Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 158 157, I am a faceless man. I heard you are looking for me?

Gin temporarily acted as the middleman and exchanged names for both parties.

Codename Cadre?

Sano blinked in surprise.

Especially the former.

Cohen, isn’t that an old acquaintance? Oh no, the one who is familiar with Sano is Colen.

Unexpectedly, Cohen, who Sano complained about being easily confused with Colen, would appear in front of him so quickly.

Sano's eyes stayed on Cohen for a while, and then he nodded to the two of them as a greeting.

The woman codenamed Chianti also had an unexpected expression on her face: "So you are the newcomer who inherited the codename Rye? Why, we came all the way to help you and you didn't even let us take a look at your face. Well."

Sano chuckled, took off his hat, and smiled at Chianti: "Is this okay?"

"She looks pretty good."

Chianti looked Sano up and down, smacked his lips and then looked at Gin: "Tell me, what exactly do you want us to help with."

Gin didn't answer, just looked at Sano.

Sano didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand to Gin.

Seeing Gin's raised eyebrows, Sano could only say helplessly: "You must at least give me the information first."

Really, there is no tacit understanding at all.

...forgot about this.

Gin expressionlessly took out a document from his arms and gave it to Sano.

After Sano opened the file and read through it all, he looked at the luxury hotel not far away.

"So, the president of the Yingjiang Gang lives there now?"

"President of the Yingjiang Gang?"

Before Gin could say anything, Chianti exploded: "What's going on? Are we here to kill the president of the Yingjiang Gang?"

...I was deceived without knowing anything.

Sano glanced at Gin sideways, unable to tell that this organization's model worker and excellent employee actually had such a... cunning side.

After being stunned for a while, Chianti finally came to his senses. He looked at Sano in surprise and asked, "Could it be that you are the faceless man?"


Gin said coldly: "Don't forget the rules."

The rule is that when facing members with code names, they must use their code names to match.

Chianti curled her lips in displeasure: "Okay, I know."

"This operation has nothing to do with the organization, just individuals, so if they need your help in the future, you can't refuse."

Gin looked at Sano and spoke in a worldly manner: "So, have you figured out how to act?"

"That old guy is used to being romantic and often stays in hotels outside, but he is very cautious because of this. Once he tries once and fails, it will be difficult to kill him again."

"There are nearly a hundred people from the Yingjiang Gang in the hotel, and they are all masters with firearms. A strong attack is definitely not feasible. My suggestion is to find a way to lure the old guy out, and then let Chianti and Cohen remotely Sniper."

Sano glanced at Gin, who seemed to be helping him check for mistakes, and laughed.

"No, that would be too troublesome, and the probability of success is not high."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Sano returned the document to Gin and put his passerby hat back on.

"The answer is simple, go in and kill him."

Sano never thought about getting other people involved in this matter.

Just like Gin said before, this is Sano's personal matter, and there is no reason for the organization or others to get him into unnecessary trouble.

Although Sano doesn't care about this trivial matter, for him who currently needs performance, it is really unnecessary to lower his evaluation in the eyes of the organization's senior staff because of such trivial matters.

So when Gin said he could come to him if necessary, what Sano wanted was just a piece of information to save him some unnecessary trouble.

...But who would have thought that Gin would bring others over on his own initiative?

After hearing Sano's answer, Gin's brows tightened visibly.

Before Gin could continue to speak, Sano walked straight to the hotel and waved his hand behind him: "Just wait for the news in the car."


Chianti looked at Gin with strange eyes and chuckled sinisterly: "Heh, it seems like our new guy is an inhumane lunatic. He has no intention of accepting your kindness at all, Gin?"

"Shut up."

Gin's hand touched the gun in his arms: "Immediately go to the best position and stand by. If Rye fails, be ready to cover his evacuation at any time."

Chianti curled his lips, lazily shouted "Yes" and walked to the side, while Cohen, who had always been taciturn and silent, followed.

In the hotel, with the help of his low presence as a passerby, Sano quietly found the guest registration form behind the counter, and then got on the elevator all the way to the tenth floor in front of dozens of Yingjiang Gang members in the lobby. Ninth floor.

The suite of the president of the Yingjiang Gang is on the 20th floor. Without Kagen to go up, Sano can only stop on the 19th floor.

You can't even go up the stairs. Of course, even if you could, Sano wouldn't go up, otherwise he could just get a room card from the counter.

There are nearly a hundred members of the Yingjiang Gang in the hotel, but what Sano saw in the lobby on the first floor just now was only about twenty or thirty people at most. It goes without saying where the rest are.

It's either in the corridor on the 20th floor, or next to the Yingjiang Gang president's room. Going directly up there is a strong attack.

And under such circumstances, the only place Sano could find, the place with the fewest guards around the Kagejiang gang president - was the elevator.

Sano took out a piece of mirror and stuck it on the wall facing the elevator door. Then he leaned on the wall next to the elevator door, closed his eyes and waited patiently.

After a while, Sano opened his eyes, glanced at the elevator that had reached the twentieth floor, and reached out to press the elevator button.

Ten seconds later, the elevator stopped on the nineteenth floor and the elevator door opened.

