But before things could continue.

Sano suddenly picked up the pistol that Rishi had dropped on the ground and pointed it at Leon.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing the gun pointed at him in Sano's hand, Leon's face suddenly turned pale.

Conan and Conan didn't expect Sano to do this, and they were in a daze with hesitation on their faces.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me honestly what you want to do."

Sano was impatient to wait any longer. He took a few steps forward and put the muzzle of the gun on Leon's head: "Otherwise, you should know what I will do next."

Facing Sano's cold eyes, Leon was shocked, as if he was back to last night. He didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and he knelt down on the ground and confessed everything honestly... There was nothing special about it.

It's basically the same as Conan's reasoning.

The motivation part is just as Sano thought, because the previous construction plan was rejected, so he wanted to destroy the city so that he could rebuild it again.

...although it sounds outrageous.

But there are many outrageous things in this world, and Sano can accept it calmly.

"So, what preparations have you made, bombs?"

Leon was stunned and shook his head quickly: "Are you kidding? I'm not a member of a terrorist group. How can I get a bomb to blow up a city?"

Sano frowned: "Then how do you plan to destroy the city?"

"It depends on those pirates..."


Yes, it’s really whimsical.

After rubbing his swollen temples, Sano didn't quite understand how those pirates were willing to cooperate with Leon's evil plan.

Kuroba Kaito, who had been listening in, spoke again at this moment: "But this has already failed, it seems. The police team has already entered the ship, and they will probably be able to control it in a while. "

"Then you have underestimated those pirates."

Sano pulled Leon over and held him in front of him as if he were a hostage, facing the entrance to the observation deck over there: "Or it can be said that he looked down on the local police. Those guys have already rushed here. .”


Before Conan and Kuroba Kaito could react, dozens of people rushed out of the entrance, all of them menacing and holding guns.

"Don't move around, or be careful with his head."

Seeing the group of pirates, Leon couldn't help but have a little hope in his eyes.

But after Sano pressed the gun to his temple again, Leon immediately began to despair again and shouted quickly: "Don't move, listen to him..."

However, Leon hadn't finished speaking yet.

Dozens of dark gun muzzles were already pointed in the direction of Sano and the others.


"Da da da!"

Sano quickly threw Leon away and rushed to the side.

Kuroba Kaito and Conan reacted equally quickly, and the former even took the time to drag Leon, but inevitably he still received two bullets.

On the other hand, the rich second generation who had been squatting on the ground the entire time was beaten to a pulp on the spot.

...Damn it, these guys really didn’t intend to listen to Leon.

Sano thought he had completely figured out the situation.

If I guessed correctly, it was a transaction entrustment relationship, but the transaction object was not Lyon's net worth, which was more or less, but the Cyan Blue Fist. Unfortunately, these pirates did not have any professional ethics.

Once they are in chaos, they will retreat after getting the gems. As for Leon's plan to destroy the city.

Who cares?

The same thing happened to Leon, an idiot. He had no idea that Liu would be so foolish as to believe that these pirates would listen to him.

Then stick your head out and observe.

Rishi has been untied by several pirates... huh?

Are the two co-authors involved, or are they actually working together?

"...Detective, Phantom Thief, Psychologist and Murderer."

After rubbing his wrist, Rishi raised his hand to signal the pirates to stop shooting and said, "It's really amazing, but that's the end of it."

Rishi started chattering again and said a lot of nonsense.

The first half is probably about blaming Sano and explaining Rishi's motives... In fact, it is the same as before, no different from Sano's speculation.

But the second half is interesting.

Not only this group of pirates, but also the two women killed by Leon, were actually Rixi's companions, and the purpose of this group of pirates coming here was not just because they didn't trust and wanted to get the gems with their own hands.

Not even here to save Rishi... After all, the accident here was not expected. Sano might not have thought too much if he didn't know this before.

But now.

"Miss Suzuki, we will accept it."

Rishi had a proud and cruel smile on his face, and after hearing this, Kuroba Kaito, who was hiding behind the bunker at the other end, couldn't help but reply: "I'm afraid Miss Suzuki's side was at the beginning of the commotion. Withdrawal?"

"It stands to reason that this is correct."

Rishi's smile grew brighter: "But unfortunately, as a police officer, I have asked her to stay in the room and wait for our rescue."


Conan and the two people over there looked ugly.

Sano even had murderous intentions... It's not that he cared about Suzuki Sonoko's safety, the problem was that things were out of control and it was unpleasant.

I guessed that Rishi had a problem, but I didn't expect it to be so big.

