Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 278 277, Haoyue Wangwang Sect!

I really feel afraid of this guy, even...


Seeing Sano walking out of the bar, Gin snorted and retracted his thoughts.

Forget it, Sano has already accepted this task anyway, so it's not a bad thing if it can arouse some of his fighting spirit.

...As soon as Sano got off the building, he bumped into vodka.

"Yo, Jia Ge."

Sano raised his hand and said hello.

Vodka: "...Yo, Brother Mai."

After the two parties said hello, they passed each other without any communication.

Looking at Sano's back as he left, Vodka, who already knew the reason why Gin called him for a cocktail, already had an idea.

...I don’t know whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing to be sure that Sano is fine.

There is no problem with Sano, which means that Vodka will have to be wary of dealing with him in the future.

This is obviously not a good thing.

But if Sano really has a problem, it means that Vodka is likely to help his boss start a war with the other party and silence the other party... The former is better.

The latter always feels like he is looking for death.

As the saying goes, choose the lesser of two evils.

Vodka shuddered as he thought of this.

After returning home, Sano didn't do anything else. First he smoked, ah no, it was a strengthening.

...Although many troublesome things happened during this trip to Osaka, it was corresponding.

Sano also received a generous reward, so much so that he could start the second round as soon as he got the replica doll.

"In random strengthening, congratulations to the host's dog for being strengthened, the strengthening is successful..."


After Sano was stunned for a moment, he suddenly remembered the thin black dog he had seen before.

Could it be that dog?

...Originally, when he was strengthened last time, Sano thought that the thin dog was strengthened, but it turned out that it was strengthened on the doll. Is it really the case now?

Sano pulled out the map and quickly located his location. Then he went out and came to an alley on the next street, and then he saw the thin black dog as expected.


The thin dog also noticed Sano, but compared to the last time it was in front of Sano, which was either wary or cold, it became much more enthusiastic this time.

The tail behind the butt shook into a propeller, just like when he faced the puppet, it turned into a licking dog.

But this time the person being licked became Sano.

But that's not important. What's important is that Sano seemed to understand the meaning of the dog's bark just now.


If Sano's ears were right, he seemed to have heard such... words coming out of the dog's mouth.

...Is this because of the strengthening effect?

Sano glanced at the puppet who was being "bathed" by the licking dog in the alley. However, the licking dog suddenly ran away to lick another object. As a result, he looked a little confused. He squatted down and began to angrily rub the thin dog's head. .

Reinforcement name: Black Thin Dog.

Grade: B.


1. Pet (the affinity between this reinforcer and its owner will reach the highest level and cannot be eliminated).

2. Contract (the attributes of this enhanced object are doubled in all aspects, and it can communicate spiritually with the owner).

3. Summon (use the ignored distance to summon the enhanced object to the vicinity of the owner).

4. Lock tracking (can be used based on scent to display the target's location on the map).

Restrictions: The effect summoning cannot cause the reinforcement to appear in any observed place, and the summoning location will be modified according to the situation; the effect lock tracking cannot be used again within 24 hours after each use.

Note: The bright moon and the barking teach the world to be invincible!

Sano rubbed the dog's head while checking the details of its effects.

When he saw the note, Sano's breathing stopped unconsciously, and he took out the cat demon headdress and took a look at the note information.

First came the Holy Fire Miaomiao Cult, and then the Haoyue Wangwang Cult.

...Good guy, I let the system say both good and bad things. This guy is really a bitch.

After complaining, Sano focused on business.

According to the effect description, it seems that it was not Sano who understood the dog language of the thin dog, nor was it the thin dog speaking human words, but it was because of the so-called "spiritual communication".

Sano pinched the dog's ears thoughtfully, and this dog-licking gesture was completely opposite to the last time they met, probably because of the intimacy.

Apart from these two points, the two effects of summoning and scent tracking can only be said to be so-so. The contract effect including spiritual communication also has the effect of doubling the attributes of this thin dog in all aspects.

...It feels a little tasteless this time.

A dog, no matter how high its attributes are, what is its use?

It's a pity that Sano thought he could really make a barking dog for himself, but it turned out that he was just the best among dogs. How could he get a B-level evaluation?

Sano frowned and thought for a while, feeling that his thinking might be wrong.

Maybe this thing is not used for frontal combat, but should be developed in an auxiliary direction?

So Sano forcibly raised the head of the dog and began to try to communicate: "Can you understand what I am saying?"

The thin dog tilted its head and barked "woof, woof, woof" again.

And in Sano... it sounded like this guy was basically saying - happy, happy, comfortable, and wanted to lick.

... God really wants to lick it. Doesn’t a dog know what else to do besides licking it?

Sano continued to try to communicate with the other party, but unfortunately...there was no gain.

It felt like I was communicating with a kid who hadn't even entered kindergarten yet, no, he couldn't even speak well.

Can't communicate, can't communicate.

It’s a bit difficult to develop in the auxiliary direction just like this.

Sano let out a long sigh and could only put down this idea temporarily: "Let me give you a name first, let's call it...Wangcai, Xiaohei or Dahei, you choose one?"

The thin dog tilted its neck again and barked.


"Xiao Hei?"

After Sano was stunned for a moment, he was surprised: "Can you understand me?"

Xiao Hei continued to bark, but unfortunately the only response was "Xiao Hei Xiao Hei".

...Can I understand this or not?

After Sano scratched his head, he seemed to gradually realize what was going on with this little black guy.

Dogs cannot understand human speech. This is the first perception of most people. But in fact, after training, dogs can understand some simple instructions from their owners.

After all, they are all self-aware animals, so their IQ cannot be zero.

Sano once seemed to have read some popular science, saying that depending on the breed of dog, the IQ of an adult dog can range from the level of a six- or seven-year-old human child, to an upper limit of nine years old.

With such an IQ, if Sano is like this and under the conditions of "interoperable language", communication should be no problem, at most it will be a little troublesome.

It's just that this little black one may be wandering.

Or maybe it's because he's not old enough yet, so he's temporarily unable to communicate successfully with Sano.

Taking it back and cultivating it should solve this problem.

Having come to such a conjecture, Sano felt a lot more comfortable, and then patted Xiao Hei on the head: "Come back with me, home, a place to sleep, there is food, you won't be hungry, it's very warm, do you understand?" , just call me if you understand."

Sano didn't know whether Xiao Hei understood it or if he simply imitated Sano's "meaning" and called "home" and "food" twice.

"Well, well, there is food at home."

Sano said a few perfunctory words before dragging Xiao Hei away.

However, at this time, something unexpected happened.

...This girl refused to follow Sano. Her four paws were clinging to the ground, and the skin on the back of her neck was almost stretched into plasticine, and she didn't move at all.

What's more, he's quite strong... That's right, his attributes have been doubled in all aspects, so no wonder he can't pull him.

"What are you doing? Come with me!"

Sano started a tug-of-war with Xiao Hei like a tug of war.

...Sano has never seen such a stubborn dog. It is dragged like this and refuses to leave. Doesn't it hurt? It's so stupid. You take it by yourself to go eat and drink spicy food. Why? It just refuses to move. With the pet effect, it is impossible to think that you want to harm it, so you are too scared to move.


Suddenly, the puppet also rushed over, squirming and whimpering at Sano.

He probably felt that his licking dog was in danger, so he was threatening Sano.

Ha, I used to ignore Xiao Hei, but now I'm anxious.

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