Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 253 252, shake it and it will taste better

Is there anything more suitable than this to hide from trouble... or more accurately, from the god of plague?

After throwing away the garbage, Sano planned to switch vests immediately and go to the mission location, but unexpectedly he met love again after turning the corner... Bah, it's a little trouble.

"Ah, sorghum is good."

The little girl who was squatting in front of the vending machine at the entrance of the convenience store, wishing to put her face on it, finally noticed Sano when he approached.

Then, after changing his body direction, he bowed to Sano and said hello.

...There are actually people who can squat and bow, which is really a lot of experience.

Zuo Yezhong complained while frowning: "Hey, little girl, pay attention to your appearance, your fatness is exposed."

The little girl seems to have always been wearing a white floral dress, squatting in such an inelegant way, which is indeed not very elegant.

However, in response to Sano's reminder, the little girl looked confused: "Pangji? I'm not wearing any clothes?"

……Um? ? ?

Sensing Sano's confusion, the little girl stood up directly and lifted up her skirt to show him: "If you don't believe me, look at it..."


Sano, who was shocked to realize that something was wrong, was about to stop the other person to avoid being regarded as a pervert, but the little girl had already lifted it up, revealing her white...diaper.

"I'm wearing a diaper!"

The little girl looked proud.

Sano: "..."

That makes sense, but...

"How old are you?"

Hearing Sano's sudden question, the little girl immediately raised three fingers: "Four years old!"

…So why three fingers?

Is it normal for a four-year-old to still wear diapers? Why does this guy look so proud?

Sano looked at the little girl dullly, and for the first time he didn't know where his thoughts had gone.

When she came to her senses again, the little girl had already put down her skirt and continued to press her face against the vending machine, drooling.

...What happened? You didn’t make trouble about what happened last time?

Sano, who originally thought that the little girl would complain to him about the soy sauce, suddenly dissipated his surprise when he saw the can of Coke she was staring at, and she probably figured it out.

"Want to drink?"

Sano squatted next to the little girl.

"I want to, but I don't have money, and my mother doesn't allow it, saying that children will have tooth decay if they drink it."

The little girl pouted and replied.

...This made Sano couldn't help but think about soy sauce again.

"Your mother is a liar. I've been drinking since I was a kid. I'm fine now, right?"

Sano stood up and took out money from his pocket: "I'll buy you a drink, do you want it?"


The little girl jumped up. The excitement on her face disappeared as soon as it appeared. She turned to stare at Sano warily: "Wait a minute, you have to say it first. This is completely free. You can't follow me." Make other requests.”

Oh, he's quite smart. He'll grow wiser after eating, and he'll learn lessons. Not bad, not bad, much better than those two fake kids.

Sano couldn't help but smile: "Okay, we agreed, it's completely free. You have three seconds to decide whether you want it or not."

“I want it, I want it!!”

The little girl couldn't wait more than three seconds before she started pecking at the rice.

Then Sano took out a can of coffee and a can of Coke from the vending machine.

After throwing the cold Coke to the little girl, Sano suddenly said a second before the girl was about to open the can: "It's wrong for you to open it directly like this."


The little girl looked at Sano doubtfully: "But that's how my mother drives it."

"That's because you didn't see your mother's preparations."

Sano raised the coffee in his hand and shook it up and down a few times: "No, if you do like me, shake it and then open it again, it will taste better."

Under Sano's voice, which sounded like a demon deceiving stupid humans, the little girl suddenly understood and nodded: "I see, I understand!"

Behind the counter of the convenience store, the boss, who had been watching the whole process, looked like he had seen a ghost and opened his mouth hesitantly.

Sano glanced at the boss, then looked at the little girl who was holding Coke in both hands and shaking it wildly: "Then taste it slowly. I'll leave first if I have something else to do."

...Of course Sano didn't want to run away quickly. He really had something to do. After all, the mission was still waiting for him.

The little girl stopped shaking, turned around, and happily bowed to Sano again and said goodbye: "Okay, thank you for the coke, it's all in vain!"

Sano waved his hand and quickly quickened his pace when the little girl turned back and continued to shake the Coke.

Hey, Sano walked so fast just because he was in a hurry. There was absolutely no other reason.

After a short interlude, Sano continued to the mission location, entering the black cat form halfway, and then entered the mission location.

Sure enough, just as Sano expected, he soon waited for the arrival of Conan, accompanied by the best friends duo Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko, and then as expected, another murder occurred.

Sano didn't pay attention to the process of this case, and didn't even bother to wait for the result of solving the case... With Conan's ability, it shouldn't be impossible to even solve the case.

After the mission was completed, Sano quietly left.

...It’s just that Sano originally thought that this mission might be just an ordinary episode, but when the mission was triggered again the next day and the content of the mission was copied and pasted, strange premonitions began to emerge.

Then on the third day, it was still the same.

On the fourth day, it was still the same.

The fifth day, the sixth day, the seventh day...

When a mission of this nature was triggered more than a dozen times in a row, Sano began to feel numb.

... To be honest, it can't be called torture. Compared with the earlier capture missions and missions... missions, it is not that tiring and rushed. At most, it is a bit boring.

Sano thought of it as a change of place to sleep, and by the way, he could also go out for a walk to see the scenery and so on.

It's just that every time there is a plague god and a dead body in the scenery, it always makes people feel inexplicably awkward.

In these more than ten missions, in addition to the fixed role of Conan, the people around him are also basically in rotation, such as the best friend duo, the father-daughter duo, and the team foursome, three types of plague packages, No free choice is provided.

...Just starting from the past two days, another guy Sano had never seen before seemed to suddenly start to have a sense of presence in front of him crazily.

Except for the two times he appeared with Mouri Kogoro earlier, this should be the fifth time today that he has seen this guy near Conan, right?

What is this guy's background?

Being able to increase his presence like crazy in front of Conan, the God of Plague, he shouldn't be considered a passerby.

Looking at the guy in a suit, who was holding a camera and taking pictures without knowing what he was taking, Sano yawned while wildly speculating on the other person's identity.

...To be honest, this guy was running around with a camera, and Sano couldn't help but suspect that this guy was actually collecting intelligence.

Maybe it's not impossible that he discovered something was wrong with Conan and was sent to investigate by some organization...or even his own organization.

But this guy's "candid photos" were too obvious and frequent, and it didn't feel like him.

After all, what intelligence agent would be so blatant?

...It's Toru Amuro, so he still has a working maniac setting to cover it up.

How about coming closer and listening?

Forget it, look for a chance to follow him later. If that doesn't work, just arrest him and torture him.

... Below, Nakajima Sukezo, who was "sneakly" taking photos of Conan, suddenly shuddered.

Why do I feel a little cold on my back?

After shaking his head, Nakajima Sukezo continued... taking secret photos of Conan.

As for why Nakajima Sukezo followed Conan and took secret photos, we have to start talking about it a few days ago.

...The root cause is naturally that Nakajima Sukezo ran out of inspiration, so he needed to find materials.

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