Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 398 388 Finding Calm in Chaos

Chapter 398 388. Finding peace in the chaos

Li Nuo underestimated the speed of news spreading among wizards.

Ten minutes after the first wave of gray wizards arrived, the second and third waves of gray wizards came.

The Unas Ring Wizard, who was always paying attention to the gray wizard's movements, heard the news and followed the gray wizard to the outskirts of the root server city.

Thinking about it carefully, it should be an emotion called "grievance" that stimulated this large group of wizards.

Who is a wizard?

Not to mention walking sideways outside the pollution field, it is also an existence that can call the wind and rain.

But after arriving in the polluted field of "The Forest of Death", wherever he went, his spellcasting ability would be weakened by the "Nirvana Force Field". Even after entering the city, he was completely deprived of magic and became an ordinary person, and then was The dead steel soldiers brutally killed.

This kind of trampling on the dignity of life of the entire wizard group was enough to prompt the gray wizards and the wizards of the Unas Circle to put aside their hatred of each other and work together to destroy the "Nirvana Force Field".

Wizards don't actually know what this environmental factor that can weaken their spellcasting ability is called, but they got the exact news:

In this silent city area where there are no dead steel soldiers, the source of the environmental force field is hidden!

Everyone had some doubts about the news at first, but when they saw the uniqueness of the Root Server City with their own eyes, everyone was convinced that this place was extraordinary.

The root server city area is like a dead city with flashing green light spots. There are no dead steel soldiers inside or outside, and a strong depressive atmosphere rushes towards you.

The most important thing is that the wizards outside the city saw human figures moving on the roof.

Those metal wizards who used special metal boxes to dissect dolls on the roof were almost frightened when they saw a large number of wizards appearing outside the city.

"What's happening here?!"

"Why are there so many people here all at once?"

"This place is so remote, how did they find it so quickly?!"

The metal wizard hurriedly cleaned up the scene, cast a flying spell, and flew towards the subway entrance.

Their actions were seen by the wizard lingering outside the transparent barrier.

Especially their course of action.

When the wizards outside saw these wizards getting into the subway entrance leading underground, they instantly realized that there was a cave under the city!

Since those weird wizards can move around the city, can I and others do the same?

The wizards found the round holes in the barrier and forced the magic servants and magic dolls into them.

The magic servant was scrapped due to the loss of magic energy, turning into crystal magic powder and falling to the ground.

The magic doll was paralyzed at first, and then burst into flames, turning into a humanoid thing standing there blankly, with green eyes.

This strange sight alarmed the wizards.

There was no need for Li Nuo to ask Selina to spread rumors again to reveal the secret. The wizards used their intelligence and initiative to solve the problem in front of them.

After a lot of experiments, they found that only flesh and blood would mutate.

If a magic doll is composed entirely of non-flesh and blood objects, it will only be paralyzed due to the loss of magic energy and will not turn into a monster with green eyes.

A small number of wizards were curious about the doll with green eyes, but at this time everyone was focused on destroying the building, and no one paid attention to the voices of a few people.

Didn't the rumors say that as long as all the buildings are destroyed and all the humanoid creatures with green eyes in the buildings are destroyed, the weird environmental force field will disappear.

Wizards are not stupid.

If the magical energy disappears after entering the barrier and cannot destroy the building, then wouldn't it be better to use another type of energy that can exist in the barrier?

As Li Nuo watched, the wizards staying outside the barrier turned on the shaking mode.

They used various means to contact their companions outside the contaminated area, asking them to bring in boxes after boxes of magic stones, and test one by one whether the energy in the magic stones would disappear within the barrier.

This large-scale magic experiment quickly came to a conclusion due to the large number of participants:

The kinetic energy impact caused by the explosion, the heat released by the burning material, and the electrical energy output by the generator will not be affected by the environmental force field.

Invisibly, wizards have summarized the categories of non-magical energy.

But this kind of theoretical study is not important.

After determining what energy can be used within the barrier, the next step is to use non-magical means to create the bomb.

Unfortunately, I don't know if there were spies among the wizards, but a large group of Death Steel soldiers poured out of the subway entrance and ran towards the wizards outside the barrier.

