Sure enough, everything was back on track. According to the information that Amuro Toru continued to work undercover at the winery, Rye had abdicated over time, and now the organization relied entirely on Gin alone to take charge.

Black clothes completely withdraw from the "public" sight.

The Black Death, Nadoutong and Wanshiwu are all the same as before, except that the leader has been replaced by Huang Mao, the zoo has disappeared, and the fff group has lost its faith, and has fallen into madness and caused a lot of things.

However, the unification was relatively easy to solve.

Conan returned to daily life, and several cases came out in just a few days.

It was also solved fairly smoothly.

If there is anything special, it is that Sano plans to move.

He said he was going abroad with the little girl.

This undoubtedly made Conan Mao Lilan and others feel reluctant and confused.

But due to Sano's resolute attitude, others naturally couldn't say much. In the end, they didn't even have time to hold a farewell party. The two of them, one big and one small, got on the plane and left Neon completely.

And when the flight takes off that no one else knows about.

Only Toru Amuro was among the crowd at the airport, watching the plane gradually disappear.

Toru Amuro didn't know why he came all the way to deliver this impostor, but during this period he always had nightmares about Sano's face.

It's obviously not the first time he kills someone, even if it's someone he's already very familiar with.

It's not like it hasn't happened before.

After a long silence, Amuro Toru exhaled and turned to leave.

A few days later, Toru Amuro retrieved Sano's body from a private laboratory in America... Due to the special nature of this body, plus the help provided by America in the final battle, and The price paid was finally given to the opposite party after discussion by the decision-makers.

Even Toru Amuro was useless in this matter and could only watch.

Fortunately, America couldn't find anything from Sano's body, which gave Toru Amuro a chance to get it back.

Of course, this move is obviously for Neon officials to conduct research.

But in fact...America couldn't research anything, and Neon couldn't research anything, and she really wanted to research it.

How can you get it back so easily?

Through the feat of being the only one to survive and kill the Black God in the final battle, Toru Amuro was successfully allowed to give in to his selfishness and obtain the body.

...At least, there must be a tomb, right?

Looking at the body in the coffin, due to the best preservation measures for research, it can only be seen that it is still intact. The inside has been hollowed out, and it can almost be said that there is only an empty shell left.

Toru Amuro lit up one cigarette after another.

It wasn't until daybreak that I finally came back to my senses and started lowering the coffin into the earth, then buried the monument...but to be on the safe side, the monument was also anonymous.

This is a tomb that only you know whose owner it is.


A large number of crows landed on the trees, and one even landed directly on the tombstone.

As if mourning, he started shouting.


Toru Amuro reached for the cigarette case again, but unfortunately it was empty, so he took the half-filled cigarette out of his mouth and placed it in front of the monument: "Be a good person in the next life."

After leaving such words, Toru Amuro finally left.

However, not long after Toru Amuro left, five black figures appeared again and stopped in front of the monument, even though they were all wearing hats.

But the long white hair of two of them is very conspicuous.

"Dig it up."

Vodka and Huang Mao took out their shovels and started working hard.

After a while, several people picked up the coffin and ran away.

"... Damn it, that guy is really tough. How can he carry such a heavy coffin by himself?"

Hearing Huang Mao's muttering, Ginjiu snorted and said, "Stop talking nonsense. Does your boss teach you to complain while working?"

Huang Mao curled his lips and said nothing more.

Until we came to a winery base.

After carrying the body out of the coffin, Huang Mao didn't even dare to touch it.

I was afraid that with a little force, the skin that was as brittle as paper would be punctured.

"Hey, I said, didn't you say it's fast? Why is there no movement?"

Facing Huang Mao's doubts, Gin also frowned and looked to the side.

"Watch what I do."

The stand-in shrugged: "I only turned around after receiving the letter. I don't know where to go for the specific situation, so I can only treat the situation like a dead horse."

"So, who sent that letter?"

Curacao raised doubts: "Could it be a trap to get rid of us?"

"No, although there is no evidence, I recognize this word."

The substitute hesitated for two seconds, and his eyes were confused for a while: "It's one of our own."

"One of our own?"

"Yes, Koizumi Aiko."