He directly used Leon, who looked awesome on the surface, but was actually a fool, as a puppet. He had already reached a deeper relationship with the pirates, and even set his sights on Suzuki Sonoko.

Although given the conditions, it is normal not to be able to find any relevant threads.

But this doesn't work for Sano.

The total number of pirates in this group is about two to three hundred. Each person possesses medium-range powerful firearms. In addition to a rocket launcher, the heavy firepower is some grenades and the like. And most of them are at the end of the road on the bay ground, responsible for Intercepted and exchanged fire with local police.

This kind of firepower configuration is already a bit too large for pirates.

...Even though Sano still wanted to complain, the local police couldn't even deal with this thing in a short time. It was really waste to the extreme.

But the focus is still on the pirates in the hotel.

Since Leonrich and Conan came in front of Sano one after another, he changed the tracking target to the entire enemy branch.

Dozens of pirates were divided into two halves.

Half of them went to the room where Suzuki Sonoko was, and the other half was right in front of them.

Even though Kyogoku is really there, and even though that guy was deceived by Leon, he is currently a little timid and may not be able to deal with it.

Maybe speed will solve the problem.

Sano suddenly threw out the pistol in his hand, attracting the attention of Rishi's group: "Why, are you planning to surrender by throwing away the gun..."



Before Rixi could finish his words, the splashing and muffled sounds of blood rang in his ears. He subconsciously turned his head, and the blood spurted out just hit his face. When he looked closely, he saw that it was right next to him. The pirate leader fell down with a pair of staring eyes as if he had a throwing knife stuck in his neck.

"Damn it!"

Rishi's expression changed. He never thought that Sano's action of throwing the gun was for a sneak attack. Then he was about to turn around and tell the other pirates to attack directly, but when he turned around, he saw countless cold lights flying towards him.


Sano rushed out of the bunker, his hands almost turned into afterimages, and he kept throwing flying knives, which was different from the first shot that pursued lethality or penetration.

The flying knife Sano behind is pursuing pure speed.

Therefore, the attack power is not very good, and even if it hits the vital point, it is difficult to cause too much damage, so Sano places the target on the pirates' wrists. As long as they can't shoot accurately, there will be no problem.

"Quick, kill him!"

Rishi shouted as he ran to avoid it.

The pirates finally reacted. The pirates who had not been hit in time raised their guns and pulled the triggers. Sano was forced to stop the knife attack and hid behind another bunker. Then he looked at Conan and Conan. He glanced at Kuroba Kaito's hiding place.

Kuroba Kaito understood immediately.

"Fuck a famous detective!"


Before Conan could recover from Sano's first flying knife, he saw Kuroba Kaito rushing out of the bunker, first throwing a few smoke bombs at the pirates, and then holding guns, playing cards and The tranquilizer bombs were fired indiscriminately, successfully interrupting the opponent's firepower and disrupting the position.

Sano seized the opportunity and rushed out of the bunker again.

It would definitely not work if he wanted to use flying knives to shoot randomly like Kuroba Kaito, so Sano chose to rush directly into the smoke, planning to start a close combat.


After breaking through the smoke, Sano flipped the blade between his fingers and slit one person's throat. At the same time, he pushed away the muzzle of the gun that the other person turned around after noticing him, and inserted the blade straight into the person's throat.

The two of them were approaching again.

Sano took out the blade with both hands at the same time and stepped forward.

A stream of blood spurted out from the forearms of the two people. The combined effect of pain and muscle rupture caused the firearms in their hands to fall. Then Sano turned his hands and slapped them away, and the blade was inserted into the back of the two people's necks. .

...With his transcendent vision, Sano has an advantage even if he is also in the smoke, not to mention that after gaining the mind's eye, he always feels as if he has unknowingly absorbed the specific effects of martial arts bandages. Similarly, the mysterious and mysterious perception ability in the dark has also become stronger. In the earlier Woodpecker Guild incident, he was able to discover in time that the murderer was faking his death, which was also a factor in this aspect.

all in all.

This is undoubtedly a massacre.

At the other end, Kuroba Kaito noticed Sano rushing into the smoke. In order to avoid accidental injury, he could only stop shooting randomly and rush in with him to engage in close combat.

Of course it's different from Sano.

Kuroba Kaito's melee combat is not true melee combat. Fighting with fists or knives simply shortens the shooting distance.

But despite this, Kuroba Kaito also has an advantage.

After about ten seconds, due to the strong night wind at a high altitude, the smoke gradually began to dissipate. Although it was not completely dispersed, it was still possible to roughly see the outline of the surroundings. The remaining dozen or so pirates who were still capable of fighting were already there. It's Kuai who can really unleash their firepower.

