Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 312 Goodbye Ravenclaw

"No more...I really...don't have a drop..."

Connor fell to the ground tremblingly, like a sugar cane that had been squeezed dry, lifeless.

On the right hand side of his support on the ground, there was a piece of drawing paper. The drawing on the drawing paper was a piece of pudding. The pudding slowly emerged from the drawing paper miraculously, but it suddenly stopped when the pudding was half-way through. So there's only half a pudding on the drawing paper

"Master, come on! There is only one more level left before we can break through to the top! Work harder!"

"Kit Connor! Hold on! Victory is right in front of you! Come on!"

"Keep on holding on..." Connor's eyes filled with tears. He stretched out his trembling hand and covered the drawing paper, squeezing out the last trace of magic power from his body. The half piece of pudding also grew with the injection of magic power, and finally turned into a whole piece of pudding. Piece of pudding!


At this time, a small hand stretched out from the side and grabbed the pudding. Connor looked up and saw Angel opening her small mouth and swallowing the whole pudding in one go.

Angel licked her fingers and muttered: "The taste is getting worse and worse."


After that, Connor lay on the ground with his eyes blank, watching Angel press her little hand on the wall of air in front of her, watching the wall of air shatter in response, watching Arturia and Helena swell with joy. Palm

The surroundings were obviously filled with happy air, but Connor couldn't feel the slightest joy in it. He only felt... endless emptiness...

It's like walking alone in a cold rainy night, being washed away by the cold rain, taking away all the warmth from the body... and like... witnessing the cold and heartless society, and even having to return to an empty room. The despair of finding a warm quilt...more like...being trapped by Alice in some terrible dream\u0026@#¥%$♂♀——

In short, the loss of magic power is so painful.

In just half an hour, Connor's magic power was "cleared" three times!

At the beginning, he still had the energy to draw some "fresh" snacks for Angel, but later he could only "replenish the magic" for Angel by directly filling the old magic paintings with magic power.

In a daze, Connor realized that the main function of the magic-enhancing potion was not to draw the magic painting, but to wait here.

Connor had already drank all the magic-enhancing potions he had refined, but they had only broken through eight levels and had not yet broken through the top floor.

However, through testing and consultation, Connor was able to figure out Angel's "weakness", that is - her mana consumption... is huge!

As a magic painting that can use the knowledge in its "memory" at will, Angel can easily cast spells silently, without a wand or trace. No matter from which angle you look at it, she is a perfect work.

However, when Angel uses and consults this knowledge, there will be a "reading" process, and this process will consume a lot of magic power.

After reading, Angel still needs to understand the knowledge. This process will also consume magic power. Just like humans consume calories when they use their brains to think, Angel also consumes a lot of magic power when analyzing knowledge.

Not only that, when everything is ready, when Angel wants to cast a spell, she has to consume a portion of magic power! Moreover, there is no concept of "saving" magic power in Angel's knowledge system. She consumes much more magic power when casting spells than Connor (at the level of an ordinary wizard).

The combination of various reasons has led to Angel becoming a terrifying mana consumer. Moreover, she does not have the "Dragon Heart" like Artoria, which can absorb energy from the world. The only source of her magic power is Connor, so, Connor was "overwhelmed."

Angel is like a magic wishing machine. As long as she pays enough magic power, she can use any magic. In this Ravenclaw test, Connor feels that it is worth it to exchange magic power for clearance time. .

Moreover, in the future, Angel will be able to save a lot of magic power after becoming familiar with magic knowledge and proficient in spell-casting skills. Connor is still growing, and the amount of magic power he can store is also growing, so there may be no need for Connor to squeeze himself in the future, and Angel will also be able to save a lot of magic power. will become more perfect.

But now, Angel is just a "newborn baby", so Connor can only honestly squeeze his own magic power for Angel to use.

He has been drained repeatedly several times.

"Master, there is still a hurdle on the stairs leading to the top. Are you okay?"

"." Men can't say no! ! But Connor really couldn't move.

So Connor decided to pretend to be dead: "It's already very late, Saber, let's take a rest for the night, and then I can go through the level again after I recharge my batteries tomorrow."

Connor used up his last strength, put his head on Artoria's lap, closed his eyes, tilted his head, and fell asleep.

"Master master?" Artoria called softly a few times. Seeing that Connor was really asleep, she muttered helplessly: "If you really can't do it, don't be brave."

"Ha! You said you could clear the level tonight, you liar Connor!" Helena looked on in a sullen tone.