They set up a gun line in front of the wizard, as if you dare to come in, we will kill you.

The wizards now firmly believed that this city area was the key.

Furthermore, the wizards were inspired by the guns and cannons used by the Death Steel soldiers, and inspiration suddenly poured out like a tide.

"That's right! We can definitely find a few people from Tatis to help us design this kind of gun!"

"That's right, that's right. Since these metal creatures who came from nowhere can use guns and cannons within the barrier, then we can definitely do it too!"

The search for the Tatis people naturally fell on the Pillar of the Wizard's power.

Who put this wizard force in charge of the research mission in the Tatis area?

Not long after, Meister, an acquaintance of Li Nuo, appeared on the scene, followed by a large number of ordinary people.

With the recovery city gone, Meister, as one of the guardians behind the scenes, must feel uncomfortable. He is holding back his anger and wants to take revenge on the person who opened the pollution field.

When he heard that the wizards had found a way to destroy the domain's environmental field, he brought in craftsmen who were responsible for designing and improving guns without saying a word.

Li Nuo admired the courage of these craftsmen.

They are all ordinary people, but they dare to set foot in extremely dangerous and polluted areas.

And their talents did not disappoint the wizards.

In just one hour, they designed crude cannons and shells based on the non-magical energy screened by the wizard.

The wizard used the power of magic to create these objects outside the barrier, and then without saying a word, he used magic to shrink the cannon into the barrier, and fired a shot at the building.

"Bang! Bang!"

"Boom boom boom..."

A huge fireball exploded on the surface of the building, with debris flying and dust flying.

The Death Steel soldiers were a step too slow and failed to stop the sudden attack. They could only watch helplessly as the wizard's cannonball shattered a corner of the building, causing the building to shake and crack.

When the cannon was destroyed by the Death Steel soldiers, everyone realized that the power of this cannon was far beyond imagination.

The building hit by the shell was slightly tilted and was at risk of collapsing at any time.

After the shell exploded, a head-scratching sharp noise came from the building. The steel bars in the load-bearing columns were overwhelmed and broke one after another, making a series of crackling sounds.

At this moment, the metal ancestor dragon, which was integrated with all the metal objects in the city, exerted its power.

The invisible force stabilized the building that was about to collapse, making it freeze in place with a tilt of 30 degrees.

In the building, some green-eyed figures closer to the window sill rolled out of the window and hit the ground with a thud, breaking into black stones on the ground.

As more and more people fell from the building, all the wizards present felt the subtle changes in the environmental force field.

【system message:】

[The "Nirvana Force Field" has weakened. 】

Li Nuo raised his eyebrows and secretly exclaimed in disbelief.

He was actually fooled!

Destroying the root server city area can really weaken the "Nirvana Force Field"!

Damn it, are those wizards going crazy now?

Looking at the wizards outside the barrier, there are many Nine Rings among them, who are extremely sensitive to changes in the environmental force field.

Almost at the moment Li Nuo read the system message, these nine-ring wizards shouted in surprise, shouting that they felt a slight change in their stance!

The wizards immediately felt like they were on fire, immersed themselves in making cannon barrels and cannonballs, and fired cannonballs at the building one after another.

“Boom, boom, boom—boom, boom, boom—”

The Death Steel Soldiers struggled to destroy the cannon barrels and shells that entered the barrier, but the wizards moved faster, and there were always a few shells that passed through the Death Steel Soldiers' defense line and landed on the building behind them.

An indiscriminate bombardment is inevitable.

If the Metal Ancestor Dragon Tarsali does not take action, the disappearance of the "Nirvana Force Field" is a foregone conclusion.

Li Nuo thought about it and felt that Tarsali would not let the wizard destroy the building.

He subconsciously flew a distance away from the city to avoid being affected by the dragon's counterattack that might break out at any time.

Sure enough, just when Li Nuo retreated to a place three kilometers away, a large group of metal wizards flew from a distance and rushed towards the wizards who were desperately making cannonballs.

The wizards who made the cannonballs, whether they were the wizards from the Unas Circle or the gray wizards, initially thought that these metal wizards were here to help.

However, when the other party and others attacked them, they realized that they were terribly wrong. It turned out that they were a group of enemies who dared to stab them in the back!

