Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1001 1001 [Traitor of the organization]

Jiang Xia looked at Yuan Jiaming with slight curiosity: This should be the "traitor" who secretly used the company's computer to transfer organizational information, and was unfortunately discovered.

"..." But judging from how calm and composed he is now, he probably hasn't realized that the matter has been exposed yet. Gin turned out to be very calm this time, probably because he wanted to take a long shot and catch the big fish.

Yuan Jiaming knew nothing about the curious look from the black organization.

He greeted the guests, left quickly, and began to patrol among the machines, randomly checking their respective conditions.

Sawada Chinami originally wanted to continue leading the guests to visit other floors.

But before speaking, she was slightly startled.

——Several children sneaked up to a machine at some point and were looking at the machine curiously. They seemed to want to reach out and touch it, but they did not actually do it.

Sawada Qianami looked at their cautious appearance and couldn't help but smile: They are really a group of polite children. Is it because they don't dare to touch without the owner's permission?

"..." In this case, the chairman did not stipulate the specific content of the visit anyway. He only asked her to take people around first so as not to neglect the guests. Since children are interested in game consoles, let’s play here.

Sawada Qianami walked to the machine, leaned down and said gently: "This is a 'time machine'. It can predict everyone's appearance ten years from now based on big data - do you want to try it?"

The children's eyes shone brightly and they nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

However, because of their excessive reserve, the first one to try was Dr. Ali.

The user sits on the seat, and a high-tech helmet falls on top of his head. After scanning the face, the shutter clicked.

Immediately afterwards, the photos "ten years later" were spit out from the machine.

Photos take shape very quickly. After a while, several curious children already had one in hand.

Jiang Xia didn't take pictures. He secretly approached the crowd and curiously took a peek at the photos in other people's hands.

Dr. A Li, the master of advanced technology, seems to have frozen his age and remains unchanged.

The three real children of the Young Detective Team have all grown up into high school students full of youthful atmosphere.

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko took one look at his photo and quickly lost interest.

He came to the side, looked at Bumi's photo, and blushed: "Bumi will be so beautiful when she grows up!"

Ayumi covered her face shyly.

When the children encountered new high-tech toys, they were immersed in the excitement and became much more lively than before.

Moto Kojima followed suit: "Yes, she is much prettier than Sister Sonoko! Haha... ow!"

Suzuki Sonoko punched him on the head:

"How can a little brat understand the charm of an adult... Show me your photo!"

While talking, she took Yuantai's photo "ten years later", glanced at it, and laughed in the same tone as Yuantai: "Haha, I've seen a lot of ordinary high school students like this."

Having said that, when Suzuki Sonoko looked at the virtual photo that was not handsome but was highly completed, she couldn't help but become curious about this black technology.

She turned her head and looked at Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan, ready to make a move: "Let's try it too."

Mao Lilan nodded and sat on the seat with her.

This machine may have been originally prepared for newlyweds or couples, working in pairs.

Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan sat down one by one.

Within a few seconds, their photos were spit out on the workbench.

Gentai remembered what Suzuki Sonoko had just laughed at him, ran over to take a look, and responded with an attack: "Haha, I've seen a lot of ordinary aunts like this."

"Go away! Don't peek at women's secrets!" Suzuki Sonoko jumped up, strode her long legs, caught up with Genta who wanted to run away, and snatched her photo from his hand.

Suzuki Sonoko turned over the photos and took a look with anticipation and trepidation.

Then facing the stern woman above, she fell into silence: "..."

...I don’t know if the machine has strange calculation criteria for “rich daughter of a consortium”. “Sonoko Suzuki ten years from now” will be combed by the machine into short, lean hair like Chairman Tokiwa’s.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at herself who was shown to be a bit mean, her forehead twitched, and she patted the back of the machine chair angrily:

"Why did you cut my hair without permission! Isn't this the hairstyle of your chairman? A mere machine is actually involved in private work!"

Mao Lilan's side was also very lively. Because Suzuki Sonoko was covering her photo tightly, no one could see it. A group of people all crowded next to Mao Lilan.

Ayumi was originally very interested in Mao Lilan's photos, but when she looked up and saw Conan's expectant expression, she was startled.

Then she lowered her head a little lonely: She liked Conan very much, but she felt that Conan seemed to like Sister Xiaolan more.

A few steps away.

Mitsuhiko looked at Ayumi's lonely look and lowered his head a little lonely: He liked Ayumi very much, but he felt that Ayumi seemed to like Conan more...

Although there were two lonely nesting doll children in the venue.

However, the originally somewhat restrained atmosphere became lively because of this machine.

Haibara Ai is not a lively character, but she likes this kind of harmonious and lively atmosphere. She looked up at Jiang Xia, with a relaxed smile in her voice: "Two of your classmates have played it, why don't you try it?"

Jiang Xia shook his head: "Forget it."

If it grows crookedly after ten years, it will affect your mood.

If he looks particularly handsome in ten years, it will also affect his mood - in his heart, he wants to look like what he will look like in ten years, but his reason tells him, let alone "ten years from now", it will be far away in one year... It is better not to According to.

Next to him, Mouri Kogoro nodded, seeming to appreciate Jiang Xia's idea of ​​"not shooting".

He calmly echoed: "Mature men don't look at their aging faces - we just need to live in the present!"

However, it seems that not everyone has this worry about "aging out in ten years."

For example, that group of children are just six or seven years old now and will be in their youth ten years later.

——The three real children of the Young Detective Team came back to their senses and remembered that they had not seen the photos of Conan and Haibara Ai. Their eyes lit up and they turned their heads to look over.

At the same time, the two tomboys were keenly aware of the chill coming from behind.

They were startled at the same time and suddenly became alert. Looking back and discovering the source of the "chill", the two of them were speechless for a moment, and then they moved a few steps closer to Jiang Xia in unison, with very skillful movements.

The three real children who wanted to push Conan and Haihara Ai onto the machine to take pictures suddenly froze: "..."


Xiao Ai was also led astray by Conan!

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