Others were still unfamiliar with this name, but Huang Mao suddenly thought of it: "If Koizumi Aiko...isn't that the girl's..."

"It's her mother."

The sudden sound startled several people and turned around.

Sano, who was lying on the table, had already sat up. His originally dry body had become plump. The two blood holes on his forehead and side, as well as the gap on his ears, were all restored to their original appearance.

"Holy crap, are you really resurrected?"

Sano ignored the horrified looks in Huang Mao and Vodka's eyes and waved to the substitute: "You have the letter you just mentioned, bring it over and let me have a look."

The substitute messenger didn't hesitate, took out the letter and handed it to Sano.

Sano took a quick look and realized that the information recorded in the original book was incomplete, or that something was hidden from him.

Eternal life, time goes backwards.

This is not limited to lifespan, but physical.

In other words, even if he is killed or dead, Sano can be resurrected.

Resurrection armor is the norm.

It's just that due to the existence of the regression interval, this resurrection takes time.

Of course this is not actually important.

What's important is why Sano's memory is still there after time goes backwards.

Read on.

But first, Koizumi Aiko introduced herself. Sure enough, her last name alone was problematic. She was a witch who was quite compatible with an alchemist. She probably had some kind of relationship with Koizumi Anko, and she was a lover with Sano.

Of course, it was the last one...or should I say the last one?

Also, the original person that I originally thought was actually the original "father" who faked his death so that he could take over. Naturally, the "original mother" cannot be the real death. The only thing that really surprises people. .

Maybe that girl is really Sano's bloodline...

It’s so confusing. Did you get infected by Neon? Why is it getting more and more perverted the more you look at it?

Sano scratched his head and continued to look down.

Regardless of this relationship, as a witch, Koizumi Aiko has lost her magic power when she is with an alchemist, as Koizumi Anko said.

He is just an ordinary person at the moment.

But Koizumi Aiko still hasn't had much contact with Sano, maybe just like Karasuma Renya, knowing in her heart that Sano is no longer the original person.

But leaving the child to Sano's side made him a little bit confused.

…Is it really because it’s too difficult for an ordinary person to make money?

According to Koizumi Aiko's explanation, Sano's predecessor had actually predicted what would happen today, or "predicted" it. Because it is the memory of the soul that regresses in time rather than the body, his memory at the moment has not disappeared.

In other words, Sano is not actually the original person.

...A body has been replaced with souls twice in succession, that's probably what it means.

Sano really just came here a year ago.

As for the one from a year ago, it was also the real “previous term”.

The previous one tried many times to solve the problem of memory regression, but all failed, so he simply gave up the struggle until he found out that the last time was the last one, and Sano would take over this time.

Simply chose to let go.

But at the end, there is a test close to choice.

Start a world war and destroy the world, or die in peace.

If you choose the former, Sano's resurrection will be meaningless once he is resurrected. There may be no living people around him when he opens his eyes, and he may not even be able to survive. If he chooses the latter, he can start over.

Because prophecy does not mean knowing everything about the future.

The original person was worried that Sano would go too far, so he kept it in his back pocket.

...It's really fancy. How can such a method give any guarantee? It will make you feel regretful. The real guarantee should be to tell yourself in advance that you will feel afraid and dare not do this.

I'm not thinking well, this is it.

Continuously going backwards in time so that your intelligence has regressed?

After curling his lips and throwing away the letter, Sano did some stretching to adapt to his backward body. Fortunately, he had done a lot of mental preparation before taking that step, but he actually told him that it was just a test?

"What are you going to do now?"

the substitute asked.

Sano looked at Gin.

Gin immediately took out a piece of information: "The information of key personnel at the decision-making level of several major countries has been prepared, and people have been arranged to keep an eye on it."

"Then what else is there to say."

Sano stood up and said: "I just think I'm dead now, so I don't feel nervous. If I want to take advantage of the opportunity to control the world's officials, the difficulty has been reduced a lot."

"No, you still plan to continue?"

Curacao frowned in confusion.

Sano smiled and said: "Why not, understand, some things can be used, but you can't live without them. Otherwise, what if something happens again?"

Curacao hesitated to speak, but still couldn't refute.

