the matter?

But thinking of Chi Feichi's treasure chest-like pocket last time, he suddenly felt more at ease.

As long as Brother Fei Chi's problems haven't changed, even if he falls into the sea again this time, it should be fine.

Conan became serious, "Apart from Brother Chi, they all seem to believe in the power of that fate, and they are also very obsessed with the arrow of the dugong. This degree of obsession is really surprising..."

"Yeah, the matter of Brother Fei cannot be included in it," Hattori Heiji couldn't help but look at Kadowaki Benzo, who was sitting there eating and drinking, "I also think the three of them were killed because they were involved in the dugong arrow. Or being forced to flee, but just like this, there is still no way to know who got the number plate..."

"No," said Shimabukuro-kunhui, who heard the two murmuring beside him, "that's for sure!"

"Huh?" Hattori Heiji looked over immediately.

"In order not to get the number plate wrong, everyone will write their names on the roster every year. This time, because a lot of things happened, I didn't have time to check the winners," Shimabukuro Junhui explained, standing up and asking Said, "Do you want to go and see that roster?"

Although Chi Feichi was still at her house, it was very risky to bring these people home, but she wanted to get rid of the suspicion as soon as possible.

Also... According to the dosage of the medicine she gave, Chi Fei woke up soon, she had to go to "replenish" the effect of the medicine, she should not die after starving for two days, but, do you want to feed me some water?

"Of course!" Hattori Heiji quickly agreed.

When a group of people went out, it was rare for Maori Xiaogoro not to drink too much, mainly because when he saw the wine, he remembered the Maotai left by Chi Feichi last night, and also remembered that his eldest disciple was still missing, and suddenly he couldn't drink anymore.

"I said, is that kid Feichi still unable to get through?"

"Well, I've already called," Hattori Heiji said. "We'll go to the roster later and go back to the hotel to see if he's back."


In the back, Fukuyama Lulang called out to stop Shimabukuro Junhui, "I know the timing is not right, but can you think about what I said... I'm very serious."

"No," said Shimabukuro Junhui softly, "Not only will I be sorry for Shoumei who died, but I have a great-grandmother to take care of, so it is impossible for me to leave this island... I'm sorry."

"You...are you..."

Fukuyama Lulang was hesitant to speak, but in the end he didn't say any more and turned to leave.

Outside the door, Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other.

At present, Kadowaki Benzo and Fukuyama Lulang are both suspected.

Kadowaki Benzo was suspected of having the number plate on it. Eirahara Sumi should have drawn the arrow of the dugong, but after the death of Eirahara Sumi, the people who took the brand to get the arrow, apart from Yuan Shan and Ye, were Heijiang Naoko, Kadowaki Benzo.

One of the two people probably killed Eirahara Sumi, took the number plate, and pretended to be the arrow of the dugong.

And Chi Feichi has contacted Kadowaki Benzo, and the root cause of the disappearance may also be here.

As for Fukuyama Lurou...

They told Chi Feichi last night that Fukuyama Lulang doesn't like his fiancee Eirahara Sumi. From last night until now, it seems that Fukuyama Lulang likes Shimabukuro Junhui, and Shimabukuro Junhui loves Fukuyama Lulang. It doesn't mean that.

Then, Chi Feichi may not have found anything, just because of Shimabukuro Junhui's attitude, he was called out by Fukuyama Lulang...


Island bag home.

Hattori Heiji's previous conjecture came true.

Chi Feichi was nibbling on compressed biscuits while chatting with Jinjiu on the organization's online platform.

Why is there such a thing as dry food on him?

Going out, in case of an accident, trapped somewhere and starved to death...

In fact, if he wants to go out, it is very easy, and he has the tools to pry the door, but he is too lazy to go out.

[In other words, now you are pretending to be attacked by this prisoner, but you are actually hiding in the warehouse and watching secretly? You don't worry about your miscalculation and getting killed! ——Gin]

[Even if I miscalculated and was brought down by her, it is unlikely that she would kill anyone. She had no time. She was busy going to the wake before, and then the group of detectives would keep staring at her. After killing me, there was no time to deal with the body, unless Asked me to go up the mountain in the first place, but if she did, I wouldn't eat anything she handed me, and in the end she was the unlucky one—Raki]

From the small window above, a seagull flew in, grabbing a bottle of mineral water from somewhere in its claws.

