Conan's other self

Chapter 6 Glasses Superman

"Damn it, you're so verbose." Conan said unhappily.

Because the power of the foot-strengthening shoes was beyond his expectation, he kicked it down. The football not only broke the goal, but also broke a small tree and scared many onlookers to tears. As a result, he became the first student in school. One day he entered the dean's office.

By the time he came out, the students had almost left.

"Have you been punished?" Fengyuan asked when he was a little bored.

"That's not true. I just kept saying things like, 'Oh, don't use too much force when kicking the ball~', 'Get along well with your classmates, don't bully them,' and the like. It got annoying to me over and over again." Behind his head, Conan kept up with Maplehara, and the two walked side by side, "Really, I didn't know it was so powerful - Hey, by the way, I remember Dr. Agasa said you helped a little - —”

"Yes, I also participated in the test. The wall that fell down the day before yesterday was because of this."

"Damn it..." Conan said, "You didn't tell me earlier."

"It doesn't matter, you won't kick the kids anyway, nothing will happen."

This is true. Of course, my character, Kudo Shinichi, is the same. Edogawa Conan nodded, acknowledging Maplehara's words.

The two walked for a while, turned a corner, and saw Uncle Maori - Maori Kogoro, Mao Lilan's father - standing furtively on the side of the road holding a newspaper.

"Hey, what is uncle doing?"

"I'm following you. Do you want to say hello?"

"Forget it, I don't want to be reprimanded again and again." Conan refused, noticing that Uncle Maori seemed to be holding a newspaper, but in fact he was staring at a man in front of him wearing a coat with his hands in his pockets - almost looking. He could conclude at a glance that Uncle Maori was following that person, and there was no challenge. However, he was still a little slower than his subconscious, which made Conan a little depressed.

However, in fact, Maplehara only happened to remember this part. He remembered that there seemed to be a stalking-related case on the first day of school.

Most of the things that happened in this "familiar yet strange" world were things he had read in a comic before, but it was so old and there was no way to determine which episode would happen on which day in the three-dimensional life. story (not to mention this is a world of science), so he is not omniscient and omnipotent - but he still has some impressions of the more iconic events.

He, Feng Yuankong, could barely be considered a cheater.

The two of them bypassed Uncle Maori and walked towards Maori's house.

Because it was the day when the two of them transferred schools, Mao Lilan planned to make a delicious meal to commemorate it, and specifically asked Conan to invite Feng Yuan to come with him.

Although it was a bit unbearable to leave Dr. A Li to eat takeout alone, there was nothing I could do about it. Xiaolan's cooking was so delicious that Fengyuan couldn't refuse.

"Can you turn this way?"

"Huh? The road is this way-"

"The doctor said that a new pastry shop has opened nearby," Maplehara said, "I'm going to buy some snacks."

"Oh." Conan suddenly realized, followed, and then became alert again, "Hey, wait a minute, are you going to give it to Xiaolan?"

"You guessed it." Fengyuan replied, and then glanced at Conan suspiciously, " don't want to be jealous, right?"

"How, how is it possible! Who would be jealous because of this!" Conan's eyes wandered, "Besides, you and I are the same person, how can anyone be jealous of themselves?"

You guy... you secretly tested yourself several times today, and now you take the initiative to say that we are the same person. Fengyuan complained in his heart, thinking it would be better not to irritate Conan, "Don't worry, it's just a return gift - after all, I'm here to get some food."

Yeah? Conan laughed sheepishly.

Speaking of which, he is the one who lives and eats. Although I think Xiaolan will definitely not care about living there...but he is Edogawa Conan now, not Kudo Shinichi, and he always feels that Uncle Mori doesn't look at him either. Very pleasing to the eye.

As he thought this, Maplehara stopped in front of a convenience store.

"Do you need to buy a few cans of beer?"

"Huh?" Conan was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was going to buy it for Uncle Maori, "You are too social."

"This is called serving food to people." Feng Yuan said righteously, "It can make Uncle Maori look at us more favorably."

"But Xiaolan will dislike you," Conan bluntly pointed out the crux of the problem, "Besides, we can't buy wine."

"That's not a problem, you just need to go in and act cute." Fengyuan said, and then said the lines in an almost emotionless tone: "For example, 'Big sister~ I want to buy this for my dad. Yes, please~' like this."

"...How disgusting." Conan rolled his eyes. Although Fengyuan's tone was calm, he couldn't help but rehearse this line in his mind, "Besides, you should go by yourself if you want to go."

"Forget it," Fengyuan turned around and left, "Xiaolan will be unhappy."


Maori Detective Agency.

"Really, don't do this next time," Mao Lilan bowed and said to Fengyuan, "But thank you, I just wanted to try that store."

After Mao Lilan finished speaking, he rubbed Feng Yuan's head.

Unlike Conan, Maplehara did not wear glasses, which made Mao Lilan couldn't help but have a vision of Kudo Shinichi as a child, but a well-behaved version. This child is much quieter than Shinichi when he was a child, and he seems very sensible - oh, if he and Shinichi have a child - bah bah, Mao Lilan, Mao Lilan, what are you thinking! You are still only a high school student!

Fengyuan replied casually, and found that Mao Lilan suddenly stared at his face in a daze, and his face turned red. However, before he had time to think about what was going on, he noticed a look full of resentment.

You didn't need to look back to know that this look came from King Edogawa.

"Sister Xiaolan~" Conan couldn't help it, "Sister Xiaolan~!"

"...Huh? Oh, what are you talking about, Conan! I was just thinking about what to eat, and I wasn't thinking about that guy Shinichi!" Mao Lilan quickly stood up, exposing himself and turning around.


After chatting for a while, Mao Lilan rushed to cook. Fengyuan sat on the sofa, took a big sip of the juice prepared by Mao Lilan. Then... as soon as he put down the cup, he felt something rush towards him.


He propped up the sofa with his right hand and deftly avoided the attack. Fengyuan turned sideways and saw at a glance that Conan was holding the glasses that were originally on his face in his hand, as if he was going to put glasses on someone else.

Conan was also embarrassed when he made a surprise attack but was dodged.

There was a brief silence.

"...I said, are you trying to put that thing on me?"

"Yeah," Conan closed his glasses as if nothing had happened, turned around and sat on the sofa, "You know, Maplehara, as long as you put on your glasses-"

"Stop, stop!" Fengyuan shouted urgently, "You were the one who wanted to wear this thing in the first place."

"I regret it. Let's change."

"Wow...I live here, Xiaolan?"

"Tch, don't even think about it." Conan leaned back on the sofa, "You didn't want to come over in the first place."

Thinking of this, Conan's depression eased a lot. After all, I am the one who spends time with "Sister Xiaolan" every day, and Fengyuan can only live with the doctor.

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