
The CCS-class cruiser that lost its power, under the fire of the Observer and the artillery attack, turned into a dazzling fireball in space.

In the end, the CCS-class cruiser and the Covenant forces inside the ship fell directly under human artillery fire.

There was originally a fleet of three CCS-class ships, but now there is only one left, and the only one is controlled by Gabriel and others.


The twelve Pelicans, carrying three companies of marines, left the hangar of the Observer and flew to the hangar of the last CCS-class cruiser.

at the same time.

All combat carrier-based aircraft, except for the air-mounted and artillery-mounted strikes, also returned to the hangar of the Observer to receive inspection and maintenance by the ground crew.

Not long after, under the escort of two F-Xs, the Falcon carrying nine Blood Ravens also successfully returned to the observer's hangar.


Inside the hangar.

The ground crew manipulated several robotic arms to carry the F-X and Falcon, transfer and park them to the designated berthing deck.

Look around.

Originally, there were all kinds of aerial bombs, supplies, and all kinds of carrier-based aircraft parked on the deck, but now it has become a little empty.

One reason is that the Pelican left with the marines on board. The other reason is that the bomb supply is almost exhausted, and more than half of the Viking fighters and F-X modifications have been lost.

Ten Viking fighters and six F-X modified battle formations. At this time, there are only four and three of these two types of aircraft left respectively.

At this time.

Under the protection of two guards in gray uniforms, Macha led dozens of shipboard medical and technical personnel to the hangar quickly.

They stood by the side of the Falcon, which was being picked up by the mechanical arm and was slowly coming to a stop.

The Falcon lowered its landing gear and stopped in the designated area, then the robotic arm was raised and moved away under the control of the ground crew.

Shuh-. (x2)

The pilot of the Falcon opened the doors on both sides of the cabin, but after a few seconds, Macha and the others did not see any of the Blood Ravens coming out.

Immediately afterwards, a lot of ground staff who had nothing to do gathered beside Macha and the others.

Seeing that no blood crows came out voluntarily for a long time, Macha's face became extremely serious, and even guessed that the nine blood crows might have...

But soon, she shook her head, threw her negative and pessimistic thoughts out of her mind, and said to the ground crew present:

Don't stand there stupidly, hurry up! Go in and help our hero out!

Yes, Captain!

The ground crew wearing construction machinery skeletons all walked into the cabin in response.

Then, it took nearly two minutes to move nine Blood Ravens out of the cabin at the ratio of four ground crew members moving one Blood Raven.

Nine Blood Ravens lay in a row on the deck.

My goodness…

What kind of battle did they go through...

This this…

Seeing the tattered ceramic titanium armor of the blood crows, and even a blood crow losing his left arm, everyone present couldn't help sighing.

Like the nurses of the medical team, their eyes were already red, and they could hardly help crying.

Okay! Matcha waved her hand again, and said urgently:

If you have time to grieve here, why not check their status as soon as possible! Maybe there is still a possibility of being rescued!!


Those who were woken up by matcha and others ignored the sadness and immediately started to act.

The ground crew cooperated with the technical staff to remove the package and the ceramic armor protecting the blood crows.

The last thing that appeared in front of everyone was the blood crows in special battle uniforms, all of them with their eyes closed.

Many parts of the bodies of this group of blood crows are covered with hideous scars.

Due to the hemostasis surgery, these scars seem to have been healed, but the dark red 'bruises' below the scars represent that the internal injuries have not yet healed.

However, to everyone's relief, the chests of the blood crows still rose and fell regularly, which meant that the blood crows were still breathing.


The shipboard medical team immediately performed emergency surgery on these blood crows.

Cut open the wounds where the skin has regrown, bleed out, and treat.

Among these blood crows, the most seriously injured one was the blood crow who lost his left arm.

Due to the extensive damage to the Tao Titanium Armor, the blood crow's severed left arm was directly exposed to space for a long time.

The entire left arm was completely necrotic, and the doctors had to amputate it on the spot and treat the wound with regular hemostasis.

After nearly half an hour of emergency surgery, the condition of the group of blood crows finally stabilized. At least when they were transferred to the ground hospital on Harvest Star, their lives would not be in any danger.

During this time.

Several Pelicans also returned to the observer's hangar, bringing back the wounded Blood Raven and paratroopers, as well as the remains of ten paratroopers.

Among this group of blood crows, the most seriously injured one was a broken arm, but this blood crow did not drift in space, so he was still able to maintain a clear state.

The blood crow who fell into a coma due to a severe concussion, after a doctor's examination, concluded that he can recover after a good rest.

However, what shocked everyone in the hangar the most was...

Following the wounded returned to the Observer, there were dozens of elites wearing armor of different colors who were exhausted from struggling.

It was twenty paratroopers and six blood crows who were seriously injured to escort these elites back to the voyage.

My goodness…

The sergeant and the second lieutenant have captured so many aliens.

No wonder there are so many casualties in the Astartes. These aliens have a physique that is literally born for fighting.

After seeing the elites, the medical, technical and ground staff expressed a burst of emotion.


A paratrooper with the rank of sergeant quickly walked up to Macha and saluted: Captain.

At present, the sergeant is leading the combat force to wipe out the remnants of the enemy's warships and try to capture enemies of this race.

Now this group of guys have lost their ability to fight and move, and they hope to be transferred to the confinement cabin of this ship.

Okay, no problem. Matcha nodded in agreement.

She also took a brief look at the video data of the blood crows and the elites duel before, and found that the race of the elites was a bit too 'honest'.

Coupled with the enemy forces, it looks like a joint form of government of alien races, so they are at odds with each other.

I hope we can take advantage of this and disintegrate the other party from the inside. Macha looked at the group of elites who were escorted away, and said something to himself.

Captain! At this moment, the radio in the hangar came from the voice of the correspondent who couldn't hide his excitement and joy:

We have resumed communication! The boss has dispatched the 5th, 30th, and 31st fleets to support them, and they are expected to arrive in 20 hours!

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