
Chapter 433: 【Uncage】 (6)

Chapter 433 [Out of the Box] (6)

Manninger's order to withdraw his troops said that after the exit, his spirit could no longer be supported. His mind was greatly damaged, and he was so excited at the moment. He only thought of breaking the enemy on the same day, but he received bad news the next moment. In the great tragedy, it has always hurt the most. (Please keep in mind when reading novels) Although Manninger is a great generation, after all, he is still a few years old. Suddenly, he ca n’t stand such a sudden change.

After his order was spoken, there was no longer the spirit and energy to speak, but to dispel the leaders of the camps in the tent.

The coach is so, the people below are naturally at a loss.

It's just that although Manninger was about to faint from vomiting blood, after all, he was not confused. It was just an order, but no explanation was given. It was only suppressed with the majesty of the leader. Although the following people had doubts about his order, they did not dare to violate it.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. The military system of the Odin Empire is rough and loose. It is not as complete and clear as the Byzantine army. However, Odin ’s army has always been a corps of each tribe. As a tribal patriarch, under the dual status, the majesty and power are much greater than the generals of the Byzantine army. As the leader of the Odin Legion, no matter how absurd the order is, the people below dare not violate it.

With the order of withdrawal, all battalions moved.

After all, it was the withdrawal of the 10,000-strong army.

Moreover, at this moment, there are many strands of the Odin army that besieged Green here. Manninger ordered "the entire army to gather." The meaning was naturally clear. Not only his main force was to be withdrawn, but even the surroundings were responsible for the containment. Several of the troops must also be assembled and withdrawn.

Tens of thousands of troops set off and started, but they didn't just touch their lips and walk away. Send Chuanqi out of the battalion, go to several other directions to announce the assembly of other troops, order exchanges and instructions, plus the soldiers of each battalion to pack and unpack ...

One thing at a time, it can be said that the whole body is affected.

But Manninger ordered urging again and again, and even the order was full of anxiety. He even ordered that the entire army can abandon heavy and difficult-to-carry heavy goods and pack them lightly, and even the extra grain stored in the army can be discarded!

"The army carried six days of rations, and the reindeer cavalry went first, and the main infantry soldiers followed."

After Manninger had rested for a long time, he finally recovered a little spirit, and the continuous order was suppressed: "Leave five thousand people behind in the temple!"

The army rallied, and "chaos" coaxed and delayed a whole day.

During that time, Manninger reportedly vomited blood twice and fainted again. Finally, in the afternoon of the second day, the entire army was ready to pull out.

The Odin reindeer cavalry, who had scattered out on the wings of Green's army, also collected it. The army behind Green was also promoted. Under Manninger's order, even the camp was simply unnecessary. The whole army only brought weapons and equipment, and they lined up around Green's camp and entered Manninger's main camp.

Until all preparations were finally completed, Manninger did not announce the real news!

Even before he fell into a coma, the first thing he did was to protect his confidants around him, and to kill all the reported soldiers who ran back from the new city!

Poor these guys, were originally elite warriors of the Basak tribe. They fled from the new city and fled along the way. It was almost a desperate day and night to rush to report. This snowy climate and roads are difficult. Among them, there were people who carried them, and there were a few on the road. There were a few people who were left behind because of the disengagement of their mounts. They were able to run to the Manninger Camp to report. There were only more than thirty riders. Manninger ordered all beheaded!

It wasn't Manninger's ruthlessness, but he knew in his heart that at least at this critical moment, the news that Lao Chao had been copied must not be spread in the army!

The entire army assembled here, but the old nest was lost! More importantly, tens of thousands of troops are here, and every day people eat and drink. The cost of food alone is a huge number! The army fought, although the grain in the army also had belts, but most of it was delivered by the continuous deployment of the rear. Originally, these were relied on by the son of Morka, who was sitting in the old town of the old nest. But now the old nest is lost, and one of the direct consequences is that ... the army of tens of thousands of us will immediately have no subsequent supplies! These grains stored in the army cannot sustain them for a long time!

Once the news that Lao Chao lost is spread out, the military heart will be unstable immediately! At this time, there is still a Byzantine army close to 20,000 in front of him. In case the other party rushes in, if there is any mistake ... He Manninger will really cry when he does not cry!

At this time, even if it is one in ten thousand danger, he dare not take it!

Must send troops back to the division! !!

To say that Manninger is in the mood now, is of great sadness!

Morka is his parent-child, and the eldest son he has spent most of his cultivation! After training for many years, watching such an eldest son grow up, he finally can march with his own march, to share his grief, and to cultivate him deliberately, to help him establish prestige, his future heir is faint!

But now his own son was actually beheaded under the city in the old rear nest, which he thought was the safest! The old nest is also lost! What's more terrible is that in the new city, most of his family's homes were seized and seized after Manninger occupied Siltan County and the Corsica Military District!