"Thank you." Chi Feichi unscrewed the bottle cap and drank the water, then handed the bottle and the bag of compressed biscuits to the seagull, and asked the seagull to take it out to destroy, and continued to read the reply of the gin.

[It turned out to be fearless, but you can see this when you see the water vapor in the bathroom. You are really sharp enough, is the computer battery enough? Monitoring can not be interrupted. ——Gin]

[Don't worry, there is a power socket in the house, the power has been full before, but I guess she is coming back soon, in order to prevent her from finding the socket hot, I have already pulled it out. ——Raki]

Gin was a little speechless.

Luck is really boring enough to play like this with other prisoners...

【How is that woman? From your description, he is a very attentive person. ——Gin]

【He is kind and soft-hearted, and he will be planted soon. ——Raki]

[You are very confident in your teacher. ——Gin]

Two more seagulls flew in, with a small digital camera in one of its paws.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Chi Feichi took over the camera, which he bought by the way when he was changing clothes in the department store before he came.

The roster used to take the registration for the Mermaid Island celebration.

These seagulls know which room the roster is placed in. Trying to open the drawer and open the cabinet should be no problem. Taking pictures is a bit difficult, but after teaching it twice and letting multiple seagulls cooperate, they should be able to use the camera.

Originally, he just let the seagulls try it. If it couldn't work, he slipped out to shoot by himself, but now it seems that the shooting is not bad.

Connect the camera to the computer, pick out a photo, and send it to Gin.

[Not only my teacher, but also a high school student detective Hattori Heiji, she can't run... By the way, look at this... (photo) - Raki]

On the photo is a page of the roster with Miyano Shiho's name on it.

After a while, Gin replied:

[Three years ago, after the story of the longevity woman was widely reported, Sherry wanted to see it for drug research, and I went with vodka. ——Gin]

After Shirley defected, information such as her original name was made public in the organization.

Chi Feichi also knew.

Jinjiu reminded Chi Feichi that this matter was not Shirley's private action, no need to check, Shirley has no connection with Mermaid Island, so she shouldn't go to Mermaid Island.

So as not to think that Chi Feichi has got some clues and waste time to investigate.

When Jin Jiu wanted to come, Chi Feichi took a photo and sent it to him, probably wanting to confirm with him.

【You and vodka also came here? which name? ——Raki]

【Kurozawajin and Uozuka Saburo, is there any problem with the names? You don't think we'll use our real names, do you? ——Gin]

[It doesn't matter if it's your real name, I won't investigate you, I just didn't expect you to participate in this kind of activity...——Raki]

Only those who bought a number plate and participated in the dugong arrow pumping activity need to write their name on it.

In other words, gin, vodka, and Shirley have all bought number plates...

Gin's face in Tokyo is a little dark.

Why did he think Chi Feichi ran to collect his black history?

【Can't you? ——Gin]

[Okay, but to be honest, your handwriting is not very good-looking. ——Raki]

Chi Feichi fired the map gun directly.

Three at a time...

Gin: "..."

Well, what's wrong with his writing?

He really wanted to wait for Chi Feichi to come back, put the booklet and pen aside, put the gun down, and say to Chi Feichi: Come on, write it for me!

But he just thought about Since Chi Feichi dares to mock like this, he must be sure to write better than him...

He should have said at the beginning: 'Go to some Mermaid Island, don't go there, I have something important to look for you', and dragged Chi Feichi to Tokyo.

[Just kidding, much better than others. Don't say it, people are coming back soon, I will help you clear the roster before going back. ——Raki]

A black Porsche 356A drives down the street in Tokyo.

Gin didn't reply.

Although he didn't care about that roster, it would be nice if he could clean it up.

Silently pulled a folder on the organization platform with his mobile phone, and threw the video of Chi Feichi biting a rabbit and biting a mouse into it, encrypted, encrypted, encrypted.

Lack's black material is hard to find, this video is barely one, it can prove that Lack has pica, and it can't be quibble...!

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