Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 38 Between Friends and KO Emma Watson

Chapter 38 Friends and KO Emma Watson

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"


"Link won! Link is the champion!"

In the suite of Kingston Resort Hotel in Orlando, Robert Grint, the golden retriever, jumped up from the sofa, clenched his fist and waved vigorously, looking at 'Harry Potter' Daniel and said, "If we had known that the game was so exciting, we should have asked for leave to watch it live."

"But we have to shoot today." Daniel Radcliffe shrugged his shoulders and said.

"I know, I know, but I still feel a little regretful."

Robert Grint threw himself on the sofa and tilted his head to look at Daniel, "You seem a little unhappy, what's wrong?"

"Is there?"

Daniel adjusted his glasses and said.

"Of course there is. Although I don't know magic, I can feel it. Is it because of Emma?"

Robert got up, stared at him and smiled, "Is it because Emma went to Miami and hasn't come back yet, and you are worried about her?"

Daniel shook his head repeatedly to deny.

"No, don't guess."

"I didn't guess."

Robert smiled, crossed his arms, and said with one hand on his chin, "You like Emma, ​​right?"

"I don't, don't talk nonsense, she and I are just good friends."

Daniel hurriedly denied.

Robert shook his head, "Daniel, you are too introverted and too obedient. If you like Emma, ​​you should confess to her earlier. It's not good to drag it out.

But Emma looks like a lady, but she is a little witch in her heart. She likes those crazy, exciting, bad boys, and you are too obedient, so your confession probably won't succeed."

Daniel lowered his head and said nothing.

Robert took out two cans of beer, opened them, and handed one to Daniel.

"Don't be depressed. When we get back to London, I will introduce you to a real lady, a beautiful and gentle girl who speaks very well. She is much better than Emma. How about it?"

Robert smiled and bumped him with his shoulder.

Daniel raised his head and smiled, clinking his beer with him.


A late-returning plane flew through the starry night sky and slowly landed in the brightly lit city of Miami.

There were few pedestrians on Miami Beach at night.

Only the tall palm trees under the starry sky stretched their lush branches and leaves to the sky.

The boundless sea kept rolling up white waves, washing the footprints left by humans on the shore during the day. Several crabs with bared teeth and claws were rolled to the shore by the waves and spit bubbles in the sand pit.

Suddenly, two bipeds were seen stepping over, and several small crabs immediately sped up, waving their claws and diving deeper into the sand pit.

"My Baker's shop is in front. Do you like diving? I'll take you there tomorrow."

Link pointed to the shop in front and said to the girl beside him.

The girl was petite, with long golden brown hair, a pair of dark brown eyes under her long eyelashes, looking critically at everything in front of her, and under her upturned nose, her pink lips were slightly pursed, looking a little stubborn and willful.

She was holding a pair of black square-toed leather shoes in her hand, and she lifted up her blue skirt, revealing her fair and round calves. Her slender feet gently stepped on the white sand, and her toes were pointing to the "Baker Diving Equipment Rental Shop" not far from the shore.

The shop was about 700 to 800 meters away from the beach. It was a mobile home converted from a large truck compartment.

On the side facing the beach, there was a shell-shaped sunshade protruding forward, and a three-square-meter glass window with various diving equipment hanging inside.

There were three pairs of tires under the compartment, which could be moved by a trailer.

The shop was painted with white latex paint, and there were many colorful graffiti on the walls, as well as orange lifebuoys issued by the Beach Administration, which was very Miami Beach style.

"It looks good. It would be better without the graffiti."

Emma Watson said as she looked at the shop.

Link smiled. Taylor said that the graffiti on the wall was the soul of the shop, and added a few strokes by the way, but Emma didn't think so.

He turned on the door and the lights in the house and invited Emma Watson in.

Link was a little surprised that Emma Watson could come to Miami today to cheer him up. Although the two of them often chatted through MSN during this period, they were not very harmonious most of the time.

Emma Watson likes to find fault with others and often comments on his games in an "expert" tone.

For example, after the game today, the first sentence I saw was "Link, you played well. Although there are still many areas that need to be improved, as an amateur boxer, your performance has been recognized by me for the time being."

Most of the time, Link just smiled and didn't argue with a little girl.

The two of them could only be regarded as netizens who had met and had a good chat, but she came to the game site, which was much more reliable than Taylor.

After Emma came, Link took her to participate in the first half of the celebration party held at the Pink Lover Bar today.

In the second half, the two of them walked out, rode motorcycles through the bright and colorful Miami streets, and strolled on the quiet and secluded beach for more than 20 minutes before returning to the store.

"Emma, ​​do you want to take a shower?"

Link came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, wearing a T-shirt and shorts, and wiped his hair with a towel.

Emma sat upright on the sofa, and an unknown variety show was playing on the TV.

Hearing his question, Emma turned around and looked at him quietly, her eyes bright, as if she was doing a CT scan for him, checking his heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidneys.