And just when Kuroba Kaito was thinking about whether he should add a few more smoke bombs, Conan, who rushed out of the bunker but didn't know what to do, finally had a chance to show off. He twisted his foot strength-enhancing shoes and popped them out of his belt. The inflatable football knocked down three or four people on the spot.

"What the hell!?"

Taking advantage of the football to attract attention, Kuroba Kaito fired several more tranquilizer rounds. At the same time, Sano brought down the last three people over there.

So far.

The pirates on the observation deck were completely wiped out.

Oh, maybe it can't be called a group annihilation. After all, only a small number of people died, and there was something wrong with those who were still capable of action.

Two to be exact.

"go to hell!!"

Sano had just hit Rishi's wrist with another flying knife, and the next second, Pigtail appeared behind him and punched the back of his head hard.


However, Sano just turned his head and let the punch pass by his head. He then raised his hand to grab his wrist without hesitation, inserted the knife into the inside of his arm with his other hand, turned around and pulled the knife.


A bloody mouth appeared on Xiao braid's entire arm.

The pigtail's pupils shrank, and before he had time to react, he subconsciously extended his other fist, but Sano was just short and easily dodged it, and even stepped forward, almost touching the opponent's face.


At the same moment when he pressed the knife up against Pigtail's throat, four streaks of blood suddenly spurted out from the other arm he held out.

There are two muscles in the forearm and upper arm.

It only took a second from the sneak attack to the present. Sano's two counterattacks destroyed both of Pigtail's arms. Not to mention the future, at least they will be useless for a short time. Such a crushing development is shocking.

"...I should have warned you a long time ago that if you dare to fight with me, you will do it."

Sano raised his gaze and looked directly at the pigtail: "Goodbye then, Zayu."


Without giving Pigtail any chance, Sano slapped the knife in his hand completely into his throat. He took two steps back and looked at the other person coldly as he covered the blood hole in his throat that was constantly bleeding. He staggered a few steps and fell to the ground.

Such wounds, coupled with the top physical fitness of human beings.

It is estimated that the blood will drain out within a few minutes, and the pigtail's consciousness will not disappear. It will take more time to die completely. However, considering the chaos of the current situation, death is already doomed. It is impossible to have time to deal with the injuries. Simply In other words, one can only wait for death to come.

Such fear made Pigtails even more unable to understand why he was crushed so easily. Of course, Sano thought it was natural.

... No matter how awesome this braid sounds, he is a world-class karate master, and he even stood out and won the championship, but in fact, just like his employer Leon, he is just a fake.

Sano's original estimate was that he was not as good as Amuro Toru and Akai Shuichi.

Probably a level stronger than Mao Lilan.

An arrogant and careless attitude, plus Sano also has a special weapon in his hand.

Instant kill, it’s normal.

On the other hand, after discovering the sneak attack by the braid, Conan and the other two saw the man's throat being pierced again before even the warning voice came out of his throat. At this moment, Sano, who saw his hands covered with blood, fell into silence... ...Why do you feel that this guy is getting more and more violent this time? Although it seems that in such a dangerous situation, self-defense is completely justified, but at least the wave just now can be avoided, right?

Could it be that he knew that Suzuki Sonoko was in danger, so he became angry unconsciously?

While the two were deep in thought, Sano turned his head and looked at Rishi, who was covering his wrist.

"So, are there any methods you haven't used yet?"

Rixi's head was already covered in cold sweat. He never expected that the game that he thought was a sure win would be reversed in less than a minute.

But after a few seconds of silence, Rixi still forced his lips to open.

"Sano Shinichiro, you are indeed hiding very deep, but unfortunately you may not know one thing. It is not just me and this group of pirates who participated in Miss Suzuki's kidnapping plan. The people who are targeting you have already taken action."


Conan and Kuroba Kaito came back to their senses. Before they could think about what Rishi meant, they found that each other's eyes had turned to the public TV in the hotel nearby. After subconsciously turning their heads, the picture on the TV had already changed. Instead, it was a live broadcast of the attack on the hotel below.

"...The latest news is that a well-known international terrorist organization has announced that it will kidnap the eldest lady of the Suzuki Consortium who is in Singapore at the moment, and issued a demand that if Black Mask does not show up within an hour, it will carry out a vote-killing operation."

...Perhaps because it involves Suzuki Sonoko, a neon person, the Singaporean TV station also specially noted a Japanese translation under the purely English spoken language, so even Sano understood the meaning.

The international terrorist organization uses Suzuki Sonoko as a threat to see the black mask.

This development is really thought-provoking.

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