Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 200 199, New achievements of the God of Plague

Even when I'm angry, it feels like I'm being coquettish, which is a bit...

Sano was suddenly startled and trembled.

What are you thinking, this is a fake lolita, a dirty adult in the skin of a cub!

Colen's lesson is still vivid in his mind, how can he be fooled by appearance, sober up and be more clear-headed.

"You guy!!"

Haibara Ai's head was held down and she couldn't move forward at all. She couldn't pry Sano's hand away, and she wanted to bite him directly.

Then Sano turned his wrist, and Haibara Ai's head began to rotate, forcing the other party to follow the rotation in a hurry.

...What is this for, elementary school students fighting?

Conan opened his mouth slightly and looked at the two people in front of him. He felt that the wind was a little noisy tonight.

Sano said before that as a person's body becomes smaller, his thinking ability will also decrease. Conan didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that it is not completely impossible?

...Then Sano hasn't become smaller, so why is he still acting like an elementary school student?

It wasn't until two or three minutes later that Haibara Ai was spinning a little dizzy and couldn't stand still. Coupled with the restriction of her smaller body, she began to pant. Only then did Sano retract his palms with satisfaction and speak leisurely.

"It's better not to waste time on such trivial matters and get down to business."

"Oh, no matter what, in the final analysis, the premise for you to see through everything is to know that Kudo Shinichi has become smaller."

Haihara Ai gasped and took over the topic with a sneer.

As he spoke, he glanced at Conan indifferently: "I really didn't expect that this high school detective would stupidly involve an outsider."


Do you blame yourself?

Conan curled his lips, not to mention that confessing to Sano was a helpless act. Then he was stupid. If Haibara Ai had not insisted on intimidating him, he would not have stepped into a trap and been intimidated by Sano in turn!

However, looking at it this way, it is understandable that Haihara Ai was successfully intimidated by Sano. He suffered a loss in intelligence. If not for Sano's sudden intervention, I am afraid that Haihara Ai would have been successfully intimidated by now.

...This makes me look very low.

No, no, this is just because it was too sudden, and the other party also made an issue with Dr. A Li. I was too eager to react, and among the three people present, only my own intelligence was at the lowest, so I fell. Being downwind is inevitable.

Conan comforted himself a few words in his heart, and finally started to care about business.

"By the way, what does it mean to escape from that organization? Also, why did you become smaller? What does it mean that this medicine was made by you? You'd better give me a complete explanation."

Conan temporarily put aside all kinds of unhappiness and dissatisfaction, and asked all his unanswered questions.


When it came to business, Haihara Ai became a little more serious. However, before she could explain, Sano on the side waved his hand and interrupted: "You guys talk slowly, I'll go back to bed first, I have something to do tomorrow."


Conan and Haibara Ai stared at Sano's leaving figure, their brains unable to react for a moment.

So after the other party threatened and explained his thinking, he didn't care about other things at all?

Conan came to his senses faster - after all, it was not the first time that he experienced Sano's weak curiosity and low desire to discover.

After Haihara Ai was stunned for a while, he didn't think too much - after all, the other party knew that there was a high probability that he would become smaller, but he never conducted any tests. It seems that there is nothing strange about this now.

Besides, how can a normal person like me understand the insane idea of ​​"throwing a gun to the opponent just to hit someone"?

Hui Yuan Ai has encountered quite a few lunatics in the organization.

...Tsk, as expected, I still feel outrageous no matter what I think. Even the crazy ideas in the organization are not as sharp as the brain circuits of this high school detective, right?

After the silence, Haiyuan Ai and Conan looked at each other, and there was another silence.

...What were you going to say before?

Tsk, it’s all that shit-stirring thing’s fault.

The next day, before Sano could even wash up, he was picked out by Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko who came to the door.

In addition to this duo of best friends, the tomboy duo of Mouri Kogoro and Conan Haibara Ai were also standing at the door.

"Hey, we meet again."

Sano weakly greeted the three people outside.

...In fact, it can be said that Conan's appearance was within Sano's expectation, but Haibara Ai... was a bit surprising.

I went for a follow-up consultation, and this fake loli came here to join in the fun?


Conan also said hello with a sleepy look on his face.

...Yesterday, Sano said "see you tomorrow" before leaving, but Conan couldn't react. He didn't know until this morning that Mao Lilan actually wanted to accompany him to a follow-up consultation.

