Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 453 443 A Little Shock

A strange tingling sensation appeared out of nowhere in the body, and the discomfort in Cucumber Slices suddenly disappeared a lot.

GM’s voice came to Cucumber Pian’s ears:

"I've loaded you with a small patch that will help you survive this round of injections."

"Thank you, big brother!" Cucumber Pian was excited and surprised, and then asked:

"By the way, Dad, do you know what happened to the players who were taken away by the staff? Were they captured by the Angel Enterprise Consortium and used as experimental subjects?"

"Oh, this"

Li Nuo glanced at the magic vision next to him, his eyes lingered on the screen for a moment, and he responded in a relaxed tone:

"You don't have to worry about them. They were resisting the staff, and an armed conflict broke out between the two sides. One player has been killed by the staff, and it seems that the rest will get the same result."

On the screen provided by Magic Vision, after the players were dragged out of the laboratory by the robotic arm, one of them activated the "violent skill" and broke free from the restraints of the robotic arm.

This guy was quite loyal and did not escape alone. Instead, he stayed to help his companions untie the mechanical arm and escape together.

This started a violent conflict, and it was the armed robots in the space station who came to stop them.

The instructions given to the armed robots were to try to stay alive, but the players just hit the guns, hoping to return to the Bureau's territory dead.

It is estimated that in five minutes, the last player will be killed.

Back to the third round of injections now.

With Li Nuo secretly helping, Cucumber Pian stood at the end without any danger and became a player who passed three rounds of injections.

His two companions, the winter melon and kelp brothers, died twice, and all their current level experience was lost.

Players who die after three consecutive rounds of injections will not only clear the experience bar of the current level, but also lose one level.

When the staff brought the reborn players into the laboratory, the dissatisfaction in the air was instantly strong.

The players complained a lot, complaining to the staff that they had lost experience in vain and had not seen any rewards.

The staff were not in a hurry either.

They waited until the players got tired of complaining, and then one person stepped out and started handing out rewards.

"Now announce the personnel arrangements."

The speaker was the staff member who was previously responsible for distributing injections, and his voice was still cold and electronically synthesized:

"Those who pass any round of injections can register as trainee pilots of the Redemption Angel Group. Those who pass any two rounds of injections can register as official pilots of the Redemption Angel Group. Those who pass three rounds of injections..."

The staff looked at the cucumber slices:

"You are the only one who has passed three rounds of injections. You can join the Lord Angel Group and receive special training as an artificial angel pilot."

While the staff was talking, the game system also refreshed text in front of the players and settled the task rewards.

Just as the staff said verbally, the players have obtained the qualifications to become trainee pilots or official pilots of the Redemption Angel Group.

The difference between an internship and a formal job is whether you will be fired.

Formal pilots can take up their posts after training and pilot the complex's spacecraft to perform missions.

If the trainee pilots fail to pass the training, they will be fired and become interstellar refugees.

According to the staff, players who have not survived any round will immediately lose their qualifications to serve in the coalition and will go back to where they came from.

But that's not the point.

The real key is that even if they register as pilots, players are joining the Redemption Angel Group.

This branch of the group is specifically responsible for carrying out invasion missions, that is, looting, burning and killing on the territory of the Unification Bureau.

To allow a group of young men who betrayed the Bureau to run back to the Bureau's territory to commit evil, would this make the corporate consortium's calculations too loud?

The players were immediately dissatisfied, made a lot of noise, and sprayed the staff.

"I'm such a fool for actually taking refuge in a force like you!"

"The treatment given by the angel corporate consortium is too lazy..."

"Is there any mistake? I died three times and I don't have any hair..."

Facing the players' saliva, the staff said calmly:

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention it. Those who fail any round of injections will be sent back to the territory of the General Bureau. You don't have to die in the territory of the General Bureau like those stupid guys. Rebirth.”

The cold attitude of the staff made the players furious.

But as several armed robot teams entered the laboratory, the unarmed players gradually calmed down.

A brief five minutes were spent in deliberation.

The players finally chose to obey the staff's arrangements and join the Redemption Angel Group, or take a shuttle back to the Bureau's territory.

The two brothers, winter melon and kelp, and cucumber slices are temporarily separated.

The two brothers left with the large army and headed to the space station of the Redemption Angel Group under the supervision of the staff.

Cucumber Pian was taken on a luxury shuttle and headed for the Archangel Group's space station.

The Archangel Group is responsible for the development and manufacture of artificial angels, and is also responsible for training artificial angel pilots.

