Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 733: Can I fight back?

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"Can you be sure?" Gin asked.

"No," Chi Feichi said, "so I need to confirm."

There is something that doesn't make sense. He has not been in contact with Ayaka Pusheng during this period of time. He is not sure whether this can cause Stockholm Syndrome.

It is also possible that it was Pusheng Caixiang's disguise in order to let him relax his vigilance and get out of the control of the organization.

Moreover, even if Pusheng Caixiang really has Stockholm Syndrome, he has to confirm whether the "perpetrator" identified by Pusheng Caixiang, that is, whether the object of Pusheng Caixiang's dependence is the organization or him.

"Why do you suddenly pay attention to her?" Jin Jiu turned his eyes back to the computer, turned it off, and was about to leave, "Have you figured out how to arrange it?"

"Enough people who can help confirm intelligence and security without being alerted..."

In the next two days, the student party went to school, the work party went to work, and the crime party committed crimes.


[October 13, sunny... ]

In Uehara Middle School, in the classroom of Class A of the third year, Ayaka Pusheng was sitting in the seat by the window, with the pen in her hand hanging on the open notebook, and she did not leave any handwriting.

The instructor at the base, let's call it an instructor, the man who taught her to detect told her to delete the email after reading it. In addition, it is best to keep the call records, text messages, and photo albums clean. The foolish act of secretly trying to obtain a little psychological comfort, if the existence of the organization is exposed, the consequences will be at your own risk.

What she is most afraid to hear now is "consequences at your own risk", which means that she will be hunted to death by a group of lunatics in a circle with nowhere to run.

She saw Sakata Yuzhi on the surveillance camera that night, the situation where she had no way out and was struggling. She could recall the whole process when she closed her eyes. It was a more suffocating feeling than seeing someone die in front of her.

Fortunately, after that night, she didn't have to stay with those lunatics anymore. Although the guards' managers could play this "cruel game" without changing their faces, they still had reason and wouldn't hurt her.

She lives on the 3rd floor, and only her room is used in the entire corridor. She can let people deliver meals to her room, and she can freely take the elevator to any floor other than the 1st floor. No one disturbs her, no one bullies her, she even You can take the guards to look around. She even went to the fifth floor where the management and the male criminals lived. If someone attacked or made fun of her, the guards would help her stop it.

She only needs to go to 'class' every day and learn what she needs to learn.

Would you like to be proud? She thought she was proud of herself, and took the guards to go around the female criminals, originally to let those women who had laughed at her see who was worth laughing at.

But that time, she felt boring.

It's amazing that overnight, she seemed to be separated from that dangerous world. Although she can still remember the fear and anxiety at that time, it doesn't seem to be that serious.

She began to pay attention to the organization. She heard that the guards were only peripheral members, and even the man in charge of the management of the entire base was only a peripheral member. It was a powerful and mysterious organization. And mysterious existence, cruelty is normal.

Compared with the deceit and rudeness of the criminals, the guards are like employees who stick to their posts, commuting to get off work on time, not swearing, and not insulting the criminals inside, which is much better.

And that person...


After that night, she thought of Lack more and more.

She said that Luck remembered to return the necklace to her. He had seen the darkness in the base, but he didn't give much hope. He didn't expect Lack to return the necklace and diary to her.

Luck told her to stay away from those people, and Luck asked the guards to keep her safe.

That night, when she ran away, her palm was bruised by the rope. Lack also had someone deliver medicine to her. He said that he would let her come to school, and he did.

Lack is a nice guy.

She began to repeatedly think of the face with deep eyebrows and a calm and indifferent expression, whether it was a frontal face or a profile half-hidden in the shadows; she remembered the first time she met, the figure who led people into the door in a hurry; A black card nailed to the wall; I remembered his unspoken calmness when he spoke; I remembered the screen behind him when we met later, and his face was a little blurry in the dimness...

She began to miss her, and every time she finished the course, she recalled every bit of her contact with Lack. It was very short, but she never felt bored no matter how many times she recalled it, but she was only a little anxious at times. anxious.

She no longer felt fear and anxiety, thinking of Lack's hoarse voice, wondering if she had been injured, and also worried and distressed.

Sometimes she thinks of the nervousness in her heart skipping a beat when Luck approached her that night, and she doesn't think it's because of fear, it should be something else.

Don't you like it?

When she first entered middle school, she secretly liked a boy in the class, who was sunny, handsome and good at sports, but now, the boy's figure and feeling to her have been completely washed away by another person, becoming Passersby are generally irrelevant people.

Lack is like a spell, with an attraction that no other male has. The thoughts and emotions in her heart are deeper than ever, like a volcano that suppresses the raging magma, sometimes so anxious that she wants to burn all her senses. exhausted.

This may not be liking, but an emotion that she would never accept at will.


