Conan's other self

Chapter 20 Familiar Strangers (4)

The brain is still a little drowsy.

Edogawa Conan opened his eyes, and it took him a while to regain consciousness. Only then did he notice that his hands were tied behind his back and he was in a very old-looking wooden house.

At this moment, he was facing a refrigerator. The cabinet door was open, and there was a rotten smell coming from inside.

He was caught. Edogawa Conan is deeply aware of this.

He thought he could escape at the intersection, but the guy hiding in the car made him raise the rating of these guys again in his mind.

But...he won't give up.

Thinking like this, Conan decided to check the situation first, so he turned around.

Then he was startled.

A man wearing a black hat, a black cloak, a black suit underneath, and a strange mask on his face was leaning over Conan. Conan turned around and met the man's eyes.

Conan's heart sank as he subconsciously rubbed the floor and took a step back.

All in black.

As expected, this guy is also an accomplice of those men in black.

Now that his hands are tied, there is no way he can be the opponent of the man in front of him... If he wants to find a chance to escape, he can only wait until he leaves... Will there be a chance?

Conan doesn't know.

The masked man spoke first: "Kudo Shinichi..."

"Can I call you that?" The masked man sneered, " are just a part of Kudo Shinichi?"

As expected, these guys also knew about Feng Yuan’s existence!

"If I hadn't seen you with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. That poison can actually turn people into children... and one person into two people. This is really a genius creation... The world will go crazy for it. And as a living example, I think you must not know how precious you are now..."

"What did you do to him?" Conan asked while secretly surveying the room.

"Him?" The masked man laughed, "I didn't expect you to still have time to care about others - but it doesn't matter if I tell you, he will be sent for experiments soon."

"Human experiments."

The masked man added.

Conan couldn't see the other person's expression through the mask, but the wide grin on the mask and the scary smile made him think that was what the other person looked like under the mask.


Maplehara is about to be sent for human experimentation... What does this mean?

"What about me?" Conan asked directly, vaguely feeling that there might be an opportunity, "What are you going to do with me?"

The masked man didn't answer. He just faced Conan with a scary smile, as if he was waiting for the actors to take their places for the next scene.

And the actors arrived as scheduled.

Just when Conan's mind was racing, a woman who called herself Edogawa Fumiyo opened the rotten wooden door and walked in, saying: "It's almost time. Is it time to send this kid back to the organization for experiments? I'll finish this quickly. ——”

"Did I say I would send this brat back?"

"Huh!? What do you mean! This is an order from above!"

"Order, ah... yes, the order from above." The masked man sneered, "It's an annoying, stupid order."


"Let me think about it, what is the order? Oh, by the way, send these two brats for dissection... In a few days, these two precious experimental subjects will be turned into a pile of minced meat by those wastes..."

"That's such a pity, isn't it?" the masked man said to Conan.

Conan felt a glimmer of hope in his heart. Is this guy the second-fifth member of that organization?

"No matter what! The orders above must be fulfilled!" the fat woman said loudly, but she was obviously timid about the masked man. "He should be put together with that kid over there -"

"Stop being so verbose!" The masked man suddenly took out a pistol and pointed it at the woman's forehead, "This is what I do! If you continue to be verbose... I'm afraid a corpse will appear here..."

"I...I understand..."

"Anyway, according to the original plan, send that kid over," the masked man put away his gun and looked at Conan again, "I want to send it to a research institute I know...As for the place above...I will explain it myself. of…"

The masked man backed away slightly, while the woman stepped forward with a roll of towel in her hand.

Come again?

Conan held his breath subconsciously, while his mind cherished the few waking moments to sort out the current situation. The man in front of him seems to be dissatisfied with the organization's plan to deal with him and Maplehara, and wants to go it alone... Moreover, an organization that can develop such a drug actually plans to perform anatomy right away...?

Conan didn't have time to think about it as his mouth and nose were covered again. He didn't try to resist...the other party was staring at him, which would only waste time.

His time is running out.

When Conan woke up again, the night was already deep.

Conan was cold, tired, and hungry, but he felt a little happy in his heart.

Maybe it's because I'm more resistant to drugs than ordinary people, or maybe the woman made a mistake. He was still where he was before he fainted, but the two people seemed not to be there.

Going to bed? Or are you going to see Feng Yuan off?

No matter what, we have to hurry up!

Conan rubbed the floor and tried to straighten up, looked around the room through the moonlight coming from the window, and then breathed a sigh of relief. On the cabinet next to him, a bottle of wine was still there.

He had noticed it before, but under the gaze of the masked man, he did not dare to look more.

Fortunately, the other party did not take away the bottle of wine.

Conan moved over, touched the wine to the edge of the shelf with his head, and then leaned forward to let the bottle fall down along his body.

Successfully caught.

Worried that the two people might be sleeping in the next room, Conan hesitated for a moment, sat on the ground and used his feet to reach the foot pads on the ground, then used the foot pads to wrap the wine bottle in several layers, and then clamped the quilt with his feet. The wrapped wine bottle was smashed against the wooden board.


The sound was not loud, but it was clear in the deserted cabin at night.

Conan didn't dare to breathe out and held his breath, but after a while there was no other movement, which made him realize that the two people were probably not in the room...or they were sleeping deeply.

But he immediately knew the answer to this alternative question.

The sound of cars coming and then stopping came from outside.

Those two guys are back.

Secretly thinking that his luck was really bad, Conan quickly sat on the ground, reached for a piece of the wine bottle with his hands behind his back, and then began to cut the rope that tied him.

The two people downstairs seemed to be talking about something while walking straight towards the room where Conan was. Conan became more and more anxious and thought about how to escape while cutting the rope.

There is a window in the room.

It's hard to get up if you're tied up, but not hard to reach if the rope is cut. However, this place is still too high for him with a child's body. If he jumps down, it will not only make a lot of noise but also twist his feet... There is no way to escape...

And the refrigerator…

He could barely fit himself in, and he couldn't bear the rancid smell inside, but it was too obvious.

what to do?

Conan, who finally untied the rope, quickly stood up, looked around, and then noticed that the wine was slowly seeping under the wooden board.

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