Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 256 A hero saves a beauty?

Hermione was feeling terrible right now.

Very uncomfortable.

From the moment she received her admission letter to Hogwarts, Hermione felt that her whole world was different.

Magic really does exist in this world! This made Hermione, who had been a top student since childhood, both disbelieving and ecstatic.

This real wizarding world that has never appeared in books has a fatal attraction for Hermione, who loves reading and is full of curiosity.

"The legendary magicians are a group of knowledgeable and wise people! I want to be like that, a real magician!" This is the purest thought of the 11-year-old girl Hermione.

Hermione once thought that she was the chosen child, although this illusion only lasted a short time.

Until she started reading...she learned that the magical world not only existed for a long time, but also had many magical families, but she was just an ordinary girl from the Muggle world.

There is nothing more frustrating than a second-grade child discovering that he is actually an ordinary person:

Moreover, Hermione found that she was lagging far behind at the beginning!

No! Can't! The proud Hermione did not allow herself to fall behind others.

With a thirst for knowledge and a stubbornness not to be outdone, Hermione was like a dry sponge, frantically absorbing all the magical knowledge she could come into contact with, tirelessly.


After arriving at school, she discovered that... not a single one could fight (crossed out). It turned out that the level of her classmates was not far apart, and most of the little wizards were beginners.

And after working hard on reading books during the summer vacation, I actually became the most powerful person.

Although it was a bit unexpected, it also made Hermione feel a little secretly happy, so she felt proud. Although she was a proud person, in front of this group of lovely classmates (none of whom could beat them), Hermione was still Showing so much aloof pride.

Although it is just a little girl's vanity, the world is very realistic and no one will treat you tenderly for no reason.

When Hermione came to her senses, she realized that she had no friends left.

How did that happen? Shouldn't people with good grades be popular? Aren’t wizards people who pursue knowledge and worship knowledge? I'm so awesome, why doesn't everyone like to play with me?

Hermione felt very confused, wronged, and uncomfortable...

And this emotion finally broke out when I heard Ron's taunting words while passing by today.

what the hell! A pure-blood wizard who only knows how to play cards and games, a savior in name only, and a group of people who are simply inferior to me in any subject, why are you laughing at me! ! ? Why! ?

Hermione cried.

Crying so hard.

Because she didn't have a friend, she couldn't even find someone to talk to.

So she could only hide secretly, hide in the bathroom, and cry alone.

She was a little homesick.

I kept crying for a long time, and Hermione thought about a lot.

Hermione is smart. She also realizes that her attitude towards getting along with others was not very good in the past, which is why everyone alienated her. So as long as she changes, some people will be willing to make friends with her.

Hermione wiped the snot and tears on her face and smiled reluctantly. Then the next task should be to get her first girlfriend! Anyway, all boys are big pig hooves!

Hermione thought to herself, she kept smiling, she pushed open the door of the toilet cubicle, she seemed to hear the sound of the door being locked, she raised her head, she...

A huge figure stood in front of Hermione.

It was about twelve feet tall. Its skin was dull and as gray as granite. Its huge and stupid body was like a pile of huge gravel, with a small head like a cocoa bean on top.

Its short legs are as thick as tree stumps, and beneath them are large, flat, thick, calloused feet. The smell it gave off was disgusting. It was holding a thick wooden stick in its hand, which was dragging along the ground because of its long arms.

So ugly!

No, it stinks!

No, Hermione froze, and then...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah---!!"

A shrill, frightened voice seemed to penetrate Hogwarts Castle.

Hermione was completely stunned.

She is just an eleven-year-old girl. The only things she can think of and do now, besides screaming, are... holding her head to prevent squatting.

Hermione closed her eyes and covered her ears, thinking that she would be safer if she couldn't see or hear, but she couldn't stop the sound from entering her ears.

"Crash, bang, bang-" She heard the sound of the wall being pushed down and squeezed.

"Crack, snap, snap." She heard the sound of the troll approaching her.

"Confuse it!" she heard the boy shout, ah? Well, it's an illusion, why would anyone remember me?

"Click." She heard the sound of something falling to the ground.

"Hey! Big idiot!" she, it Ron?

"Run! Run! Run!" It's Harry! ? She heard clearly, these were really Harry and Ron's voices!

Hermione opened her eyes suddenly, and sure enough, she saw Harry and Ron. They were provoking the ugly troll, and Harry was still waving at her!


No, it won't work. Hermione looked at the ugly and huge troll, and then at Harry and Ron, whose height was less than the troll's knees.

It's useless, Hermione opened her mouth in horror, this troll is too powerful, and it's not something that these little brats can fight against!

Am I really going to die here today? The tears that Hermione had stopped flowed out again uncontrollably.

The troll suddenly let out a huge roar, and it began to approach Ron.

Ron was closest to the troll, and he had no way out.

Hermione's eyes widened and she fell into despair. Now not only would she die, she would also implicate Harry and Ron! That was the only thought in Hermione's mind.

"Gan! You forced me to do this!" Harry suddenly yelled!

At this time, Harry did something very brave but very stupid: he put away his wand, jumped forward suddenly, wrapped his arms around the troll's neck from behind, and sat down nimbly. On the monster's neck.

"Suffer death!!!" Harry's eyes were red, and mysterious power condensed on his body!

Now, it's Harry Martial Artist Potter's turn!

Harry used the skill: Wing Chun!

"Hoo da da da da da da da!!"

Harry ended his turn.

Harry did damage to the troll... 0!

Then it's the troll's turn.

The troll's neck felt itchy.

The troll shook his head.

The troll shook his head again.

The troll stretched out his hand and slapped his neck.

"Ah!!!" Harry flew out, hit the wall, and fell to the ground.

The troll's turn is over.

The troll does -999 damage to Harry.

Harry, totally defeated.


Ron and Hermione were immobilized by the fear effect the troll had inadvertently unleashed.

Hermione was desperate again.

Is my life destined to end here?

Hermione slumped to the ground.

The troll noticed Hermione again. He moved awkwardly, raised the big wooden stick in his hand, and was about to smash it down on Hermione!



However, at this moment, Hermione noticed a figure appearing at the toilet door.

Hermione looked intently.

She saw...

The silver-white armor, the sea-blue dress, and the breathtaking beauty under the bright golden hair.

A flash of silver light flashed.

"Hi!" The sound of the sword entering the body.

"Roar!!" The giant roared suddenly.

"Boom!" The giant monster fell to the ground with a crash.

Hermione raised her head blankly and looked forward.

It was a girl wearing armor. Her petite body stepped on the giant monster's chest. She held a long sword in her hand. A section of the long sword was inserted into the giant monster's neck. A large amount of bright red blood flowed from the giant monster's neck. It gushed out from his neck, staining the floor blood red.

This scene should be bloody, but Hermione thought it was the most beautiful scene she had ever seen in her life.

The armored girl drew her sword, performed a sword trick, and sheathed the sword. She turned around, and her astonishingly beautiful face made Hermione breathless.

"Are you okay, miss?" Arturia asked softly, looking at Hermione who was holding back her red face.

After a long time, Hermione finally spoke tremblingly:

"Excuse me, are you an angel?"

Artoria: "???"

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