Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

Vol 3 Chapter 299: Hattori dissatisfied

The moment she felt the wicked wind blow her face, Mizuma Yue responded with her subconscious actions, bending over, dashing forward, elbowing, uppercutting, and finally a perfect side kick that kicked the shadow away. After the perfect combination of punches, Mizuma Yue realized what was being knocked into the air.

Turning on the light in the room, Hattori Heiji was lying on the ground humming and wriggling, and a wooden sword for kendo practice was still in his hand, but its owner seemed to be unable to hold it now.

"You kid looking for death!" After recalling the feel of the previous punches and confirming that Hattori Heiji did not suffer serious problems such as joint dislocation, fracture and bone fracture, Mizuma Yue shouted with a dark face.

"Hey yo yo... I really want to kill someone..." Hattori Heiji endured the pain and got up, his trembling Kansai accent was deformed.

"What happened?" Because the door was not closed, Yuuki Kenji, who heard the movement, came over with concern, and the sound of footsteps sounded. It turned out that Conan heard something downstairs and ran up to take a look.

"It's alright, you can just continue to deal with the corridor, or take a look at the living room below." Mizumayuki sent Yuuki Kenji casually, and with a big hand, he picked up Conan, who wanted to turn around and escape, and walked into Hattori Heiji s room.

Kenji Yuuki looked at the empty corridor. He had already surveyed this area from the inside to the outside, but he couldn't go to the living room yet. He didn't watch outside. Which of these suspects sneaked out and swayed around was who would be? ?

He closed the door and threw Conan aside, Mizumayuki looked at Hattori Heiji: "Thank you for coming here with a wooden sword for the competition."

"Humph." Hattori Heiji had already shoved to the table, and proudly showed off: "I knew that there must be something wrong with such a weird program planning, and if something goes wrong, you will definitely be embarrassed, so I brought it with me. Two wooden swords, this time I must compete with you!"

"So you have a hunch that something will happen, and you don't pay attention to the incident or call the police in advance, and you think about swords all day?" He also praised his thinking of prioritizing the lives of those whose life and death have not been confirmed, and now he has made a declaration of 'careless life'?

"Ah, no... I mean... Eh, that's not right..." Hattori Heiji was startled and blushed as he explained.

Just with his black face, the blushing is not very obvious.

"Heiji-bro... Heiji just thought that the detective in Koshien would be more forceful, so he only brought a wooden sword. As for what he said just now, he just wanted to be handsome, right?" Conan smashed Hattori Heiji badly, but a certain In this sense, it is also a relief for Hattori Heiji.

As for the name, because he wants to pretend to be a child, Conan must call Hattori Heiji brother Heiji in front of people. When he used to call him this way just now, he remembered that Tsukune Mizuma knew his identity, so he didn't need to pretend again. Changed mouth.

"Cut..." Hattori Heiji pouted his lip, and eagerly looked at Mizumayuki: "Do it again? Let's do it again! This time I must be ashamed!"

'What's the shame of snow? 'Conan is a little puzzled, no one will tell him about the last time Mizuma slapped Hattori Heiji in Osaka.

"It seems that someone who attacked me was kicked away by me empty-handed just now, eh? Why is it missing, did any of you see it?" Mizumayuki pretended to look for the person who was kicked away, mocking Hattori Heiji and herself not on one level.

"Hey..." Speaking of this, Hattori Heiji remembered the pain on his body, especially the hot foot on his chest. Hattori Heiji was sure that if he took off his clothes, there must be a blood-red footprint on his chest.

"Why are you so serious, do you want to kill people?" Hattori Heiji complained.

"It's just a subconscious reaction, and my ability is too low to learn from other people's sneak attacks and blame others?" Mizuma Yue squinted Hattori Heiji contemptuously, and then looked at the corner of the wall, which is said to be the monitor used by the show to record the performance of detectives. Camera.

Originally, Mizuma Tsuki wanted to tell Hattori Heiji and Conan that he was ruthless because he had a more dangerous opponent. In addition to explaining why he attacked Hattori Heiji, he warned them to act cautiously, not only Facing the organization is also when they each act as detectives.

After all, although Mizumayue is very disgusted with these two half-year-olds being detectives, these two stubborn detectives are not the ones who will give up when they stop, so as a half-elder, Mizumayue would like to remind them on the side. The two were careful with their opponents acting cautiously.

In the end, the reason why I didn't plan to say these words is because of the cameras in the corners. Although the authenticity of the program itself is unbelievable, it is hard to say that these cameras are really working, and it is hard to say whether they will spread the content. .

And since it is in the name of recording a program, these cameras must have a recording function, so Mizumayuki does not intend to say any leaked information under potential danger.

"Does the officer Mizuma have any questions for Brother Heiji when he came here?" Conan was keenly aware of Tsukune Mizuma's swipe towards the camera, and he also understood Tsukuru's intention, and continued to pretend to be a child with a milky voice. .

"Hehe, I won't say anything." Hattori Heiji, who was very dissatisfied, clearly expressed his uncooperative attitude.

"Then you are obstructing official business." Mizuma Yueyin threatened.

"Anyway, refusing to provide information on the case without knowing the identity of the murderer does not constitute a cover-up situation, and detention for a maximum of two weeks." As the minister's son, Hattori Heiji leisurely said.

"How long is the sentence for assaulting a police officer?" asked Mizumayuki.

Hattori Heiji Yuya's expression froze.

Conan's expression froze as he watched the show.

"Hey, it's not that the two of us don't know each other, and it's not the first time we've learned swordsmanship. It can't be considered an assault on the police, right? It's just an acquaintance... a joke between friends!" Hattori Heiji quibble.

"But I'm working on a case now." Mizuma Yue pointed to the police handbook in her chest pocket, most of the police officers like to use this to refer to the police identity instead of the police officer's card: "I am a police officer now, and nothing else. What's more, your uncooperative attitude doesn't look like a friend, does it?"

"Brother I think you should talk about what happened before and after the incident..." Conan, who had suffered a lot of losses from Mizumayuki, persuaded weakly.

With the headmaster's father here, Hattori Heiji will definitely not be severely punished for assaulting the police, but with Mizuma's consistent style of being hostile to detectives and unscrupulous, most of the stories of Hattori Heiji will appear in a daily sales newspaper.

"Okay...Okay." After some ideological struggle, Hattori Heiji gave up in frustration, and told the story after landing on the island one by one, with Conan who was suspected of trying to please Mizuma Moon interspersed and added.

"I've said everything I know, you won't bring up the matter of assaulting the police again, will you?" After speaking, Hattori Heiji looked at Tsukune Mizuma aggrieved.

Mizuma Tsuki closed the checked toolbox, raised her eyebrows when she heard Hattori Heiji's words, and said, "I never promised that?" Then she turned around and left. As for Hattori Heiji's luggage, you can read it at a glance. Two solitary wooden swords with nothing else.

Sure enough... Conan, who had a premonition, covered his eyes and thought.

"What? You liar!" Hattori Heiji's howl was blocked by the door of the room that Tsuki Mizuma slammed shut.

Glancing at the door of Baima Tan, Shui Jianyue frowned, even if the director's son Shui Jianyue would not be afraid of him, otherwise he would have been cowardly before, but what attitude should be used to deal with Baima Tan? He has a headache.

After thinking for a while, Mizumayue simply turned around and walked to the scene of the crime to see the investigation on the other side.

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