Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 182 181, Hao Kuai Emperor or Donghai Emperor

Oh, my mental quality is okay.

Sano crouched down, put his ear next to the female bandit's ear, and breathed a sigh of relief - even though there was a helmet covering it after entering the mask form, it was somewhat breathable.

Under Sano's breath attack, the female robber couldn't bear it any longer. She was so excited that she shivered all over and had goosebumps on her skin.


The air fell into a brief silence.

To be honest, Conan had thought that after discovering the identity of the female robber, this black mask might use strong methods to expose her, but he just didn't expect... the method of exposure would be to breathe!

Simply outrageous!

The female robber also didn't expect that the guy who suddenly appeared would use such...dirty and despicable methods, and she didn't expect that she couldn't resist it!

After a few seconds of humiliation, the female robber became angry and suddenly broke away from the rope that was tied to her hands, and then kicked Sano next to her.

Of course, Sano would not be kicked by the opponent. After easily dodging, he grabbed the opponent's ankles and threw the female robber out hard.

The female robber screamed and rolled two to three meters on the ground. As she stood up quickly, she actually pulled out a pistol.

The reason why the female robber doesn't want to face this "chuunibyou" who appears out of nowhere is very simple, that is, the opponent is too powerful.

Naturally, the female robber also saw the scene where the kick almost shattered the stone pillar through the surveillance camera.

Therefore, the female robber knew very well that once the two sides faced each other, it would be difficult to win unless she took out this secret weapon.

And if a gun is used in this robbery, or it can be said to be a "robbery and homicide", then the police's attention will be infinitely increased, which will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the female robber's subsequent escape.

It’s just that the female robber can’t control that much now.

If this continues, who knows if this chuunibyou will kick him like that.

If you strike first, you will be stronger, if you strike later, you will suffer disaster!

Seeing the muzzle of the gun in the female robber's hand, Conan, who was still showing his dead eyes, suddenly changed his face and shouted quickly: "Be careful she has a gun in her hand!"

Does this kid think he is blind?

Sano didn't even bother to look at Conan, and watched with bated breath as the female robber pulled the trigger, and sparks erupted from the muzzle.

If it is the abnormal vision and reaction speed and vital body control that are enhanced by the superhuman effect, maybe this kind of thing can really be done.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three bullets struck at an undetectable distance. Sano's gray helmet eyes suddenly glowed faintly red, and his motionless body floated slightly, passing through the three bullets like a ghost.

It works!

Sano's breathing recovered, he looked at the round-eyed female robber, and raised his fingers: "Try again."

"What the hell..."

While the female robber's scalp was numb, her fingers were trembling slightly.

The fact that exceeded her cognition made this woman, who was very shrewd in the past, go blank. She didn't even have time to think about it before she frantically pulled the trigger, intent on killing the inhuman existence in front of her.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Gunshots rang out one after another, and it wasn't until after a blank blast that the female robber realized that all her bullets had been discharged, and wisps of white smoke were coming from the muzzle of the gun. However, the guy directly opposite was still standing there completely.

How can this be! ?

Sano looked at the dull-faced female robber and said calmly: "What do you mean, do you want to continue?"


The pistol fell to the ground, and the female robber gradually collapsed on the ground, as if she had given up resistance.

After raising his eyebrows, Sano looked at the four members of the team who were cowering in the corner in fear of the gunshots: "You still don't know what you should do."


The foursome suddenly came to their senses, and hurriedly pulled a rope from a guard and tied up the female robber.

At the same time, the system task completion prompt arrived, confirming that the female robber was the last dangerous factor.

With the mission completed, Sano naturally had no need to stay and was ready to leave and go home.

But Conan immediately stopped Sano after seeing this.

"Who are you and why do you dress up like this and do this kind of thing?"

Originally, Conan thought this was just a chuunibyou patient trying to imitate a hero, and he also had a little bit of...well, real ability.

But after the previous kick to the stone pillar and the operations in the guard room, Conan no longer thought so.

Even the entire world may not be able to pick out a few people who can perform that shocking kick and easily dodge more than a dozen pistol bullets. This person must be more than just an ordinary chuunibyou.

...After all, how can the imitator be more powerful than the one being imitated?

Could it be that the screenwriter of Masked Superman came up with the idea of ​​creating a pirated version of Masked Superman after meeting this guy by chance?

More importantly, the appearance of this black mask reminded Conan of the ghost motorcycles of the past few days, as well as the faceless man, Bourbon, and the Black Death, a group of extraordinary people who suddenly appeared. .

As mentioned above, unless such an extraordinary person has been living on the dark side, he cannot be an unknown person in daily life. So when did the other party start doing this kind of thing? Hard to say.

In addition, Conan also wants to know what the other party's purpose is for doing such a thing, and whether he can win over and use him as a teammate to deal with people from the black organization...