Food, money, ordnance ... These things, Manninger were gathered in the new city, originally expected to make the new city their own Basak tribe rooted in this land in the future, those money and food supplies are for The big migrants came after the spring to prepare!

But now, all lost! !!

Since the expedition south, almost all the spoils and raids have been stored in the new city! Even before winter, Manninger ordered that most of the food collected in the county be concentrated in New Town in order to spend the winter!

Therefore, no matter from any perspective, the new city cannot be lost! !!

Never lose it! !!

He has Manninger's ambitions, and all future plans, abacuses, and ambitions rest on this foundation!

The most terrible thing is that the new city is now occupied. If there are no reserves in the new city, the tens of thousands of troops will not even have winter food! !!

That's right, Sirtan County is huge, Corsica County is huge! However, the Odins were not good at farming and production, and they spent a lot of time here, but it was a mess of these two sites. At this moment, even if Maninger was willing to abandon the new city and take the army to eat elsewhere, it was a big Siltan. County, almost all the food has been ransacked! Only a few leftovers to satisfy the small garrison were left in only a few places! Where else can there be food that can be consumed by tens of thousands of troops? !!

So he must go back! New town must be recaptured! Otherwise, this cold winter, tens of thousands of Odin Erlang, will have to rely on drinking northwestern style!

Don't say war, after ten days and a half months, I'm afraid that I will starve to death!

If you feel distressed, I'm afraid the distress in this area is better than the grief of bereavement!

Now for Manninger, it's time robbing! Every moment he delays, the new city becomes more dangerous! Although he did not know which surprise soldier in this Byzantine army attacked his nest, and which general led the surprise soldier.

However, Manninger led the army for many years, but he can be sure that anyone who dares to take such a big risk and sneak into the enemy's nest with a small force will definitely be brave, and after all, it ’s unconventional. madman!

He wasn't afraid of anything else, just in case he sneaked into the enemy general in his old nest, in case he went crazy and set a fire ...

Presumably, eating Green's department in front of him seemed secondary.

Manninger was in a hurry, and Charlie was racing against time here too.

Xia Ya's eight hundred riders all the way down to the south, fighting several times in a row. Even though these transformed cavalry can be powerful, the muscle fruits left by those ancient goblins are so amazing, but even if people and horses are strengthened, but also After all, it's still flesh and blood.

After several battles, of course, some people were injured or killed, and this incomparable 800 riding was finally unavoidable.

After Xia occupied the new city, the cavalry around him, plus those who are not badly injured and can continue to fight, can only be the number of more than seven hundred riders, and more than ten severely wounded cavalry, which can only be temporarily placed in Manninger's handsome house in the new city.

Fortunately, Charlie has more time than Manninger. He thought in his mind that even those defeated soldiers who had left the city could go to the front line to report to Manninger's camp, and then go to the whole army to start and return to the division. Once they went back, no matter how urgent Manninger was, no matter how Even if Manninger sent the most powerful cavalry back to the army, even in the cold and freezing weather, even if it was a "color" cavalry, there would be absolutely no time to come back for at least three days.

When he entered the city, he disposed of those Odin captives. All the chopped feet were thrown outside the city gate. After freezing for one night, when they sent people out of the city to check the next day, it turned out that they were all alive.

Xia Yawu refused to give up, and ordered people to collect the bodies of hundreds of Odin warriors, and they were hung with ropes and hung on the wall! !! And in the middle of a row of corpses hanging on the wall, there was a pair of armors-this armor was Morka's.

Poor son of the commander-in-chief of the Red Snow Corps, the future heir of the Pashak patriarch, died under Xia ’s hand, and in the last blow that smashed the gate, Xia ’s body was directly blasted into The fragments, even a complete outline, could not be recovered. Only some broken armors were left hanging on the gate by Xia's order!

After the Odin corpse was hung on the gate, Charlie began to move on.

He first gathered all the descendants and appendices in the city, most of which were descendants from the Corsica military area, and a small number of local garrison troops in the former Syltan military area. The number of these soldiers in the city was about 2,500.

When Xia Ya cavalry entered the city, they annihilated more than a thousand Odin defenders, killed Morka on the spot, and smashed the power of the gate. Where did these descendants have the courage to resist?

Xia ordered all these troops to be assembled, and then began training.

He was short of time, and he didn't have so many gentle means to slowly calm people's hearts. The **** methods used to deal with those Odin tomahawks have made these people frightened. Now he gathers the whole army to train. Many people are uneasy in their hearts. I am afraid that the cruel Byzantine general is also a favorite in case. Lord of the Slaughter of Prisoners of War ...