"Shut up, don't bother him!" Arturia glared at Helena fiercely. She didn't dare to speak again, and drifted away alone, finding a place to shut herself up.

Angel looked left and right. She seemed to be very curious about everything. She asked softly: "Is daddy asleep? Miss Saber."

"Yes." Artoria shook her head and smiled: "You don't have to be so harsh. You can call me Saber, or Artoria."

Angel nodded and asked again: "Miss Saber, why did dad fall asleep? Is he very sleepy? Or is he tired? I know that I will sleep only when I am sleepy and tired..."

What a strange question this is. Artoria thinks this new partner's way of thinking is a bit magical, and she doesn't know what the master was thinking when he created her.

"Maybe Master is tired and sleepy."

"Hmm... Then I'm hungry again. I feel very tired. Should I go to bed too?" Angel said, touching her belly.

"Eh? This" Artoria was a little at a loss. Her magic power also came from Connor, and the energy she absorbed from the "world" cannot be regarded as "magic power" in the general sense and cannot be absorbed by Angel, so she I don’t know what to do for a moment:

"I don't have any snacks here. Well, I can only wait until the master wakes up before I can prepare something for you."

Angel pursed her lips: "Hmm. Well, in this case I can only sleep, because I won't be hungry when I sleep."

"."Master, the knowledge you instilled in her seems a little wrong.

Before Artoria could complain, she saw Angel finding a position, lying on the ground with her head on Connor's belly:

"Good night then, Miss Saber, I fell asleep."

"." In fact, you can save more energy by returning to the scroll. Artoria opened her mouth, but looking at Angel who immediately started to pretend to snore "whoosh" after lying down, she still didn't say this out loud in the end.

This child doesn't seem to like me very much. Arturia sighed secretly and closed her eyes. She hasn't rested in the past few days. Although she is a magic painting, she also feels a little tired.

Just take a rest for now

So, Connor's fourth day away from school passed peacefully.



Young people's physical resilience is strong, and after one night, Connor's magic power has also recovered to some extent.

Angel sleepily grabbed the hem of Connor's clothes and was still rubbing her eyes with one hand (she was obviously just a magic painting and wouldn't have eyes at all...). Artoria and Helena followed behind Connor, looking up. Ready to go.

"Let's go! This is our final battle! Lord Ravenclaw! Just wait for me!!" Connor was high-spirited and high-spirited.

"Dad, I'm hungry." Angel tugged at the hem of Connor's clothes.

"Okay, okay, I'll draw something delicious for you! Whatever you want to eat, I'll draw it for you!"

"Then I want to eat noodles!"

"Okay! Then let's draw the strips! Here comes the pen!"

After Angel finished mending the magic, several people stood in front of the last level leading to the top of the tower.

"Master, this is the last level. Are you sure the Lady Ravenclaw you are talking about is in front?"

"Actually, I'm not very sure about this, but I did see her on the roof last time!" Connor shook his head. Anyway, if there wasn't anything here, the worst he could do would be to search the whole castle. With Angel here, these ridiculous questions None of it is a problem.

"Then it's up to you, Angel."


Angel pressed her hands on the wall of air. The blue text on the wall was beating like computer code. A bunch of magic equation patterns that Connor couldn't understand appeared and disappeared like a game. Finally, this A wall of air also dissipated under Angel's hands.

"Hmm...Dad, I'm hungry again..." Angel said with her mouth flat and looking pitifully at Connor pulling at his sleeves.

Connor was so happy that he picked Angel up and spun around: "Angel, you are so awesome! Dad will draw you whatever you want to eat!"

"..." Hey, hey, master, why did you recognize my father's title? You are indeed a bastard... Arturia rolled her eyes and opened the door in front of her. She should have done so. She, the warrior, makes the way.

"Eh? Is there no one there?" Arturia came to the top floor, but she could only see blue sky and white clouds, not a single person.

"Connor brat! Where's the Ravenclaw you're talking about?! Where's the person? Where's the person!" Helena walked around on the roof, screaming.

"Emmm, it seems that the person is not on the roof, so let's go back and search those rooms one by one..." Connor sighed in disappointment. He did not expect that after all the hard work of getting to the roof, this would be the result.

"Hey! Then what are we going to find..."

At this moment, the empty space in front of Connor suddenly distorted, and a figure walked out of the transformed space!

"I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. Connor Lake."

With a familiar look, a familiar voice, and a familiar tone, the person who appeared in front of Connor was none other than Rowena Ravenclaw.

In just one day, Connor once again met this Ravenclaw lady who "didn't know whether to live or die".

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