As the luxury shuttle jumped between star gates, Cucumber Pian obtained the artificial angel pilot training schedule through the spacecraft computer.

This plan is specially designed for the "immortal" group, and is obviously different from the conventional training plan.

Under normal circumstances, artificial angel pilots need to be trained from an early age.

At about 3 years old, children will complete genetic screening and physical monitoring under the arrangement of the Archangel Group.

Among them, children who meet the training standards will be sent to the space station of the Archangel Group to adapt to the toxicity of the imitation Angel cerebral spinal fluid in advance.

This is an extremely cruel process that can be described as horrific.

After all, human life is the least valuable in the angel corporate complex.

Thanks to superb biotechnology and an outrageously low moral bottom line, the consortium can produce babies like an assembly line.

Basically, only 1% of the infants meet the training requirements for artificial angel pilots, and the rest are recycled - if this were placed in the world of Xianxia, ​​it would be the style of the top demon sect.

The training schedule that appeared in Cucumber Pian's hand was carefully designed for adults like him.

The content on the schedule is shocking.

The Archangel Group will inject Cucumber Slice with two liters of imitation cerebrospinal fluid every day to strengthen his resistance to toxicity.

High-intensity injections result in high mortality.

If nothing else goes wrong, Cucumber Pian's career level will soon drop to its original point.

The character attributes provided by professional levels will also be reduced, quickly turning him into a weakling.

The Angel Corporate Complex has apparently figured out part of the "immortal's" secret.

In order to prevent Cucumber Pian from losing experience and attributes due to repeated deaths, Archangel Group thoughtfully provides an experience buffing service.

The group will send piles of weak monsters to Cucumber Slices, allowing them to kill them with their own hands, steadily gaining massive amounts of experience.

While killing monsters, while injecting imitation cerebral spinal fluid, there is a high probability that the cucumber slices will not lose level, and there is a small probability that the poison resistance and level will increase simultaneously.

In the most ideal situation, he might be able to rely on the experience-earning service provided by the group to reach the full level of "Star Warrior" and at the same time complete the artificial angel pilot training plan.

This is awesome, and such treatment is like a dream.

Even the experienced Cucumber Pian could not help but be shocked by the generosity of the consortium.

However, as a senior party member, Cucumber Pian realized that things were not simple after a brief period of joy.

He made his own estimate.

The character attributes provided by "Intermediate Space Marine" are temporarily unable to resist the poison of the agent.

It should be enough to change it to "Advanced Space Marine".

In the Unification Bureau, there are approximately 10,000 to 20,000 players registered as "Advanced Space Marines".

If these people were recruited by the Angel Enterprise Consortium and trained to become artificial angel pilots, wouldn't the strength of the consortium skyrocket?

More importantly, the schedule that Cucumber Pian received did not mention letting him cooperate with others to drive the artificial angel.

In other words, after completing the training, he will fly the artificial angel alone, instead of flying in pairs and in teams like other pilots.

"It seems that the Angel Enterprise Consortium is exploding its troops..."

Think carefully about the cucumber slices:

"First use the players' immortality to train pilots who can independently fly artificial angels. Then combine it with biotechnology to clone the bodies or corpses of these players and use electronic brains to control them. In this way, the alliance will have a constant source of energy. A local pilot has independently piloted an artificial angel. This kind of imaginative operation method can only be achieved by out-of-control intelligence. No wonder GM asked me to join the Angel Enterprise Consortium for in-depth investigation..."

Cucumber slices thought for a while.

how to say.

If Li Nuo could read the thoughts in Cucumber Pian's head in real time, he would definitely give a thumbs up and praise him for being awesome.

The kid from Cucumber Pian actually analyzed the intentions of the Angel Enterprise Consortium just based on his own imagination. He is worthy of being a veteran player.

"Didi didi..."

News from a friend came.

I clicked on the cucumber slices and looked at them.

There are three messages in total.

The first one comes from the team members who stayed in the magic academy.

They reported on today's daily tasks, and also mentioned that someone complained about the Angel Enterprise Consortium on the forum.

Cucumber Pian replied briefly, then clicked on the second message.

This news comes from Strawberry Juice.

Things were going well on her end, and she was lucky enough to trigger a hidden mission.

Strawberry Juice sent the hidden mission information and asked Cucumber Pian’s opinion.

Cucumber slices click on the hidden task information to view it.

Li Nuo, who was hiding behind the scenes, also saw the content of the mission, and his eyes lit up slightly.

The content of this task is not complicated.

It asked Strawberry Juice to lead a search for a group of missing synth engineers.