Sano glanced at the men in suits in the elevator through the mirror, but there was no figure of the Yingjiang Gang president among them.

"Strange, why is there no one?"

A member of the Shadow River Gang poked his head out to take a look, but did not notice Sano who was just around the corner.

"Go down quickly, the president is still waiting above."

Under the urging of other Yingjiang Gang members, the man could only take his head back. After the elevator door closed, he continued to go down, straight to the first floor, and then back to the twentieth floor.

Sano pressed the elevator button again. After the same situation as last time, it was the third and fourth time.

It wasn't until the elevator stopped at the nineteenth floor for the fifth time and the elevator door opened that Sano finally saw the person he wanted to see in the mirror.

The elevators in the hotel are basically not too big. According to the standard limit, they can accommodate up to seven people. Of course, if you squeeze in, you can also squeeze in ten people, but there will be a slight risk.

Of course, for a person with a "noble status" like the president of the Yingjiang Gang, it is naturally impossible to squeeze into a small space with too many people. Comfort and face are the most important.

It's like this elevator that can obviously accommodate seven people, but apart from the old man himself, there is only a tall fat man standing aside.

How vigilant is this?

Sano couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle, but yes, although it is a mafia organization, Neon is a relatively safe place compared to those free countries.

Not to mention that the president of the Yingjiang Gang has not been on the front line for many years. He has always been carefree and happy, and his vigilance has probably been exhausted long ago.

Sano stopped watching and walked to the elevator entrance. Under the eyes of the two people who were confused because the elevator door was open but no one was outside, he walked into the elevator.

The president of the Yingjiang Gang didn't pay much attention, and directly reached out and pressed the door close button. After the elevator shook for a while, it gradually began to go down.

Sano stood in front of the two people, straightened his hat, and pressed the earphones that Gin had given him before taking action.

"it's me."

On the other end of the headset, Gin, who was sitting on the hood of the vehicle, immediately stood up, held down the headset and asked, "What's going on."

"Well, I've found it. I'm taking the elevator down. You just need to get in the car first. I'll just go over and set off directly later."

Sano said a few words calmly in the elevator, which made the Chianti-Cohen duo lying on the top of the building on the other side momentarily confused.

"What do you mean, you've already killed that old guy, so you can withdraw?"

Chianti asked, holding down her earphones with a surprised look on her face.

"Okay Chianti, come back immediately and prepare to evacuate."

Gin didn't waste any time and directly issued new instructions, and the communication ended.

Sano let go of his earphones and glanced at the elevator that had just descended to the seventeenth floor.

Behind Sano, the president of the Kagejiang Gang, a white-haired old man who was only less than 1.7 meters tall, took out the ringing mobile phone and answered the call.

"What!? Haven't found it yet!? Are you trash!? You can't find anyone even if I give you three days to look for it!? If you can't find anyone today, you'll all commit seppuku!!"

It seemed that he had just learned about the progress of the search for the bold guy named "Faceless Man". The old man yelled at the phone angrily, and then hung up the phone, still cursing in his mouth.

Sano couldn't help but chuckle, raised his head and glanced at the elevator arriving at the fifteenth floor, then reached out and took off the hood of his sweatshirt.

The president of the Yingjiang Gang glanced at the white hair on the back of Sano's head with his peripheral vision. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and the next second he shook his head mockingly.

How could it be such a coincidence that the person he was looking for happened to show up at the hotel where he was staying. He must have been so angry that he was so nervous.

However, just as the Yingjiang Gang president's thoughts came to him, the man in front of him suddenly turned around.

Sano pushed the visor of his hat with his finger to show his innocent, innocent and harmless smiling face.

"Hello, this is my first time meeting you. I am... the faceless man. I heard you are looking for me."

The atmosphere in the elevator was frozen for a moment. The Yingjiang Gang president's pupils shrank suddenly, his scalp was numb, and he felt full of anger.

Damn it, you are looking for death to find yourself here! ?

The fat man on the side had already drawn his gun without even having to ask the president of the Yingjiang Gang.

Unfortunately, Sano is faster than his opponent.

As early as Sano said hello, he had already thrown a stone at the fat man.

By the time the fat man pulled out his gun, the stone had already hit his face.


The explosion, which was more violent than the gunshot, immediately made the elevator shake.

The light of fire and blood appeared together, causing the lights on the ceiling of the elevator to flicker on and off.

The president of the Yingjiang Gang was so frightened that he sat on the ground and looked at Sano with horror on his face.

This madman actually dared to use a bomb in the elevator! ?

Aren't you afraid that the impact on the elevator will be too great, and you will fall down with the two of you! ?

Sano looked at the Yingjiang Gang president who couldn't even get up, and couldn't help but shook his head: "It's boring enough, you are already rotten."


Under the confused gaze of the Yingjiang Gang president, Sano pressed the button for the fifth floor. About ten seconds later, the elevator stopped and opened the door.

Sano glanced at the president of the Yingjiang Gang and walked out of the elevator.

Looking at Sano's back, although the president of the Yingjiang Gang was confused, he was also very surprised in his heart. It seemed that he would not be killed?

It’s good to be alive, it’s good to be alive…

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