Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 354 Connor’s Great Ambition

"There is no reproductive isolation between wizards and Muggles."


Dumbledore and Grindelwald stared at Connor for six or seven seconds, and finally Grindelwald asked hummingly: "What is [reproductive isolation]?"

"Uh" Connor was stunned, why do you need me, a middle school student, to educate you two old guys about what reproductive isolation is? He held it in for a long time and his face turned red before he said: "That's right. The combination of wizards and Muggles can produce offspring. This proves that we are actually the same species."

"Wizards and magical animals can also produce offspring."

"Wizards and giants can also produce offspring."

Grindelwald and Dumbledore looked at Connor with strange eyes: "What's the problem?"

"." Connor was speechless and began to wonder if there was something wrong with him talking about biological science in the wizarding world. Then he shook his head violently and said solemnly: "I mean, the difference between wizards and Muggles The conflict between them is not irresolvable! Muggles also have the possibility of learning and using magic!"

"My research on magic over the years has proven that magic can actually be analyzed. If Muggles have mastered the magic pattern, and if they also have magic power, then they can also use magic! Since Squibs can use magic if they meet certain conditions, So why can't Muggles do this?"

"." Dumbledore and Grindelwald looked at each other, and finally Dumbledore shook his head and said: "Connor, I understand your thinking. Do you think that as long as all humans have the possibility of learning magic, then we wizards Will the crisis collapse on its own?"

Connor nodded: "Yes, once everyone has the opportunity to learn magic, then wizards will just be [human beings with better magic talents], not [monsters who can use magic]. Naturally, our wizards will be in an embarrassing situation." It will change.”

"You have a good idea." Grindelwald twitched his lips: "But this is impossible. The reason why we wizards are special is not only because of magic patterns and magic, but also because of magic power! We are born with magic power! Magic power Let us use our souls to affect reality, and the vast majority of Muggles do not have magic power, so your idea has no chance of being realized."

Grindelwald was a little disappointed. He thought this kid could give some eye-catching answers, but it seemed that his expectations were too high. He was just a naive kid after all.

"That is just a possibility that has not yet been realized!" Connor said loudly. He looked directly at Grindelwald and said: "Mr. Grindelwald, which country has the most wizards in the wizarding world today?"

Grindelwald smacked his lips and said: "Of course whichever country has the largest population will have the most wizards."

Connor almost blurted out [India].

"Of course it's no use having more people. I could come and go freely at MACUSA back then. What do you want to say?"

"This proves that there is no difference between wizards and Muggles in terms of the reproduction of offspring, right?" Connor stretched out a palm: "Wizards and Muggles have been entangled for thousands of years, but in fact the difference in blood between us has long been I can’t tell the difference, as evidenced by the increasing number of wizards and wizards from Muggle families. In fact, among Muggles, there are quite a few people with magical powers, right?”

Dumbledore nodded hesitantly and said, "That's true. Among humans, probably more than half of Muggles have wizard blood to some extent, but their minimal magic power is not enough to allow them to learn and use magic."

"Pa" Connor snapped his fingers and said, "That's enough! We just need to prove this - [all humans have the possibility of learning magic], that's enough!"

"But that's impossible."

"Of course it's possible!" Connor took out his detonating talisman and said seriously: "Can this give everyone the opportunity to use magic?"

Grindelwald was stunned, and then shook his head: "Although this thing of yours does allow Muggles to use magic, its production still needs to rely on wizards. If Muggles know this, we wizards may be able to use magic in the future. Became a magic worker."

"Magic." Connor dug into his pocket again, and a red stone that Dumbledore was very familiar with appeared in his hand: "This... is magic!"

Dumbledore glared: "Connor, where did you get the Sorcerer's Stone?"

"Bang!" Connor slapped the fake magic stone he drew onto the detonating talisman on his right hand and said loudly: "With this and this, can we give everyone the opportunity to use magic?!"

"." Dumbledore and Grindelwald stared blankly at the [Domineering Combination] in Connor's hands. They were a little distracted for a moment. They thought about it and found that this seemed to be really possible?

Dumbledore's eyes burst out with unprecedented brilliance: "Connor. That's it. That's it! Is this the importance of [energy] you said?"

Dumbledore finally understood why Connor was so excited when he learned about the infinite power of the Sorcerer's Stone. He was very excited now, and he hadn't had this kind of excitement for many years. He couldn't wait to do it now. Take Connor to find Nicolas Flamel...

"There are still problems. There are still some problems." Grindelwald was actually so excited that his eyes were red, but the more times like this he had to force himself to calm down:

"For example, there will still be many Muggles who cannot use magic at all. If they know that there is a possibility that they will never learn magic in their lifetime, this will definitely cause a very extreme emotional reaction. And the Philosopher's Stone. How to make the Philosopher's Stone? All these possibilities They are all based on the magic stone. If the magic stone loses its effect."

[If magic can benefit everyone]!

Connor raised the possibility that he wanted to bring magic into the eyes of Muggles as something similar to a "new energy source". At this time, magic is just a new technology! It's not some magical superpower that only a few people can possess!

If that kind of future is really possible, then wizards in the future will no longer be heretics who are shouted out and beaten by everyone, but will be respected as geniuses by the world!

"Yes, all these ideas are based on the Philosopher's Stone." Connor spread his hands and said: "And this cannot be realized overnight. Even if we can produce the Philosopher's Stone, Muggles will not be able to accept them all at once. There has always been such a thing as a group of wizards.”

Connor's expression was serious and serious: "But we do exist. They should not deny us. In the future I envision, magic should exist as a special subject."

"The wizarding world and the Muggle world should not be separated, and wizards and Muggles should not be antagonistic. We coexist in this world. The magic in this world is the same as Muggle science and can be studied. It can be parsed and exploited."

"Our magic is not an immutable innate ability! Our magic has actually been improving for thousands of years!"

"We can create magic stones with endless magic power, and magic scrolls that everyone can use, so why can't we try to create a world where everyone can learn magic?"

"So, we should not think about how to fight Muggles, nor how to live in harmony with them. We should find ways to actively integrate with them, and then redefine our identity as wizards."

Connor spread his hands as if embracing the future: "Then create a new world, a brand-new world where science and magic coexist, with infinite possibilities!"

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