According to the mission, these engineers were supposed to have completed the inspection of a certain satellite three days ago and then returned to the Metal Creation Group's engineering space station within the territory of the Unification Bureau.

However, due to an abnormality in the synthesizer's main control chip, the synthesizer engineer lost contact and now needs strawberry juice to recover.

The mission details give a coordinate where the ship piloted by the Synth Engineer was last seen.

The coordinates point to a dangerous star field where star thieves are rampant. The armed fleet of the Metal Creation Group is not suitable for entering with great fanfare, so the job of searching for engineers falls on Strawberry Juice.

After reading the details of the mission, Cucumber Pian decided to ask his teammates staying in the Magic Academy to support Strawberry Juice.

However, Li Nuo stopped Cucumber Pian before he could send out the message:

"Wait, cucumber slices."

"What's wrong, Dad?" Cucumber Pian stopped his fingers, not seeing the message being sent out.

Li Nuo said:

"Don't let your people help. I will use the college emblem on Strawberry Juice to help her complete the task."

Cucumber Pian reacted quickly and understood the situation at once:

"You mean, there's something wrong with this hidden mission?"

Li Nuo simply replied:

"There are indeed some problems. It should not appear in the mission library and should not be triggered by players."

Cucumber slices nodded thoughtfully without asking any more questions.

He re-edited the message according to the GM's wishes and sent it out.

Li Nuo looked at the coordinates provided in the mission information and recalled the days in the inner starry sky.

He and the Assassination Angel once robbed a batch of high-quality aggregates from the underground of Gathering City and sent them to the outer space.

The owner of this batch of aggregates is the Tomb King.

The Tomb King ordered one of his men to bring the aggregate to the Gathering City and hand it over to the Alchemy Temple to send it to a designated location in the outer space.

The spatial coordinates of this location are almost identical to the spatial coordinates that appeared on the hidden mission that Strawberry Juice received.

In other words, the group of synthetic engineers sent out by the Metal Creation Group are likely to find aggregates instead of repairing satellites.

Of course, that batch of aggregate must not be there.

At that time, Li Nuo modified the destination information of the vacuum bubble launcher and changed it to another galaxy designated by the Assassination Angel.

Even if a synthetic engineer searched in the wrong place, it would be impossible to find the missing aggregate.

Li Nuo had a premonition.

By tracking these synthetic engineers and finding the superiors who gave the orders, and then following them all the way, he is likely to come into contact with people at the headquarters of the Metal Creation Group.

From this, Li Nuo decided to help Strawberry Juice complete the task through the college badge.

After Cucumber Pian sent the reply, he clicked on the third friend message.

This news came from the chat group between him and the two brothers, Winter Melon and Kelp.

I saw it written in the chat group:

Winter Melon: Captain, this is outrageous, really outrageous.

Kelp: Captain, you will never imagine what the Redemption Angel Group wants to do! It’s so ridiculous!

Cucumber Pian typed and asked:

"What happened?"

Donggua immediately sent a voice message saying:

"Captain, the Redemption Angel Group forced us to tie the resurrection safe zone to the space station. This is not over yet. They actually want us to fly the spacecraft to harass the Black Hole Magic Academy."

Brother Kelp immediately added a paragraph:

"Captain, the Redemption Angel Group has said that as long as they dare to fight and charge, they will reimburse all experience and capital expenses. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't say it, this treatment is much better than that of the Unification Bureau."

Reimbursement of experience expenses... Cucumber Pian pondered for a moment and asked:

"Do you mean that they will send Warcraft to you so that you can harvest experience?"


"Isn't it great~~ I'm the second Olympics, I feel like I'll be able to level up on a rocket soon~~"

Winter melon and kelp are immersed in the illusion of harvest experience.

The cucumber slices were a bit embarrassing.

He knew it in his heart.

After signing the data tracking license agreement, GM can see his chat information.

The GM now plays the role of the master of the Black Hole Magic Academy.

If you say anything about harassing the Black Hole Magic Academy in front of the GM, isn't that just putting your face in the GM's hands and slapping him?

Sure enough, GM's understatement voice came to mind:

"Don't worry about this. Although the brain that controls the Angel Enterprise Consortium has some abnormalities, it is still under control. The Intellectual Brain of the Black Hole Magic Academy is independent and has a more advanced version, which is enough to deal with all threats from the Angel Enterprise Consortium. ."

"That's good, that's good..."

Cucumber Pian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt a toothache due to the relaxed and cheerful voice content in the chat group...

Stop posting it, the GM who plays the dean is watching! (End of chapter)

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