Link shrugged and said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else. Miami is hot and humid, and it's easy to sweat if you walk for a long time. If you take a shower, I'll find you some clothes to change into, so you'll be more comfortable sleeping at night."

Emma looked at him and blinked, "Okay!"

Link smiled lightly, went back to the bedroom to find a set of pure cotton sports T-shirts and shorts, took them to the small living room, saw that her feet were covered with fine sand, and found a pair of slippers.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Link smiled and took her to the bathroom, a small compartment with only a shower head, closed the door, and the sound of running water came from the bathroom, which seemed a bit ambiguous in the quiet little room.

Link took the phone and walked outside the store to call Taylor. He had just had a party at the bar, and when he received Taylor's call, he only talked for two sentences and hung up, and many things were not made clear.

He called again, and Taylor picked up the phone quickly. She asked him what he was doing and whether the party was over. She continued to apologize to him, saying that she had received a temporary job, a very important job, and could not spare the time. She hoped that he would forgive her.

Link forgave her of course. The two were just ordinary friends who had met a few times, had a few meals, and crossed paths once. It was not a big deal for ordinary friends to not be able to come to the scene to watch the game because of something. It was okay as long as they were thoughtful.

Link did not have high requirements for her, and would not blame her or get angry because of her breach of trust.

Taylor promised on the phone that she would go to the scene to cheer him up next time he played a game. If she did not do so, she would let her grow another five centimeters taller.

Link was a little surprised. Taylor was 180 cm tall. When she was a child, she was too tall and had low self-esteem. She developed the habit of hunching her back. It was not until she became a singer and received training from a body shaper that she slowly corrected it and became a tall beauty.

Now she actually used growing five centimeters taller to guarantee, which seemed too sincere, making it difficult for him to define their relationship.

The phone call lasted more than ten minutes, and then he returned to the small living room.

Emma sat quietly on the sofa, wearing his white T-shirt with red letters. His T-shirt was too loose for her 165cm figure, and the hem fell to her knees, like a dress.

Her hair was wet and scattered on her shoulders, with water drops dripping from the ends of her hair, and there were some mottled wet marks on the back of her white T-shirt.

Her oval face became more delicate and tender after the bath, but she was still expressionless.

"Sorry, I don't have a blow dryer here."

Link took out a dry new towel and asked her to dry her hair.

"Who did you call just now?"

Emma took the towel and asked.

"A friend, she originally said she would come to cheer me up, but she was busy with work at the last minute and couldn't make time, so she called to apologize to me."


"No, just an ordinary friend."

Emma wiped her hair with a towel, and her golden brown hair became more fluffy.

But her T-shirt was too loose, and when she raised her arm to wipe her hair, a touch of pink hit Link's eyes through the cuffs, and Link's heart jumped unconvincingly.

He swept his hair. His short hair, which had just been washed, was dried by the wind unconsciously and became hard and straight. He came to the bedroom, took out a blanket from the cabinet and came to the small living room.

"I have tidied the bedroom. You can sleep in the bedroom and I will sleep on the sofa."

Link put down the blanket and said.

Emma looked at him and blinked, put the towel on the sofa, got up and dragged his big slippers back to the bedroom.

"Good night Emma!"

Link turned off the lights in the living room, lay on the sofa, and yawned.

After a tiring day, he felt a wave of sleepiness after lying down, and fell asleep without thinking about anything.

He didn't know how long he slept, but he was awakened by a shaking. He opened his eyes and Emma looked down at him from above his head. She was only wearing that loose T-shirt. The swaying scenery made Link's hair stiff.

"What's wrong, Emma?"

Link sat up and asked, and the blanket slipped off his chest, revealing his strong chest muscles and abdominal muscles.

"You slept on the floor."

Emma pointed to the sofa next to her and said.

"Oh, thank you for waking me up."

Link rubbed his forehead and got up from the floor with a blanket.

"You're welcome."

Emma bit her lower lip and walked to the door of the bedroom and said, "The bed in the bedroom is big enough to sleep two people."

Link looked at the open door of the bedroom, smiled gently, and walked into the bedroom with a blanket in his arms.

Emma was already lying on the bed, her eyes closed, covered with a thin wool blanket, and her chest kept rising and falling.

Link turned off the lights and lay down on the bed, hearing the breathing and heartbeat next to him gradually become rapid.

Link pulled up the blanket from Emma and covered himself with it.

"Don't move."

Emma said with her eyes closed.

Link smiled gently, lay on the bed, and looked at the roof.

After a sleep, he became more energetic, and the night outside the window was deep, the sea water gently lapped the sandbar on the shore, and the occasional passing car only brought a gust of wind. It was obviously a long night.

When the breathing around him gradually calmed down, Link stretched out his arm and put it on her body.

The girl still closed her eyes, her breathing became rapid again, and her heartbeat hit his arm.

Link pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently.

The girl suddenly opened her dark brown eyes, pushed him, and wrapped her hands around his neck.

The lights on the roof went out.

Starlight invaded the bedroom through the window. They were lovers bathing in the starlight.


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