Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 135 134. Delinquent boy × rich lady?

Even if Mao Lilan has stronger instantaneous explosive power with karate, if Sano really wants to run away, can she still stop him?

Mao Lilan looked at Sano who was walking again in a daze. After clenching his fists, he finally chose to ignore it and seemed to let Sano leave.

Seeing this, Conan also knew that Mao Lilan had been convinced by the opponent. After gritting his teeth, he stood up with force.

There is no other way, as long as I force myself to do it, then even if Mao Lilan is unwilling to take action with the other party, he will have to take action, right?

What Conan never expected was that Sano seemed to be aware of his thoughts. Before he could do anything, Sano suddenly turned around slightly, looked at him and said, "Is this child from your family?"


Mao Lilan didn't expect that the man in front of him would bring the topic to Conan, so he responded in confusion: "Ah... let's just say that."

"Your child seems to be seeking death. I saw him sneaking into someone else's house a few nights ago, and he was almost kidnapped by dozens of gangsters."

Hearing Sano's words, Mao Lilan's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Conan in shock and anger: "What!? Conan, how dare you do this!!"


Conan's breath was stagnant. He never expected that he would be sued first by the villain and turn his army against him.

Then before Conan could explain, Sano followed up with another sentence: "Also, I was in a small wooden house in Tokyo before. I saw this guy and the handsome guy next door acting mysteriously, saying that Kudo Shinichi was dangerous. Something like that, it seems like there’s a big secret.”

Conan: "!!!"

Damn Fuck, this guy! ?

"The handsome guy next door, do you mean Sano-senpai?"

Suzuki Sonoko finally spoke thoughtfully, gaining a sense of presence, while Mao Lilan's attention was almost completely attracted by Kudo Shinichi's words.

"Conan, do you know where Shinichi is?"

Looking at Conan, who was being held by Mao Lilan and sweating profusely, Sano raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and quickly left the villa through the window without further muddying the water.

After getting out of the sight of the Maorilan trio, Sano quickly switched his vests one after another, making sure no one was watching around him, and climbed through the window of his room.

After a while, Suzuki Sonoko came to knock on the door and explained the situation very quickly. It was nothing more than the bandage monster attacking Mao Lilan and being rescued by a bad boy. The bandage monster was also captured. His true identity turned out to be Takahashi... And a bit of Suzuki Sonoko's own feelings about being rescued by a bad boy.

"I really feel like I've met the right person this time. He's so handsome and strong. It's common sense that I should give my life to save my life, right?"

"And the setting of the delinquent boy × the rich lady is also very touching, ahhh, I'm going to die!!"

Sano looked at Suzuki Sonoko, who was so excited that her face was red and she was speaking incoherently, and she couldn't help but shed a cold sweat on her head.

In the past, Sano felt that Suzuki Sonoko had a slightly nymphomaniac quality, but this was the first time that he had truly felt this characteristic in her.

After all, no matter who the pretty boy is in the past, Suzuki Sonoko seems to have been in contact with the other person before doing this or that, but it is the first time she has met Sano's Black Death Vest, and it seems that she has not even exchanged a word.

Also, what about the delinquent boy × the rich lady? I’m afraid you’ve read too many romance novels, right? ?

After arriving at the lobby of the villa, Sano saw Takahashi who had been stripped off his vest and tied tightly, but was still awake.

After learning the identity of the bandage weirdo, people in the villa obviously couldn't believe it, especially the members of the film club.

"Takahashi, how could it be you..."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Didn't the bandage monster take Chikako away from all of us? Takahashi also saw it at that time!"


Mao Lilan, who was almost killed, looked around and said awkwardly: "But he was indeed caught on the spot..."

"There must be some misunderstanding!"

Ota, a pretty boy, unexpectedly stood firmly on his friend's side: "And we haven't seen any bad boys in special attack uniforms. There are too many unreasonable things about this matter!"

Seeing that Mao Lilan was being criticized but then criticized directly because of Suzuki Sonoko's bad relationship, Sano finally said: "I think it's very reasonable."


Ohta again targeted Sano: "Does it make sense if you say it's reasonable? Who do you think you are?"

Sano raised his brows and choked back the word "hammer man": "Sano Shinichiro, let's just call him a detective."

"Detective, detective?"

In this world, the word detective seems to be like the ancient royal guard, which often arouses the awe of ordinary people.

Sano stood up and walked to Mao Lilan: "Is the bandage weirdo you saw before really the bandage weirdo? Did you see his whole body, or did you see his appearance?"

"No, you didn't see anything. You just saw something that looked like a human being covered with bandages and wearing a black robe flying by. You didn't even see Chikako Ikeda's whole body. You didn't see that she was still alive. .”

Under Sano's explanation, Conan's eyes gradually brightened up and he clapped his hands: "So that's it, Chikako had been killed at that time, and the bandage weirdo was just a puppet. His purpose was to kill Let us think that someone outside the villa kidnapped Chikako!"

As soon as Conan "suddenly realized", other people who could not react naturally understood what was going on, but Ota still refused to admit defeat: "Where is the evidence? What evidence is there?"

"Is there something wrong with you? You were caught red-handed. What more evidence do you need?"