More than 1,500 of the Red Snow Army's elite were easily killed by others. Although they had more troops, their combat effectiveness was worse than that of the 1,500 Red Snow Army's elite. Several grades. If the person in front of him really wants to raise a butcher knife, where do these people have the ability to resist?

At a time when everyone was afraid, Xia Ya taught.

The icy north wind was still blowing, but Xia wasn't even wearing armor, and he took his fire fork in his hand and strode to a large stone that had been temporarily moved in front.

He deliberately paused for a moment so that each of the soldiers in front of them could see his figure carefully!

When he broke the city yesterday, he flew to kill Morka, and when he smashed the gate, the figure was already seen by many people. At this moment, he was standing in front of him. Who wouldn't recognize him?

Yesterday's majestic power, who can forget?

Xia Ya's face was so cold, and after a moment of silence, she finally spoke.

His precepts and tone were the same as his eyes at the moment, sharp, sensible, and sharp "Lo"!

"I know you're scared to die now! If I want to kill you, it's just a moment of effort! I don't care about the lives and deaths of you people! It's just me thinking about killing or not killing!"

Good guy, there is no half-hearted meaning, come up to forcefully press people in this imposing manner!

However, his powerful majestic power of yesterday was vividly remembered. At the moment, such outrageous words were spoken, but it seemed to be so taken for granted.

"But! I don't kill you! Lao Tzu has forgiven you of your" life "! Not because of my kindness! I don't know what kindness! I don't kill you, just because you are still useful to me! This , I don't shy away from telling you! So I saved your lives, and you don't need to thank me! "

After a pause, Xia Ya snorted heavily, the cold voice even more cruel, resounding the audience.

"Below you will work for me and work hard for me! I know that there must be someone among you who is lucky! You are afraid of me now, and have surrendered to me, and obey me! Some of you may think, Manninger knew that the news was bound to come back! He had tens of thousands of troops. At that time, the city would have a different owner. Those of you surrendered once or twice, and gradually you got used to it! Haha! Some of you have this kind of thinking, but I am afraid that I am not in the minority, I know very well in my heart, and I do n’t have to go around with you! "

Speaking of this, it turned out that among the more than two thousand troops that were sent down, many people were fluctuating.

Although Charya's cavalry is outrageous, the number is still too small after all. And the strength of the Odins is deeply ingrained. Hundreds of cavalry could copy Manninger's nest. Strength accounted for three points, but seven points were luck and trickery. Once the Manninger army returned to the division, it was absolutely impossible to hold the new city with hundreds of cavalry.

By then ... it's a big deal again.

When holding such a thought, it is indeed not a minority.

These are the people who have surrendered. Once the bones have softened and they want to harden, it is very difficult.

"But I just want to tell you now! This kind of thought, you will be dead early! Because you will not have another chance to surrender! Nothing at all! It is not that I will not give you a chance to surrender! It is Manninger, He won't give you a chance to surrender! "

Xia Ya's face was full of shyness, and he yelled fiercely, "You have all seen the corpses on the wall! The Odins in this new city are the most close relatives of Manninger's family! Elite! They were all slaughtered by Lao Tzu! Even his own son, Manninger, was slaughtered by Lao Tzu! He lost more than a thousand elites, and even his son died. In his heart, Manninger must be monstrous Anger !!! You are not idiots, just think about it, even if Manninger came back and came down here and saw the corpse hanging on the wall, what the anger in his heart would burn like! See his son's armor hanging On the wall, even the complete body is gone, he will be so angry that he will spit blood all the time !! ha ha ha ha !!! "

Speaking of this ~ ~ Xia Ya's eyes were ruthless and slowly swept across the audience. His eyes were sharp as a sword at the moment, and everyone who was swept by him was shocked by his eyes, and did not dare He looked at each other.

I heard Char ’s vicious voice in my ear: "Think again, when Manninger knew that when he broke through the city, when his more than 1,000 elites were slaughtered by me, his own son was When I slaughtered, and more than two thousand of you were standing by and watching, there was no movement! I didn't even dare to put a fart, so I surrendered to me and consecrated the city !! Hahahahaha! With Manninger knowing this, will he spare you? Will he accept your surrender again? As long as you are not idiots, weigh yourselves in your heart! His Maninger's anger will be poured out For you guys !!! So, there are those guys who are half-hearted and are committed to the Odin minds in the future. Do n’t think about it early! If you guys are in the hands of Manninger, Odin "Sex", I'm afraid I won't give you a chance to speak and just order all to be buried alive! "

Everyone changes color! !! Looked up at Charlie's eyes, full of fear and panic.

"So! What I want to tell you now is that you have no other choice! All paths have been cut off! Now the only living path before you, the only vitality, is to choose me only! You can choose to follow me! Apart from that, everything else is a dead end, a dead end !! "

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