Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 195 194. Spread your legs and bow with your head at 180 degrees.

...It cracked!

Isn’t this fucked up?

Why don't you go and see which coffin is made of stronger materials and which cemetery has better feng shui?

By the way, do you also need to prepare a suicide note?

Vodka stared blankly at the glass of vodka in his hand, his big eyes behind his sunglasses slightly moist.

Could this be the last glass of vodka in my life?

Gin glanced at it and drank the vodka in his hand in a daze, then quickly called for a second glass of vodka.

...I always feel that there is a tragic atmosphere, the wind is rustling and the water is cold.

Before Sano's illness is confirmed to be cured, it's better not to let Vodka team up with the opponent again.

The day after the sniper mission, Sano received a rare school mission.

...It's just a matter of learning, and it's actually a bit unpleasant.

Because first of all, the results of yesterday's make-up exam have come out.

Well, I still failed one.

So Sano was given a scolding by the homeroom teacher as a matter of course - he didn't even try to write blindly, and all the papers he handed in were blank.

...Anyway, you can't pass if you write blindly, and you can't pass if you don't write. Why bother spending so much effort just for a few points difference.

In addition to the make-up exam, the second thing that made Sano feel unhappy was the follow-up consultation.

...Unexpectedly, Dr. Gobi, after Sano hung up the phone, actually called his class teacher to report to him.

So the head teacher gave Sano a death order - he must go for follow-up consultation.

And in order to prevent Sano from cheating and cheating, the best friend duo Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were put in charge of supervision.

...Although Sano would have found time to go to the follow-up consultation even if there hadn't been this drama from the head teacher, but the feeling of being pushed back one after another is really a bit unpleasant.

"Hey, the system task has been triggered."

Suddenly, a prompt sounded from the system.

Sano, who had already arrived downstairs, pulled out the system and took a look.

[Please rescue the six naughty children who only want to die. If you complete it, you will get 100 strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is - 02:59:59].


Sano raised his eyebrows, with a little surprise in his eyes.

If there are five, Sano may also contact a certain fake loli who has shrunk for a few days.

But six...?

Is Conan's team expanding so fast?

Sano pulled out the system map again and took a look at the six slowly moving red dots that were gathered together. After thinking for a while, he decided to go over and take a look first.

However, after turning an intersection, Sano suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind him.

"Oral ulcer, oral ulcer..."

Sano paused and looked back, and sure enough, he saw the little girl in a floral dress jumping from behind.

The little girl was muttering, still holding a banknote in her hand.

"Ah, sorghum is good!"

Seeing Sano, the little girl immediately stopped and bowed to say hello.


Sano nodded as a response, and then casually fed a lollipop to the little girl.

"Ah, thank you!"

The little girl caught the lollipop, the smile on her face became even bigger, and she once again demonstrated her 180-degree bowing technique with her legs spread apart and her head arched over her crotch.

...I didn't even notice it last time. How could this little girl's bow be so...unique?

After Sano blinked, he threw out a lollipop again, and the little girl bowed again, and then another lollipop, and another bow...

This was repeated ten times, until the little girl's pockets were so full that she couldn't even hold one in her pocket, and then she stopped panting.

"Okay, okay, I won't be able to eat any more, and my mother won't allow me to eat so much candy. My teeth will be damaged. Pulling them out will be very painful and cost a lot of money..."

Looking at the little girl who was sweating profusely and whose face was flushed with exhaustion, Sano said "hmm" and stopped acting like she was feeding and watching a show in a zoo.

Then the little girl continued to move forward, and continued to talk about "mouth ulcers".

...Are you going to buy medicine for oral ulcers?

Glancing at the drugstore only a dozen meters in front of the little girl, Sano lit a cigarette without making any move, as if waiting for something.

When the little girl arrived at the door of the pharmacy, Sano took a deep breath and suddenly howled.

"chewing gum!"

"Oral ulcers, chewing gum, chewing gum..."

The cheerful little girl pushed open the door of the pharmacy, handed the banknotes in her hand to the teller without hesitation, and shouted loudly and confidently: "Boss, give me a box of chewing gum!"


Seeing that he had successfully misled this real lolita, Sano's unhappy mood suddenly felt much better. He hummed a little tune and stopped a taxi on the side of the road.

Soon, Sano arrived near the six naughty children.

The sun has completely set.

Sano, who had switched his vest, used a passerby's hat and followed him not far away to observe.