Pu Sheng Caixiang didn't know that she was constantly making dangerous self-suggestions. She pushed herself into the deep pit, twirled the pen between her fingers, stared at the table, thinking over and over again, and kept finding enough reasons to convince her.

"Student Pusheng!"

A shout came from beside him.

Pu Sheng Caixiang returned to her senses and looked up at the female teacher who came to the table.

The female teacher in her forties smiled and reminded gently, "Don't get distracted in class!"

"Sorry, teacher." Pu Sheng Caixiang got up and bowed politely.

Although this female teacher's kind and peaceful expression always reminded her of the Sakata Yuzhi who deceived her and wanted to kill her, even though she used to be the problem student who liked to make things difficult for the teacher, Lack said that letting her get along well with her classmates would also Including teachers, and a polite person, it is easy to gain some basic goodwill, or... disgust.

Uehara Junior High School is a public school. Since her stepfather is an elementary school teacher, she has heard too many things about the quality of the school.

Public schools recruit students by area, and most of the fees are paid by the state. The rich will try their best to choose private schools with high tuition fees but better teaching resources and facilities, or national schools with strict examinations, and the rest will go to public schools , to complete compulsory education step by step, so the education and environment of public schools are also uneven, and the good and the bad are related to the region.

If the residents in the surrounding area are people from relatively well-off families, and the students have similar backgrounds, and parents will restrain them, bullying will rarely occur.

If there are violent associations in the surrounding area, the law and order are not good in the past, or the residents are mixed, the environment in the school will be more complicated and chaotic. Compared with private schools, students can be expelled. Public schools cannot expel students before the completion of compulsory education. , which also led to a lot of messy people staying in school.

Uehara Junior High School prefers the latter. Her school in Kumamoto is fairly good. She is also a problem student and cannot be bullied. However, she has learned about bullying and xenophobia similar to the school from her former friends of the barbaric tribe. In the classroom, she already felt xenophobic. When she introduced herself, there were two unfriendly eyes staring at her.

Now that she is in the third grade of middle school, the small class groups have been formed. It is more difficult for her to integrate as an outsider, and the situation that she is about to go to school will obviously not bring learning pressure to those who do not want to go to school. She has a hunch, what will happen next? The day will never be peaceful.

Of course, this didn't stop her from making a little change—don't make trouble for the teacher, be polite, and won't appear too naive while winning the favor of others and the teacher.

Yes, it is childish.

During this time, she had come into contact with the calm Lak, the polite guards, and the criminals who were covered in thorns. Few of those criminals would 'pretend to be cool' like they used to, and suddenly found that they were in their mouths before. The swearing behavior is really low-level.

"Just be careful next time," the female teacher said more gently, "please take a seat."

"Hey..." A girl deliberately snorted in a voice that Pu Sheng Caixiang could hear from a seat in the corridor.

The female teacher turned her head to look, she wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth and held back.

Pu Sheng Caixiang didn't make a statement and sat down obediently.

She also has something worth attacking. Yesterday morning, she went to the principal to go through the admission procedures, and she faintly heard a little It seems that a member of parliament came to say hello, and the organization arranged a residence for her nearby. Admission was no problem, and the headmaster completely ignored her short, red-dyed hair.

Before school last night, she heard the discussion and realized that this school does not restrict hair dyeing, but requires girls not to tie their long hair in a ponytail. The reason is that exposing the back of the neck and forehead will stimulate the sexual impulse of adolescent boys. She couldn't reach her shoulders, unfortunately, her hair had just reached her shoulders.

If someone wants to bully her, she can handle it, but she still has to ask what Luck means...

This was the last class before the last weekend. At 3:40 p.m., the female teacher announced that the get out of class was over and the vacation started, and she also called Pu Sheng Caixiang to the green area of ​​the school to talk.

"Student Pu Sheng, are you still adjusting to school life?"

"Thank you for your relationship, I think the school is very good." Pu Sheng Caixiang looked well-behaved.

The female teacher felt more comfortable. At first, she saw Pu Sheng Caixiang's flamboyant red hair, and she was a related family who had greeted him. She thought it would be a thorn, but she didn't expect the little girl in front of her to have such a good personality, "That's good, If Ozawa and the others bully you, then come and tell the teacher, if you have nothing to do, go back and have a good holiday."

"Have a nice holiday, teacher, then I'll go back first." Pu Sheng Caixiang bowed slightly to the female teacher, turned around and walked towards the teaching building, took out her mobile phone and lowered her emails.

[Lake, I'm Pu Sheng, can you tell me what you want me to do? If someone bullies me, can I fight back? 】

"Ding dong."

Emails are quickly replied:

[Be bullied and don't fight back, are you an idiot? ——Raki]

Pusheng Caixiang: "..."

I always think that Luck means: ask me such a silly question, are you a fool?

But it's good to fight back.

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