To put it bluntly, my curiosity is still overwhelming and my desire to discover more is growing.

Of course, if Sano was asked to express his opinion, he would only say yes - he simply wanted to die.

Regarding Conan's question, Sano turned around slightly and replied calmly: "I said, I'm just a passing Kamen Rider."

"As for why we do this..."

Sano turned his back to Conan and pondered for a second. A picture appeared in his mind, and then he slowly raised his left index finger and pointed upward: "To follow the path of heaven, the general oversees everything."

"What the hell??"

Before Conan could react, Sano suddenly ducked out of the way.

Conan wanted to catch up and ask more questions, but he didn't expect that the other party made a quick turn and disappeared.

"Hey, the system task has been triggered."

[Please go to the mission target location and stay for one hour. If you complete it, you will get twenty strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is - 2:59:59].

Sano got up the next day and looked at the task interface in front of him, his eyes calm and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In fact, Sano had some ideas about the regularity of system tasks earlier, just to get him involved in the "plot line" of this world.

The types of missions are nothing more than asking Sano to do something or go somewhere. The purpose is to bring him into indirect or direct contact with Conan.

It's just that most of them will at least give Sano a pretense to "do things". Like today, they just gave him the mission location and asked him to stay there. It seems that it only happened... twice?

Such a task undoubtedly has a high degree of freedom.

It's like telling Sano - just show up and show up. As for whether you want to mix in more, it's up to you.

But in addition to this, there is another point that Sano can't figure out, that is, the system will not trigger the mission every time Conan encounters something, and it is limited by Sano's own memory and cannot be solved at all. Know whether your mission is related to Conan.

...Forget it, trying to figure out the program of the dog system is not that easy.

Sano shook his head, packed up and went out to the mission target location.

After all, even if the North and South Pole gets warmer and the sun smiles, it can't change the fact that the monthly income is three thousand, right?

But just as Sano came downstairs, he bumped into the little girl named Hana again.

This time the little girl was the same as when they first met, with two bare feet - maybe because she wore white socks when she went out to play last time, and she got scolded for being too dirty.

The little girl was holding a lollipop in her mouth and dragging an unknown rope in her hand, staring at the ground in a daze.

...Are you watching the ants move?

Don't let this go...go home and get some hot water?

The little girl seemed to have noticed Sano, and immediately turned around and bowed deeply to say hello: "Hello, we meet again. My mother told me that you took me out of the rain, helped me call the police, and ate your instant noodles. I should thank you. !”

Sano raised his eyebrows: "...Then why didn't you tell me about the two previous meetings?"

It had been a long time since I met the little girl for the first time, so it was impossible for the other person's mother to tell the little girl to thank her only these two days.

The two times Sano was referring to were, of course, the two times he met the little girl downstairs and the two times she forgot to close the door.

The little girl blinked: "Because I forgot!"

Sano: "..."

This answer is very reasonable and expected.

After shaking his head, Sano pointed to the rope in the little girl's hand and asked, "What are you doing with this thing?"

The little girl followed Sano's fingers and glanced at the rope in her hand, grinning and replied: "This is the balloon my mother bought me!"


Sano also blinked: "What about your ball?"


The little girl was stunned for a moment, then started to pull back along the rope in her hand, until all the ropes were pulled. She looked at the other end of the rope on the ground and confirmed that both ends were empty.

"...The balloon is gone."

After being in a daze for two seconds, the little girl's big eyes quickly began to turn red, and her lower lip almost reached under her nose.

Seeing that the little girl was about to start moaning, Sano was speechless and couldn't help but want to laugh.

Good guy, he said what's the fun in holding on to a rope for no reason. It turned out that he didn't even know the balloon had flown, it was an air balloon.

But the little girl's current appearance reminded Sano of his own childhood.

...I pestered my old man to spend dozens of yuan to buy pirated Ultraman toys, but ended up knocking off one of his hands while playing a "fighting game" with others.

I was both distressed and scared at the time. I hid outside with Ultraman's body until midnight, and didn't even dare to go home for dinner.

When he was found by the old man and old lady, he was huddled in the bridge hole and refused to go out until the other party swore not to hit him.

And then... I really made the oath, but I really didn't keep it, and I still got beaten up by the mixed doubles.

Looking back now, I always feel that if I hadn't been hiding outside and forced the old man and old woman to swear, I might not have had to take this beating.

...The old man and woman at that time may have felt the same way as I feel about this little girl now.

After coming back to his senses, Sano focused on the little girl again.

Although in Sano's opinion, this little girl may have some mascot attributes - first she triggered a mission when she was there, then she provided herself with the inspiration for the candy bomb, and finally the enhancement of the Masked Superman pendant also had Maybe it was a little bit influenced by the other party.

...Well, actually, this little girl seemed to be having a lot of fun poking at Sano.

