After forcing the spoon into her mouth, Miwako Sato's eyes lit up immediately.

There were only two words in her mind - delicious!

She couldn't find any other adjectives except delicious. This egg custard didn't have any other strange taste.

There was only the slightly spicy and sweet taste of ginger syrup, and the fragrance of eggs.

The two flavors were wonderfully combined together, making her want to eat a second bite after one bite.

And the last bite was too little, she just thought Xiaochen was stingy.

Xiaochen ignored Miwako Sato who was in a daze, picked up Xiaoai, and gently scooped a large spoonful of egg custard to feed her.

This egg custard melts in the mouth, and there is no need to worry that Xiaoai can't absorb it.

But when Xiaoai took the first bite, she woke up directly, with only two words in her mind, just like Miwako Sato.


After opening his eyes, the little guy wanted to make his own egg custard when he saw it in front of him.

Xiaochen smiled and pulled Miyano Akemi over to cover Sato Miwako's mouth first, otherwise he would keep complaining about child trafficking.

It was very annoying.

"Xiao Ai……"

Hearing a familiar voice, although the address was a little strange, Xiao Ai raised her head and saw the person she wanted to see the most.

Her sister.

Her sister was really not dead, and she finally saw her sister.

And she also saw Sato Miwako and Miyamoto Yumi in police uniforms, and immediately knew why her sister called her Xiao Ai. It was to prevent her identity from being exposed.

But she was still very excited to see her sister, and she didn't eat the egg custard for the time being, and threw herself into Miyano Akemi's arms.

"Sister... That's great, sister.……"

Ai's change also caught Miwako Sato's attention. Now she knew that she had made a mistake again.

"It's not trafficking.……"

She even said something awkward.

After all, she had just treated Xiaochen as a criminal, and if Xiaoai had a high fever, then she could understand why the anxious Xiaochen speeded and ran a red light.

"You are talking nonsense, my shop can make hundreds of thousands of yen a day, why do I need to kidnap children?"

Xiao Chen sneered and sneered at Sato Miwako's words.

The latter was confused. She still remembered the scene when she first entered the shop. There would definitely not be more than ten tables.

Even the living area was larger than a Chinese restaurant. With just ten tables, they could make hundreds of thousands of yen a day. What a lie.

"Just your few broken tables?"

Although she knew she had misunderstood Xiaochen, she still wanted to be tough and refused to admit her mistake!

At least she had to confront Xiaochen, otherwise she would be embarrassed. It would be best to divert attention, and then she could sneak away.

""Haha, the half spoonful of egg custard you just ate is worth 500 yen!"

Xiaochen sneered. The purchasing power of the Japanese yen is not as bad as it is in the future.

500 yen can buy a lot of things, but here it is only worth half a spoonful of egg custard.

But it's normal. Although it's not a special dish, it is also a functional dish, and it is also related to treatment.

It's understandable that Xiaochen sells it so expensively.

"Yes, that half bite you just had. Five hundred yen, no cheating. This is a therapeutic medicinal food. At least it is better than those special cold medicines you have."

"And you have tried this taste, I dare say, no one in this world can cook as delicious as I do"

"After all, this is also the shining dish of me, a top-class chef. This price is very affordable."

He doesn't care whether Sato Miwako is a police officer or not. He still needs to criticize her. It would be best if she died of anger.

He even said that he kidnapped children. Does he, a top-class chef, need to kidnap children?

Just say that he wants to recruit apprentices, and immediately a large number of rich people will come with their families, from 80-year-old grandmothers to five-year-old little girls, begging to learn to cook with money.

Does he need to kidnap?

When Xiaochen said this, Sato Miwako had nothing to say. She also ate a little bit of the egg custard, although it was pitifully little.

But at least she knew how delicious it was. Just for the taste, if this ginger sugar water egg custard cost 10,000 yen per serving, she might be willing to eat it once a month.

Her monthly salary is about 400,000 to 500,000 yen, so it's okay to eat egg custard once.

After all, Japanese police have high incomes

"That's it!"

"If everything is fine, can the officers leave now? My little Ai needs to have a good rest."

"Also, I can pay the fines for speeding and running red lights, but can I not deduct points?"

"After all, if it's confiscated, I'll feel uncomfortable and report a certain police officer for beating someone."

As he said this, he glanced at Sato Miwako, whose face turned red, but she didn't say anything in the end.

She pulled Miyamoto Yumi and turned around and walked away.

In fact, in this case, running a red light or speeding, Miyamoto Yumi felt that it was actually forgivable, and nothing happened. Just be careful next time.

But Sato Miwako was so angry that she hit the wrong person, and she didn't hit him before, and in the end she was scolded. She lost face.

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