Sano glanced at Ota with some disgust: "Even worse than a primary school student."

Ohta's face turned red with anger, while Conan showed his dead eyes. He actually used him as the "Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei Era" to criticize an ordinary person. This is too much...

"But, forget it about Takahashi killing Chikako, attacking a stranger whom he just met today for no reason is too strange, and it cannot be justified at all!"

Ohta tried to argue.

"I want to kill him just because we met today. Haven't you noticed any difference between this Takahashi and your impression?"

Sano looked at Mao Lilan: "Moori-san, have you seen Takahashi naked?"


"Cough cough cough cough!"

Mao Lilan and Conan coughed crazily at the same time.

"What, what about nudity? Senior, please don't talk nonsense!"

Mao Lilan stomped her feet angrily: "I just accidentally pushed the door open while he was changing clothes!"

"Isn't that what you saw?"

Sano was a little surprised as to why Mao Lilan's reaction was so big, but he kept talking: "At that time, Takahashi on the second floor used props to let us see the bandaged monster who kidnapped Chikako Ikeda, so that we who chased him could find Chikako Ikeda's body. The whole corpse was hidden in her belly with her head.”


Everyone present was shocked, and it was only after Conan reminded them that they realized that the stomach Sano mentioned was not the same thing as the stomach they thought.

"Brother Takahashi is actually very thin. That chubby belly is just an act. Sister Xiaolan probably accidentally saw his murder plan, so she kept being attacked and wanted to silence him."

Speaking of this, Conan pretended to be innocent and looked at Sano: "But it seems that Brother Sano has seen through Brother Takahashi's murderous methods very early. Why didn't you say it before? I just wanted to wait and see. Catch the current situation?"

Conan pretended to be confused and rubbed the back of his head: "And that weird big brother in the special attack suit. How did he appear just when brother Takahashi wanted to attack sister Xiaolan? The suspension bridge had obviously been cut down. If it's broken, there should be no way for him to come over..."

At this point, Conan no longer even bothered to pretend, and stared straight at Sano with unconcealed excitement: "Looking at it this way, Brother Sano seems to have the same figure and facial features as the older brother. Looks like it."

In fact, there is another thing that Conan did not say - apart from himself and his parents, Sano should be the only one who knows about what happened at the cabin that day.

So where did Hei Shi know about this matter, and even... He even used this matter to threaten himself in a subtle way, and this kind of overt and covert behavior is so similar to Sano!

Sano didn't respond, just looked at Conan calmly. He was naive enough to want to take off his vest.

However, unlike others in the villa, Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko, who had also seen Sano's black death vest, both became curious after Conan's "unintentional" reminder.

But Mao Lilan shook his head again in the next second and said with a dry smile: "Conan, stop talking nonsense, that person is so strong, and Sano-senpai's body is so weak, how could it be the same person, although you do have a detective side. Talent, but as a detective, the first thing you need to understand is to use evidence to speak for yourself."

Conan had a smile on his face and said nothing. It was indeed as Mao Lilan said. He had no evidence to prove that Sano was the black death. This was the biggest trouble.


If Sano is really a black man, Conan is actually a little hesitant about whether he should be arrested and sentenced.

After all, if Sano is a black death, then the number of times he has been rescued is not as simple as once or twice. Counting it back and forth, I am afraid it must be double digits, right?

In addition, he had just confessed his true identity to Sano some time ago, and the other party had helped him keep his secret, so it felt like he was tricking people in the blink of an eye... it was a little bit inauthentic.

Finally, there are only four people in his family who knew Conan's true identity before. Sano is the fifth and absolute comrade-in-arms, and the first few can basically not provide him with any direct help.

And Sano's own reasoning ability is extremely strong, even surpassing his own. If this is really the Black Death with amazing combat power, maybe it is a good thing?

What's more, if you really want to talk about it, Heidi didn't do any bad things. He just beat the bad guys and saved the good guys. The only people known to have been killed so far were the three too dangerous robbers...

Conan was extremely conflicted in his heart. On one side was what he thought was absolute justice, and on the other side was his personal feelings and the teammates he needed.

And while Conan was struggling like this, Takahashi, who was almost kicked by Sano and broke his waist, finally woke up faintly. After a brief period of numbness and panic, he explained the motive for the murder in an extremely angry manner.

Sure enough, as Sano suspected, the Blue Kingdom novel that Chikako Ikeda is now famous for was actually written by Atsuko. Chikako Ikeda stole the results of the prostitute for free, so that the other party committed suicide.

Takahashi killed Chikako Ikeda just to avenge Atsuko.

Takahashi's roar also caused the other members of the film club to fall into deep silence.

Sano glanced at the bright sky outside the villa, rubbed his eyes, and finally stood up.

"That's bullshit."


Everyone present looked at Sano in shock, including Takahashi himself.

"I said you were talking bullshit, don't you understand?"

Sano lit a cigarette: "Originally I hate other people's misfortune, but you still do it so ugly, it really makes my hands itch."

"What did you say!?"

Takahashi's anger that had calmed down suddenly surged up again, and he was struggling: "It was originally Chikako's fault, I was just punishing her, what's my fault!?"

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