But now Sano is busy with tasks, and it is impossible to run out and buy balloons for this little girl.

After thinking for two seconds, Sano took out a lollipop from his pocket and threw it to the little girl.

"Exchange a balloon for a lollipop, you won't lose."

The little girl hurriedly caught the lollipop, but she was still a little aggrieved: "But, my mother bought it for me..."

"It doesn't make any difference. Anyway, that thing can't be eaten. It will deflate sooner or later. The best thing is the one that can be eaten."


Seeing that the little girl wanted to say "but", Sano took out a second lollipop and threw it over.

The little girl got the second lollipop, and the tears in her eyes seemed to have finally stopped opening.

Before the little girl could say anything, Sano followed closely and threw a third lollipop. The little girl immediately showed a silly smile.

Oh, look at how worthless it is.


Sano waved his hand, and with the little girl's bow and "Arigado" again, he went to the target location of this mission, and finally came to a...racecourse?

Perhaps it would be better to call it a racecourse.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that Sano did see Conan, the god of plague, here, accompanied by Mao Lilan and his daughter. He didn't know which unlucky guy was coming to Huohuo today.

Sano neither switched his vest to avoid unnecessary trouble, nor took the initiative to greet the Conan trio. He just stood on the edge of the racecourse and watched.

And Conan, a busybody, naturally discovered Sano.


The Maori family came together, and Maori Kogoro was surprised, but also gave Sano a rare good look: "I didn't expect that your kid is also interested in horse racing. Sure enough, heroes have something in common. It’s great.”

Sano glanced at Mouri Kogoro, lit a cigarette, and chose to deny it directly: "No, I am not interested in horse racing. I came here just for business."

Hearing this, Mao Lilan, who had a slightly troubled face at first, breathed a sigh of relief - she just said, how could her senior become as depraved as her father and become interested in horse racing? It turned out that she just came here. Just doing business.

Well, he is really ambitious, unlike his father... Oh, Mouri Kogoro seems to be doing business when he comes here this time.

While Mao Lilan was wandering away, Mao Li Kogoro curled his lips at Sano's answer: "Tch, he is still a young boy after all."

"Na na na."

Conan stretched out his hand and tugged at the corner of Sano's clothes: "So, brother Sano, what are you doing here? Is there any entrustment?"


...Oh, Sano almost forgot that he still had a part-time job as a detective. No, it can't be said that he forgot about this job. It should be said that he had too much trouble and forgot that a detective still needs to accept commissions.

Of course, this can't all be blamed on Sano. Toru Amuro's office itself didn't have any commissions.

There is no place to work hard if you want to.

Sano looked down at Conan and asked, "Then why are you here?"

"Is such that."

After Mao Lilan came to her senses, she took the initiative to explain and explain the situation.

It turns out that the Mori family came here not for anything else, but for the commission of Miyano Akemi, who had already changed her name to Masami Hirota in front of them.

In the description of her father Hirota Kenzo introduced by Miyano Akemi, it was mentioned that this uncle raised four cats, named "Kuai", "Emperor", "Hao" and "King".

Then Conan accidentally discovered a report on the TV about a horse racing called "The Great King", and was shocked to realize that the so-called Hirota Kenzo was probably a horse betting enthusiast.

So, the God of Plague came here with two followers.

Sano probably listened to it for a while, so whether this matter will be related to Miyano Akemi, or a lucky passerby will be randomly selected as an interlude.

"Look, that horse is the King of Speed."

Mouri Kogoro excitedly pointed to a dark horse on the field and muttered: "That is a living legend, the undefeated and unyielding emperor who broke his legs four times in a row and still continued to play!"


Hearing this, Sano's brows frowned slightly unconsciously.

This setting seems a bit familiar... Isn't this the Emperor of the East China Sea? ? ?

Good guy, it turns out that in addition to pirated versions of Kamen Rider and Kamen Superman, even the Emperor of the East China Sea has been pirated?

Sano took a step forward, stood next to Mouri Kogoro and looked at the so-called "King of Gokuai".

On the field, the black horse walked at a strange pace, advancing slowly as if walking.

In Sano's opinion, this kind of pace is very similar to the so-called tap dance, and it is also like raising the legs for human beings to warm up before exercising. It has an inexplicable melodic beauty.

As far as Sano knows, the Emperor of the East China Sea has a special skill called the Emperor's Dance, also known as the "Chicken Lame".

For this pirated Donghai Emperor, it should be called the imperial dance.

...To be honest, Sano has never had much interest in things like horse racing, either in his previous life or in this life.

Although the Emperor of the East China Sea is considered the most famous echelon in horse racing, Sano should not have heard of it.

And the reason why I know it is still because of Sano's two-dimensional friend who loves to watch anime.

For a while, that guy was extremely addicted to a certain anime called "Jockey Girl"...

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