Dense metal spikes fell from the sky, and huge metal meteors drew arcs and fell towards the crowd. Metal objects such as gun barrels and shells were detonated by the metal cube, sputtering sharp and deadly metal blades. The metal sub-plane that isolated other magical abilities was in The crowd suddenly spread out, and the ubiquitous giant guillotine instantly crushed the weak wizard...

In just one face-to-face encounter, most wizards below the fifth ring were wiped out by the metal Rubik's Cube.

Because of his unusual status, Moster was protected by a group of wizard bosses and survived. However, the craftsmen he brought did not survive because they could not resist the erosion of metal magic. They all fell to the ground. of iron man.

No one at the scene would feel sorry for the ordinary people who dared to set foot in the contaminated field. All the wizards who were attacked discovered one thing in horror.

That is…

The metal wizard who attacked them seemed not to be affected by the environmental force field.

Not only that, their magical power is comparable to that of an eighth-ring wizard, and their spell casting speed is extremely fast.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking us?"

"I recognize them! They are metal wizards from the Shining Gold Society and the Horalei Society! Chirak! Are they you?! Why are you attacking me!"

Seeing that someone had locked onto the enemy's identity, the wizards who were attacked cursed:

"You damn traitors! You betrayed Unas Ring! You betrayed us! The law will punish you!"

"Stop yelling! Let's survive first! These guys are obviously not restricted in their ability to cast spells!"

"If you ask me, those wizards who appeared in the barrier just now should be people from the Shuojin Society or the Horalei Society!!"

Seeing that their identities were exposed, the attackers became more aggressive.

Li Nuo was far away, but he still felt the rolling waves of metal and the loud collision of metal.

Fortunately, although the metal wizard's attack was fierce, the number of them was relatively small.

The wizards who were attacked reacted from the initial panic. The leader among them calmly commanded and divided one group of people to resist the attack, while the other group accelerated the bombardment of the buildings within the barrier.

To be honest, if there hadn't been a transparent barrier that was impregnable and only had small holes, the building and the green-eyed figure in the building would have been killed by the wizards long ago.

But on the other hand, it may be precisely because of the existence of this transparent barrier that the effect of the "Nirvana Force Field" on the barrier is only about 50% of that inside the barrier.

In any case, the "Nirvana Force Field" is gone.

Unless Tarsali is willing to come to the stage and give the wizards a fatal blow.

But is that treacherous old dragon in Talsali willing to do such a thing?

With this thought in his mind, Li Nuo flew another distance away from the city.

Seeing that the battle would not end for a while, Li Nuo simply called up the system interface and activated the "tracking marker" he placed in the underground factory.

These markers are protected by the "veil of separation (imitation)" and will never be discovered.

As the magical vision unfolded in his mind, Li Nuo's face changed slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, okay, the fighting is fierce on the ground, and there is no idle moment underground. No wonder no dead steel soldiers emerged from the underground to support the metal wizards. It turns out that those guys are secretly transporting anti-magic materials..."

In the magical vision, the Death Steel soldiers were hurriedly moving the anti-magic materials out of the warehouse and transporting them to the subway train on carts.

After the train is full, it immediately sets off to the next station, and the next train comes to load the anti-magic materials.

Li Nuo used the deconstruction technique to confirm carefully, and found that every single column had Talsari's will on it.

It seems that this old metal dragon is determined to take possession of the anti-magic materials for himself, or to catch possible thieves, and does not want to leave any loopholes for thieves.


The roar of the building collapsing suddenly became extremely loud.

Li Nuo glanced at the system messages, and a joyful look flashed in his eyes!

Those wizards are so powerful that they have blown up all the buildings!

The "Nirvana Force Field" has been destroyed!


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the transparent barrier. It was the joint effort of several nine-ring lightning wizards.

The originally indestructible transparent barrier was hit by hundreds of lightning bolts and suddenly became fragile and full of cracks.

When the last lightning struck, the entire barrier shattered with a hiss, turning into countless pieces of glass falling to the ground.

The wizards cheered and rushed to the subway entrance that was buried under rubble. They used magic to move the stones away and prepared to enter the underground.

At this time, can Tarsali still be able to hold back from taking action?

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