Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 371 370, the old aunt’s charming eyes

Conan tried to have a silent communication with the other party, but unfortunately the other party didn't look at him at all.

Helpless, Conan could only take out his headset phone.

However, before the call was made, a gun barrel was already pressed against Conan's head.

"You brat, what are you going to do?"

Conan: "..."


Conan was not shot.

It was just a slap in the face.

After his only means of contact with the outside world was taken away, Conan was finally determined.

There was a third robber in the car.

And he was one of the three passengers sitting behind him.

Conan sat in the second to last row. Sitting by the window was Ai Haibara. In front of him were Bermod and Judy. On the right were the team members and Dr. Agasa. Sitting in the last row were four people.

But Sano, or rather Kurosawa, was directly eliminated by Conan.

There were only three people left.

A man wearing a mask who keeps coughing, an old man wearing something similar to headphones but claiming to be a hearing aid, an old aunt chewing gum, an accomplice of the robber.

It should be among these three people.

...In fact, Conan suspected that there were accomplices in the car from the beginning.

Because Conan knew about the Yajima Kunio mentioned by the two robbers.

It was the leader of the jewelry robbery gang who was arrested some time ago. This matter had been in the newspapers, so Conan knew very well that apart from the leader, there were three members of the gang who had not been caught, and the remaining one.

Most likely they can also make bombs!

This is troublesome...

... Sano didn't know what Conan was thinking, because just now he had quietly put on his blasting gloves and determined the location of the bomb.

It was in the two bags brought by the two robbers.

If he had access, Sano could secretly defuse the bomb, thus ensuring that no one would be killed, and then take action to directly kill the two robbers and force out the other robber. His identity...even then there was no need to ask.

There is a high probability that the third person will appear on his own.

But the problem is that Sano is out of reach. Even if he wants to act secretly, the unknown third robber will definitely notice him.

Even if Sano wanted to take action by force and deal with the robbers before they detonated the bomb, there would still be the third robber in the way... To put it bluntly, if you want to break the situation, you must first find the third party, and then if.

Hmm... test it with the Hammer of Justice?

Then the scope is a bit large, and it’s hard not to attract attention.

Or, pretend to surrender first, and then look for opportunities?

A wonderful idea came to Zuo Ye, and then he suddenly discovered it.

That boy Conan was secretly winking at him.

...This kid has a cramp in his face?

Hey, just kidding, although Conan does look like his face is cramped now, Sano can still tell that the other person is trying to connect with him.

It's just that this kid's face is so twitchy that he really can't understand what it means?

Sano pursed his lips, raised his hand to touch his face, and then secretly withdrew two fingers.

It's equivalent to making a "three" gesture to Conan.

Sano was reminding Conan that there were three robbers in the car.

Then, just like when he faced the FBI in the afternoon... or rather in the morning, he made an explosive gesture to remind Conan that there was a bomb in the car, to be more precise.

In fact, it is to remind Conan not to act recklessly and seek death.

As for the two moves Sano performed, Conan was surprised, but his eyes also lit up.

Kurosawa also saw it!

There were three robbers in the car, as well as a bomb...but how did the other party determine the latter?

Conan frowned and was about to communicate again, but the two robbers carefully and neatly placed the two big bags on the passage.

Could it be that?

Conan immediately lay down and tried to check the big bag... and then the gun was pressed against his head again.

This time the robber was really angry and wanted to pull the trigger immediately.

This made Tomoaki Shinde jump out without hesitation and stand in front of Conan.

After some pleading, the robber was persuaded to leave by another robber.

...This made Zuo Ye couldn't help but want to complain.

The protagonist's halo is so awesome, why can't he even be killed?

Conan's wave of tricks made him feel sure again.

The third robber was definitely among the three people behind him.

At the same time, there is this certainty, and there is Sano.

During the first wave, Sano didn't pay attention, but by the second wave, his mind was all taken back, especially since his attention was focused on Conan just now, and from his perspective, he was able to "see the whole situation." ".

How could you not notice something was wrong?

When Conan lay down, none of the passengers in front looked back.

This also means that to "tell" the two robbers that there is an abnormal third robber behind them, they can only be next to Conan and behind him.

Only in this way can you detect Conan's movements.

But the people next to Conan are all people he knows. They are undoubtedly positive characters. Naturally, they cannot be robbers, so they can only be one of the three people behind.

... Sitting on the far left side of the last row, the man Sano has met twice, who undoubtedly belongs to the underground world, was originally the guy with the greatest suspicion.

But he remembered the reaction Sano saw when he "looked at the overall situation" just now.

On the contrary, Sano felt that the other party could not be a robber.

Just when Conan was held at gunpoint and Tomoaki Shinde stepped forward, two people among the passengers present had a different reaction.

One is this guy and the other is Judy.

Compared with Conan's emotional upheaval when he was pointed at a gun, that is, "a child may be killed", the eyes of these two people after Tomoaki Shinde stepped forward showed "dignity" and "hesitation" Shocked”, these unusual reactions.

Thinking back to the "accidental encounter" mentioned by Tomaki Shinde before, and even what happened last time at the Rice Blossom Central Building, Sano felt that he had every reason to be suspicious.

Are these two guys following Tomaki Shinde?

This is really a somewhat subtle discovery.

...Of course, these are all minor issues at the moment. The point is that since that guy is targeting Shinde Tomoe, he shouldn't be a member of the robbers anymore. If the other party is also suspected of being a "non-participant" set up.

The possibility is even less likely.

And if this guy is also included in the scope of suspicion, consider it from a practical point of view.

The third robber was hidden among the passengers. The method of reminding the two robbers could not be too obvious. There was a high probability that it was some kind of hidden "signal".

The differences in the methods that the three people on Sano's left may use to give signals are——

Cough, headphones, gum.

Of course it might not be.

But that's all Sano can think of at the moment.

The first one coughed, but Sano couldn't find any pattern...and the old man Dr. Agasa in the front row seemed to have a cold too, and he kept coughing.

Not likely.

The second earphone contact, with Sano's hearing, he would definitely be able to hear it if the other party did this, but he didn't hear anything.

So it's equally unlikely.

That leaves only the third one.

You can use chewing gum to give a should you give it?

bia is gibbering?

It seemed that Sano's eyes lingered on the old aunt next to him for too long, which attracted this guy's gaze as well: "What are you looking at? What's wrong?"

Although the old aunt frowned at first, after seeing Sano's "Kurosawa" face, her tone became softer, and there was an inexplicable... ogling in her eyes. smell.

... Sano's No. 3 vest isn't too good-looking, but it's definitely not bad either.

After all, Sano couldn't allow himself to have an ugly face.

Especially because it is very "characteristic", it is suitable for groups who are interested in this genre, or people who get the charm of it.

The attraction will be full... Of course, this is not the result of Sano's deliberate manipulation, he just simply starts from his own aesthetics.

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