Of course, logically speaking, this should have nothing to do with Conan. He didn't have to accompany him through such a journey, especially since he stayed up all night because of a case last night, and he was almost sleepy to death now.

Just thinking of Sano's "see you tomorrow", Conan couldn't help but wonder if the other party actually wanted him to go with him.

After all, for this mentally disturbed person who has committed suicide three times, follow-up visits should be quite stressful.

If this is the case, then the other party regards him as a close friend. How can Conan ignore this?

Conan glanced at Haihara Ai next to him again, but he didn't know why this guy wanted to follow him.

Hui Yuan Ai on the side also stayed up all night and was a little listless.

The reason why Haibara Ai came here is actually very simple. He simply wanted to judge Sano's current state.

Although saying this seems a bit inappropriate for a person with a mental disorder, Haibara Ai really didn't expect that Sano was really sick.

But it's not a disease in the brain, it's a disease in the heart.

Although the two are essentially different, the risks are the same.

If it were an ordinary person, Haihara Ai would certainly not care. But the other party knew the true identities of Haihara Ai and Conan.

Once these two troublesome settings are superimposed, who knows if the other party will suddenly get crazy in the future and publicize the fact that the two of them have become smaller?

...Especially through the first two contacts, Haihara Ai felt this way.

It feels like the other party is like an unstable time bomb that may explode at any time.

But really speaking, Haihara Ai felt that the other party was like a double-edged sword.

Because besides the disadvantages, there are also advantages to Sano knowing their secret.

According to the information Haibara Ai learned from Conan, Sano's abilities are even better than his own. He is a master at reasoning and close combat, and is an absolutely good teammate.

If possible, Haibara Ai certainly hopes that the side of this double-edged sword facing her can be worn away and used only to deal with the enemy.

Therefore, Huihara Ai must accompany him during today's follow-up visit.

...Although the "intelligence" provided by Conan contains a lot of information that proves that Sano is very capable, there is also a lot of information that proves that Sano's brain circuit is really not abnormal.

The most direct point is the time when Conan's true identity was completely exposed in front of Sano.

Haibara Ai really didn't expect that before threatening herself, this girl actually threatened Conan and his parents once, and she used similar words and techniques!

Sure enough, I was just sick last night and wanted to make fun of myself!

Just doing this makes people more worried about whether the other party will suddenly "explode".

As for the last Mouri Kogoro, although he didn't sleep all night, he rarely got up early and was quite sleepy.

What's strange is that this uncle who used to look disgusted when seeing Sano, perhaps considering the other's condition, didn't complain this time because Sano was affected, and just ran to drive silently.

However, because there were too many people accompanying the doctor this time, Mouri Kogoro had to spend more money to rent a larger car, muttering constantly.

"Really, it's enough for me and Xiaolan. Why do you have to bring these two brats and a young lady with you?"

After getting on the bus, Conan and Haibara Ai insisted on sitting next to Sano for some reason, pushing Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko to the front who wanted to follow them on the left and right.

"what happened."

Sano glanced at Conan and knew that he had something to say without asking.

Conan smiled and explained the case he encountered last night.

It turns out that after Conan had a round of communication with Haibara Ai last night, they reached a consensus on forming a team. Then the two of them and Dr. Ali misidentified a piece of information about the drug APTX4869 because of Haibara Ai's sister. Sent it to a doctor and drove overnight to find the medicine.

...According to what Conan said, as long as this information can be obtained, Haihara Ai can create the antidote to APTX4869 and return the two of them to their original forms.

What was surprising was that by the time Conan and the other three arrived at the doctor's home, he was already dead, and the room where he died was completely sealed. It was a secret room murder case.

...To put it bluntly, it was actually the God of Plague who killed another innocent person.

New performance has been added, the business is off to a great start, and the business is booming.

Sano probably listened to Conan's description for a while, but he just complained a few words in his mind. He really couldn't arouse any interest. After all, the mission was not triggered.

"Hey, Sano, can you see what's really behind this case?"

Looking at the eager Conan, Sano probably guessed what the other person was thinking.

This is because the desire to win has started to rise again, and I want to compete with myself in reasoning.

But how can I reason?

Sano rubbed his sticky eyes, not wanting to pay attention to Conan.

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