Gao Yuanzhao’s words made everyone present have a new understanding of him, especially Yukiko, and little stars were about to appear in his eyes.

However, Gao Yuanzhao keenly found that Xiaolan seemed to be a little unhappy, and after a little thought, he understood the joints, so he turned the topic to Renke Minoru again.

“However, Renke Minoru’s writing is very good, the rhetoric is very gorgeous, and the appearance is not bad, so it is indeed very popular with girls.”

Then Gao Yuan looked at Xiaolan: “Xiaolan, like it, just learn the writing, don’t take the content seriously!”

“Hmm!” Xiaolan nodded, stuck out her tongue, and her face was much better.

At this time, Yukiko raised the red wine and asked Takato with a delicate look.

“Zhaojun, how should you drink this kind of wine!”

Gao Yuanzhao took a closer look and said softly.

“Drinking red wine mainly varies from person to person, but this relatively light red wine, if it is frozen, suppresses the original astringency in the wine, and the taste should be better.”

“This way! It’s worthy of Zhaojun! It’s so powerful at any time! Yukiko sighed as she took a sip of red wine.

“yes! I remember that when I came here with Zhaojun in high school, we hadn’t even eaten Western food, but Zhaojun was already very proficient. Concubine Yingli also had some emotion.

“It seems that since then, Yingli likes to compete with Brother Zhao, but he loses miserably every time, haha!”

Kogoro seemed to have thought of something interesting and laughed happily.

But fortunately, Takato booked a private room, so no one stopped it, on the contrary, Yukiko covered her mouth and laughed.

“Really, why mention those things before?” Concubine Yingli said with some anger. But the smile in his eyes couldn’t be hidden.

Seeing these old friends smiling so happily, Gao Yuanzhao also shrugged his shoulders and laughed at himself.

“It seems that my best place can still make the three of you laugh together!”

“Haha!” At this time, not only the three of Kogoro, but even Conan and Xiaoran laughed.

In this cheerful atmosphere, everyone ate without the restraint that was really in a Western restaurant.

Just like Conan, there was a lot of soup on his lips, and Yukiko saw it and immediately drew a tissue to help wipe it.

Gao Yuanzhao also found that there was some meat foam at the corner of Xiaolan’s mouth, and naturally pinched the minced meat on Xiaolan’s face.

But at this time, Kogoro really looked out the window, and Conan was being wiped on his face.

Only Concubine Yingli was a little suspicious, and just wanted to test it, but found that Kogoro was in a daze in his direction.

Did I have something on my face? Does Kogoro also want to… For a while, Concubine Yingli’s girlish heart was a little cute.

It’s a pity that she thought wrong, Kogoro looked at it for a while, and actually rushed directly to the glass, and said with a surprised face.

“This… This one is not… Miss Towako, who is that gringo! ”

It turns out that Kogoro is angry because of a mother he likes, San, and his nostalgic expression is very lewd.

“I think I should go first!” Concubine Yingli hooked her head and said.

“Mom, it’s still a little early? It’s better to go home…” Although Xiaolan is a little strange Kogoro, she still wants to persuade Concubine Yingli first.

“I’m sorry, I still have some work!” Concubine Yingli was unmoved, turned around and was about to leave.

“Wait!” Gao Yuanzhao suddenly spoke, handed over a hand towel, and wiped his mouth clean before leaving!

“Oh… Oh! Hearing Gao Yuanzhao’s words, I don’t know why Concubine Yingli actually flickered a handtowel.

Then, in order to hide his faux pas, he coughed twice and called Yukiko, who was loading an ostrich on the side, “It’s time to go!” “。

Yukiko followed with a bitter face, but while Concubine Yingli didn’t pay attention, she still turned around and moved her mouth a few times!

“Wait for the call!”

Even at this time, Kogoro was still looking for Miss Towako, looking at Xiaoran and Conan speechless.

A week later, Twilight was admitted to the hospital with his injuries, and Takato thought about going and should go, but he thought that he would run into a few imps who were chattering.

In the end, he only sent a directive for Twilight to do a full body examination, and he wanted to see why Twilight was so fat.

However, Twilight can not look at it, but Concubine Yingli cannot ignore it.

The next day’s concubine Yingli was poisoned, and Gao Yuanzhao even ran into it “by chance” and personally carried the ambulance on Concubine Yingli.

This is because Gao Yuanzhao is worried that Concubine Yingli will not be able to save her if she really eats too much poison.

The ward door opened, and Concubine Yingli was pushed out.

“The patient’s condition is very stable, just simple food poisoning, gastric lavage has been performed, so it only needs to be hospitalized for a few days.”

After listening to the doctor’s explanation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Shiratori also began a routine interrogation about poisoned food.

At this time, Concubine Yingli also woke up slowly.

“Mom, you’re finally awake!” Xiaoran immediately walked to the side, and Yukiko, Kogoro, and Conan also stepped forward to inquire about Concubine Yingli’s physical condition.

But Gao Yuanzhao did not come up.

This morning, the reason why Gao Yuanzhao appeared at Fei Yingli Law Firm was that Fei Yingli ideal and Gao Yuanzhao talked about Xiaolan.

But it is a blessing and not a curse, it is a curse that cannot be avoided, wait until everyone is ready to leave and let Concubine Yingli rest alone.

Concubine Yingli suddenly proposed to chat with Gao Yuanzhao alone, and although everyone was curious, they didn’t ask more.

When Gao Yuanzhao closed the door of the ward, Concubine Yingli suddenly said.

“Know what? Zhaojun, in fact, I have always regarded you as a competitor! ”

“Oh! This way! Of course Gao Yuanzhao knew this.

However, for girls who are beautiful or will become their harem, as long as they don’t do too much, Gao Yuanzhao is still very tolerant.

After all, this is also a kind of boudoir fun.

Looking at Gao Yuanzhao’s attitude of not caring at all, Concubine Yingli’s heart was a little sad, but there were some things that had to be said this time.

“Although the three of us, the one who has the best relationship with you is Yukiko, and the one who has the longest contact with you is Kogoro, but the one who knows you best is definitely me!”

“Know me?” At this time, Gao Yuanzhao was a little interested, and sat directly next to the hospital bed, waiting for Concubine Yingli’s performance.

“Yes, I know you’re the kind of person who’s interested in something and you’re sure to get it, so… I also know, Xiaolan… Probably…”

Concubine Yingli smiled bitterly, this was probably the last thing she wanted to see.

When it comes to Xiaolan, Gao Yuanzhao can’t sit and listen.

“Then you should also understand that I am interested in Xiaolan… It should be said that Xiaolan and I are serious! ”

Although the last bombing was carefully designed by Gao Yuanzhao, Xiaolan’s “YouJump, IJump” at the end really touched Gao Yuanzhao’s heart.

“Of course I know that I can still see the happiness in Xiaolan’s eyes, so…” Concubine Yingli sat up with difficulty.

“As Xiaolan’s mother, I hope…”

Before Concubine Yingli’s words were finished, Gao Yuanzhao turned sideways and blocked her mouth.

Concubine Yingli was also frightened by Gao Yuanzhao’s sudden attack, and she froze for a while.

Long lips.

Gao Yuanzhao looked at Concubine Yingli, who was still stunned, and said seriously.

“Xiaolan’s words, you don’t have to worry, I will make her happy.”

Then, he put on a bad smile and licked his lips.

“Actually, you don’t know me!”

(Feilu exploded today, so make up one at this time, as long as it can be on, there will definitely be more, there will be no less)

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