Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

Vol 3 Chapter 295: Hiroshi Kanao

There are only six people in total, and the manpower is too tight.

No, it's simply too much.

The six people Nakamori also Hongguang is a forensic doctor and is now examining the body. Because there are no forensic personnel, Shiratori is responsible for the limited investigation of the crime scene.

The suspects were all escorted to their respective rooms, and Kenji Yuki surveyed the corridor while making sure that they would not run around and exchange confessions with each other.

Kato Kumano and Nakamura Yan are responsible for the survey outside the mansion, while Mizuma Tsuki is responsible for the inquiries of everyone and the survey of their respective rooms.

First, he communicated with the land using the specially brought radio, and Tsuki Mizuma started his work.

Because she didn't want to pay attention to the group of high school detectives, Mizuma first chose the director of the two program staff, Hiroshi Kanao.

Walking into the room of Hiroo Oo, Mizumayue found out that this person was drinking in the room, and her heart was really big.

"Mr. Police Officer...? I...I'm not a murderer!" The drunk Hiroshi Kanao didn't panic at all when he saw Mizumayuki.

"Mr. Kanao, why did you bring wine with you when you came here to make the show?" Mizumayuki asked with a frown.

Drinking during the production of the show itself is an unprofessional withdrawal, and most of the drinkers like to have as many drinking friends as possible. Could it be that this tail is planning to pull the four high school students to drink together? Especially in a country where the law expressly prohibits underage drinking.

"The show doesn't go on all the time, so what does it matter if you drink a little in the interval?" Hiroshi Kanao said nonchalantly with a burp.

Mizumayue has already judged that there is something wrong with this person. As a large TV station, Nippon TV Station should not use such a foolish director, especially in this era when the whole people are enthusiastic about reasoning. For example, Uncle Maori occasionally appears on the screen, that is, to cooperate with the extremely popular Miss Yoko Okino, but there are also rumors that only Yoko Okino can attract Uncle Maori to participate in the show.

Even if these juvenile detectives are not as popular as Uncle Maori, Nippon TV should not entrust important planning to some unprofessional guy.

Mizumayue really doesn't know what a dedicated director should look like, but he thinks it shouldn't be like this, at least the people that Mizumayue knows are related to TV programs, such as the director of Mikami University and others. , absolutely can't find such a rude person.

"Since it's a recording program, where is the camera? I didn't see it after I went to the island." Mizumayuki looked around the room.

As mentioned earlier, the rooms here are very simple, each room only has a bed, a table and a chair, as well as a pot of lavender and a toolbox.

There was a small bag thrown in the corner, which looked like Hiroshi Oo's luggage, but the size of the backpack didn't look like it could fit a video recorder, it was about the same as a normal camera.

"No... there are cameras. There are surveillance cameras in every room. We can record all the performances of these little... detectives, and then go back and edit them into a show." Hiroshi Kanao said that it was not good for him to speak under the influence of alcohol. Soo, pointed to the monitor in the corner and explained to Mizumayuki.

Can you watch programs from the camera's perspective? Shui Jianyue's eyes widened, and she cried out in her heart that it was unreliable.

"Hey... you're not the director, are you? At least not the director of Nippon TV." Mizumayuki sighed and asked.

"How, how could it be! Look, I'm wearing the staff's uniform!" Startled by Mizumayuki's words, Hiroo Oo hurriedly pointed to his yellow-colored sign with the Nippon TV station logo. vest said.

"First of all, let's not talk about whether you are professional as a director. In fact, the logo of Nippon TV on your uniform is reversed. It seems that you don't usually watch Nippon TV's programs, right?" Mizuma Yue pointed to Hiroo Kanao. The thumb with the spiral pattern on the chest.

"This, this, this... This is... In fact, I lost my clothes and I was too embarrassed to report it, so I secretly bought one... I didn't expect it to be fake." Hiroshi Kanao immediately defended.

"Bullshit." Shui Jianyue pouted: "Do you think it is the police's gun? I don't dare to tell others if I lose it, and if you are a real staff member, don't say whether you can see that the sign is wrong, Your colleagues will always see it, right?"

"It's dark under the tires..." Hiroshi Kanao was still stubborn.

"Bang!" Mizumayue slapped the table in front of Hiroshi Kanao with a heavy slap, and said viciously, "I'm telling you! There's a murder here now, and you obviously have a problem now, if you still hesitate. If I hide it and don't report it, then I don't need to investigate the case now, I just need to take you back and slowly interrogate it! Even if you can't get it out, you will blame the real culprit! "For such a skinny person, It's good to be scared.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I---"-- Tell me that he is from the Nippon TV station, they want to make a program and they need to hire a temporary director, and they have a deposit of 500,000 yuan. If they are not discovered, they will give another 500,000 yuan. In the end, I can also get the deposit! I really didn't kill anyone, Sergeant!"

"What a dream, you are just for money!" Mizumayue sarcastically said: "I told you to hide it from the detectives, not to tell you to hide it from the police!"

"I thought you guys were just part of the show, and I lost my head." Hiroshi Oo shrank his neck.

"It's really dead, how could it be part of the show." Mizumayue has nothing to say about this person.

"Forget Give me your script." Mizuma Yue reached out and asked for the script.

"What script?" Hiroshi Kanao looked blank.

"Of course it's the script of the show! Did no one tell you what to do? You are free to play?" Unlike just scaring him, Mizuma Yue was really about to get angry.

"Oh, oh, there's something like that." Hiroshi Oo's neck was almost shrunk, and he hurriedly ran to his luggage, pouting his **** and turning out a wrinkled word.

The words on the paper were typed on a typewriter and were very concise.

"That is to say... He appointed you to be responsible for hiring the third housekeeper Kogu Lian, and then called these people to meet with the designated ship and bring everyone here for the show. The cameras are not under your control, even if you even have these cameras. I don't know if it's on or not?" Mizumayuki asked Hiroshi Kanao with a sneer.

There was no room for Hiroshi's neck to shrink any further. His fat head sat directly on his shoulders, looking a little funny. He asked tremblingly, "Is there any problem?"

"Yes! And the problem is getting bigger!" Mizumayue yelled furiously.

Yuuki Kenji, who was checking for the strange white debris in the cracks in the corridor floor, turned his head and glanced at Hiroyo Kanao's room. He seemed to hear the roaring voice of the Mizuma Police Department coming from inside.

Shrugging, Yuuki Kenji finally picked out some of the crumbs. After careful observation, he found that they were just dried and broken petals, and he couldn't help but be disappointed. ...

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