"Let's go back."

Sano suddenly looked at the substitute's ear.

This surprised the substitute messenger: "Hey, don't demolish the bridge so fast when crossing the river."

...In order to allow the stand-in user to take over his identity, Sano specially extended the injury on the gap in the opponent's ear, and then used life-saving methods to directly restore it to its original shape without his own gap.

It is only reasonable to use special attack suits and medical means to quickly enter the scarring stage after incision, and finally to rescue the wounded with one hand.

Although the core DNA and other aspects cannot be changed, this is already the best way, but now everything is back to the original doesn't feel right.

Forget it, there is still hard work without credit, not to mention that most of it is credit.

Sano said no more.

Until the next day.

Toru Amuro came to antiques again.

...The undercover work at the winery can continue.

But Rum, the original boss and Rye are no longer there, and all the forces on the positive side have been in contact. At least Toru Amuro feels that he no longer needs to waste time here with Mouri Kogoro. Go down, he is here to resign today.

However, the door was opened here.

A familiar figure sitting in front of the counter made Toru Amuro stunned unconsciously.


Sano smiled and turned around to say hello to Toru Amuro: "Long time no see."

Amuro Toru came back to his senses and suddenly realized something was wrong.

This sense of familiarity, as well as the development of returning after obviously leaving.

"Are you, Sano?"

"if not."

Sano shrugged: "My face looks changed a lot?"

Toru Amuro was in a daze for a moment, then quickly approached Sano: "I want hair."

"I'm so tired of all the saliva. Do you want it?"

Saying that, Sano was about to start coughing up phlegm, but Toru Amuro was even more convinced that the person in front of him was the real owner. At that moment, he didn't know whether to say it was joy or heavy... After all, for Yuri, the fact that the real owner is not dead means that the matter is not over. .

But let's not talk about how serious the consequences will be if we continue, and whether the matter can be solved again, just take one step.

Toru Amuro couldn't guarantee that he would be able to pull the trigger again.

"……When did you come back?"

To be on the safe side, Toru Amuro decided to wait and see.

In response to this, Sano smiled: "How can you still be unclear if others don't understand?"

...Could it be that he really wanted it back? ?

Toru Amuro immediately had the urge to see if the grave was still there.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and talk about business."

Sano lit a cigarette: "I plan to open a detective agency, do you want to come?"


Toru Amuro thought he heard wrongly: "Why are you driving this so well?"

“It’s expensive to raise a child.”

Sano blinked at Toru Amuro.

Toru Amuro immediately understood the meaning behind these words. One was that Sano would have no "extra income" in the future, which meant that he would no longer get involved in those things.

The second is that Sano has "concerns".

Especially when I think about it, Sano died once before in order not to affect other people... Even though he is alive again now, it still shows the essence.

To put it bluntly, Sano wanted to "wash his name".

This was not only telling Toru Amuro, but also asking him about his wishes - whether to join Sano's detective agency. Joining would mean consent, and at the same time, there would be an opportunity to monitor him openly.

Amuro Toru was stunned for a while, then readily agreed.

"Okay, but I have to say it first, my salary is not low."

"As long as you don't reimburse me randomly, it's just a minor problem. Call the boss first."

Get out antique.

At one end of the road, Conan, Ran Haibara, Ai Suzuki Sonoko and several real children were walking here just after school. When they saw Sano and Tohru Amuro, they were all stunned unconsciously. After rubbing their eyes, they realized that it was not an illusion. , all showed expressions of surprise and ran towards this area.


Sano smiled and waved his hand as a greeting.

"...Speaking of which, what are you going to do about that boy and the winery?"

Toru Amuro suddenly asked.

Sano turned around and said, "Why do adults get involved in the children's play?"

Toru Amuro was stunned, shook his head and chuckled.

Looking back, Sano had already met a group of people on the opposite side.

“There’s a party today, I’ll go back to China to open a store and recruit new employees, three-piece set in one.”

"Oh, by the way, Tohru Amuro is treating me."


Looking at the cheering group of people, Toru Amuro couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly.

...all for world peace.

Well, I have to ask the Ministry of Public Security for reimbursement later!


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