Sure enough, in addition to the original four-person Dog Knight team, Sano also saw Haibara Ai.

The other one is a little boy whom I have never seen before.

I don’t know if he is an ordinary naughty kid or another fake kid.

And these naughty kids didn't know what they wanted to do. They were standing in front of a bookstore with a middle-aged man in a suit and talking about something.

Sano glanced at the mission time limit, which was less than half an hour.

So far, Sano doesn't seem to be aware of any dangerous factors.

After all, even though it was dark now, it was still on a busy road, and there was even a police station right next to Sano.

I really can't see anything wrong.

Forget it, just keep an eye on it.

At the same time, Conan was listening carefully to the "gossip" of the man in front of him.

...Conan's experience today was also very simple.

There was a strange transfer student in the class, and he was forced by Ayumi and three naughty kids to join their Dog Riders, no, it was the Detective Youth League.

Then the Dog Rider Squad received a rare commission today.

And it was actually a serious commission.

That is to help a classmate find his missing brother.

Conan and others successfully found some clues after going to the classmate's home and searching his brother's room.

That was the other party's brother, who was probably kidnapped by an organization to make counterfeit banknotes!

More importantly, Conan heard what the other party said, and the description of the person who was suspected of having the other party's brother tied up was very similar to the person in the black organization who made his body smaller!

Finally, he found a man who was using counterfeit money and was suspected to be a member of the organization. In order not to involve the children around him, Conan installed a transmitter on the man, but unexpectedly he lost him.

After searching all the way, I came here.

...At the same time, I also found that those children were following me.

But this is no longer important. What is important is that the real estate agent in front of me actually said that the newspaper office next to the police station had just purchased a batch of printing presses some time ago!

Would someone really be so arrogant as to print counterfeit money next to a police station?

Conan recalled what happened yesterday.

A certain white-haired lunatic fired seven shots in front of the police, and finally left safely.

...Suddenly it felt like something of this magnitude was normal.

However, there is a saying. Maybe the other party has caught the "impossible" mentality of ordinary people, and maybe they are making trouble under the light.

"Okay, this kind of thing is impossible. It's already dark now. You'd better stop playing this kind of detective game and go home quickly."

After the middle-aged man said his last words, he turned and left.

After Sano looked across the road for a while, he didn't know what the six naughty children exchanged. Suddenly they crossed the road together and came to the nearby police station and said that they wanted to call the police.

Sano listened for a while. He probably said that the newspaper office on the third floor next to him, the Datama Newspaper Company, was printing counterfeit money and had people kidnapped?

...So the risk factor this time is this newspaper?

Sano rubbed his fingers thoughtfully.

The two policemen over there obviously didn't believe what Conan's little brats said, and laughed loudly and said that they had watched too many movies - which reminded Sano of a famous saying in a certain mermaid movie.

After all, they are just two supporting characters, how can they understand the strength of Detective Ke Xue?

Of course, if it were normal, it would not be impossible for Sano to think that Conan's reasoning would be wrong.

It's just that there's not much time left for this mission. Sano doesn't believe it if he can find new troubles besides this.

But then again, how should I appear this time?

No need to think about the rye vest.

Black Death, or Black Mask?

Speaking of which, Haibara Ai has just joined the protagonist group on her first day. Doesn’t it seem too deliberate to be so eager to show her vest?

Sano thought for a few seconds, watched Conan say "You guys stand here and don't move" and ran away, pulling out the Hammer of Justice from his backpack.

Then this time, let’s let the Rice Blossom Hammer Man make his presence felt after a long time.

Sano turned the hammer of justice and rubbed his fingers gently on the horns.

...It doesn't seem to have been that long, but it feels like I haven't used this hammer for a long time, even though it is indeed useless most of the time.

Sano smacked his lips, it was like three autumns after not using it for a few days.

...Although according to the timeline of this world, it seems that three autumns have really passed.

Sano turned to look at the door of the police station again.

Although Conan said before leaving, "Just stand here and don't move around," he was not the father of these children after all, and of course they would not obey his words.

Even because of Conan's "instructions", these naughty children became even more eager to take action.

...Tsk, I really got beaten less.

Sano looked at the five naughty kids including Haibara Ai, the fake lolita. After saying to the two policemen, "We will definitely find evidence," he quickly ran up the stairs of the building next to him, carrying Step by step followed.

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