Conan's other self

Chapter 45 Game Conference

Two days later.

Dr. Ali's house.

"Game press conference?"

"Yes," Xiaolan said on the other side of the phone, "it's a game company called Mantiantian, which has produced a detective game with my father as the protagonist. We are going to attend the press conference in the afternoon, Xiaokong, you and let's go together?"

Dr. Agasa, who wanted to strike while the iron was hot, took Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko out to hunt for treasure again. Maplehara and Conan both found excuses not to go.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that there was nothing else to do, so Fengyuan agreed.

After casually packing up the experimental props that Dr. Ali had thrown away last night, Maplehara went out to the Mori Detective Agency to meet Xiaolan and the others.

Seeing that the weather was gloomy, even though it hadn't rained yet, Feng Yuan still brought an umbrella. Halfway through, the rain started to fall.

Fengyuan was walking on the road alone holding an umbrella. After walking for a while, he saw Xiaolan running here hurriedly with an umbrella.

The two of them went back to the Maori Detective Agency together.

after an hour.

Rice Krispies Hotel.

A place where game launches are held.

There were many people at the press conference, but the organizer only set up one entrance, so the queue was very long.

The four of them lined up in the queue, and Xiaolan looked at Uncle Maori with worry.


Uncle Maori was obviously hungover and looked like he was about to vomit. But since he had already vomited once at home before, it was just retching now.

"Really, Dad!" Xiaolan said dissatisfiedly, "Who told you yesterday that you wanted to celebrate in advance, but you were so drunk?"

"Stop rambling," Uncle Maori vomited again before saying, "I only drank five or six glasses... um... gin, vodka, and bourbon..."

Uncle Maori tried his best to prove to Xiaolan that he had not drunk too much. Fengyuan glanced at Conan who was following Xiaolan to the right and found that he was looking at Uncle Maori with a speechless expression.

Speaking of which, the two men in black that Conan met last time were just fakes...

That's why he didn't respond to the names of these drinks - which were also the code names of those members of the black organization?

For Feng Yuan, Conan's expression was easy to understand, so if he seemed to be unresponsive, then he probably really wasn't.

Feng Yuan did not continue to struggle.

He is actually living here, not just lying comfortably in bed reading comics.

But... the line is really long.

"It's so slow!" After a while, Conan couldn't help complaining.

"Yes, there are really a lot of people!" Xiaolan expressed her support.

"Nonsense!" After retching several times, Uncle Maori looked a little better. "Almost everyone from the game software industry is here!"

Uncle Maori is quite proud of the fact that a game in which he is the protagonist has attracted so much attention. But just when Uncle Maori was about to list the heavyweights on the field to Xiaolan and the others, a voice stopped him.

"Mr. Mori?"


"It's me!" The voice came from a young man with short hair, "I am Nakajima from Heaven, and I planned the 'Detective Detective Mouri Kogoro's Mystery Studio'."

"Oh, yes! We met at the planning meeting." Uncle Maori suddenly understood.

“The entire press conference has been discussing this game,” Nakajima said to Uncle Mouri. “This is the first time a real detective has appeared in the game – it’s all thanks to Mr. Mouri that I was able to complete such a great project. "

"Haha," Uncle Maori said proudly, "You have the vision and chose me."

At this time, another voice intervened.

"Hmph, you are indeed excellent, Nakajima," the man with curly bangs on half of his hair came over, "——If this game is really planned by you."


"Oh, it's my fault," the man named Ueda said while scratching the right side of his face. "I shouldn't have told you that if there was a Maori detective in the game, it would be a hit. Who knew your project would be released in three days? , and not long after, we held this press conference again..."


"I really don't know whether to say you are quick or cunning," Ueda continued, "You have been stealing other people's things all day long...whether it's work or women - right, Takeshita?"

"Well," Takeshita is a man with a high hairline and about the same age as these two people, "but that was in college, I have forgotten..."

Feng Yuan was thoughtful.

One was robbed of his creativity, the other was robbed of his girlfriend...

Considering that Conan was by his side, Maplehara felt that something might go wrong again at this press conference.

However, no one believes this unscientific reason.

Suppressing his thoughts of being a prophet, Fengyuan continued to line up with Xiaolan and his group.

Not only those who were invited had to line up, but even the employees of Mantiantian Company also had to line up to put their briefcases. Feng Yuan noticed that these people's briefcases were exactly the same, but they didn't even have name tags on them.

It looks like a pretty big company, but the management isn't very good.

After being cut in line by several Mantiantian employees, Xiaolan deposited her bag and coat, and everyone entered the venue.

Game conferences are obviously a paradise for games.

Although the protagonist this time is the detective game with Uncle Maori as the protagonist, a large number of game equipment was still placed at the conference site for guests to experience and play other games of Mantiantian Company.

It was rare to come to a place with such a strong game atmosphere, and there happened to be only four people. Xiaolan and Uncle Maori also joined in, playing a fighting game with Conan and Maplehara respectively.

Xiaolan is one of the few people whose game level is worse than Conan, but she has good luck, so the two of them win or lose each other.

Feng Yuan suffered a serious blow.

He had never been exposed to these "old era" games before time travel, and he was not good at such fighting games. In contrast, he is more interested in healthy, sunny and positive games.

And it just so happens that Uncle Maori likes to abuse vegetables.

Seeing Uncle Maori getting more and more excited as he played, almost forgetting what they were here for, Xiaolan, who had just won a game against Conan, thoughtfully interrupted Uncle Maori.

"Dad, Xiao Kong, don't play with this," Xiaolan said, pointing to a machine not far away, "Let's go play with that!"

It was a machine used to measure punching strength.

The user puts on gloves and punches the device, and the machine can instantly give a number to reflect the strength of the user's punch.

This machine is more like the machine used to screen out amateur contestants in a certain Budokai competition in a comic that Maplehara once read.

This made him feel quite friendly.

Anyway, it's definitely more fun than the battle game just now.

So Fengyuan readily agreed, and Uncle Maori stood up with some unfinished thoughts, and the group walked over.

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