Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1884 1884 [Anti-Uzo Alliance] Please vote for me

Chapter 1884 1884 [Anti-Uzo Alliance] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

Saburo Inozuka originally wanted to say this.

However, before he spoke, he accidentally caught sight of Maya Hashimoto's eyes. He shuddered and forgot his words for a moment.

——Maybe he guessed what he wanted to say, but the guarded person opposite him, who had been relatively calm all this time, suddenly turned fierce in his eyes, as if "Naoko Toriyama is not that mysterious cadre" was some kind of forbidden sentence, As long as someone dares to pronounce it, Hashimoto Maya will pounce on that guy and break his neck.

Looking at each other for a second, Inozuka Saburo silently closed his mouth

Saburo Inozuka: "..." In any case, compared to the terrifying cadre who was somewhat distant from him, the one who threatened him most at this time was Maya Hashimoto who was really standing in front of him.

But you have to be optimistic. Through what he said just now, Saburo Inozuka discovered one thing happily - judging from Maya Hashimoto's tone, he and the rumored cadre were at least not accomplices.

Kurosawa and Ma just happened to come back from ordering lunch boxes.

Saburo Inozuka revealed the topic just now with a desire to survive and asked: "Then where should we run next? To be honest, I feel that the whole of Tokyo is unsafe."

Kurosawa Kazuma: "...Can you speak in a normal tone? What do you mean that the whole of Tokyo is not safe? It's like telling ghost stories. You have watched too many horror movies recently?"

Inozuka Saburo hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing: Oh, forget it, there is nothing to care about such a person who can't even understand it.

In the past, he always thought that people like Kurosawa Kazuma and Brother were very powerful, but now when he faced the real cadres, Inozuka Saburo realized that there seemed to be no difference between everyone, they were all just pathetic pawns under the cadres.

Maya Hashimoto obviously didn’t want to talk about the safety of Tokyo: “Anyway, the hotel rented by Inozuka Jiro will expire soon. We can’t continue to live here, so let’s discuss where to go next. "

Kazuma Kurosawa's head moved from left to right, looking from Saburo Inozuka to Maya Hashimoto. He always felt that this was the strangest guarding task he had ever taken on: a guarded guy discussing the next step with the guard openly. Where should I go, with a dominant tone... But this is indeed a question.

Kurosawa and Ma couldn't help but think about this troublesome problem.

Kurosawa Kazuma: "..." Previously, they followed the instructions of their superiors and found the most remote and uninhabited place. As a result, he and Inozuka Taro suffered a catastrophe - he was still under the care of Maya Hashimoto and managed to survive, but Taro left his life on that island forever.

But this time, Inozuka Jiro did the opposite and chose the busiest banquet venue. The result... was still the death of a caretaker.

Although Inozuka Jiro's death was inseparable from his own arrogant behavior, Hashimoto Maya was later taken by detectives and forced to go to the police station - for the members of the organization, this was a very Something dangerous.

So the question is, if there are too many people, it won’t work, and if there are too few, then where should we go next?

The three people looked at each other.

Ten seconds later, Saburo Inozuka suddenly had an idea: "I have a place!"

"?" Kurosawa and Ma looked at him distrustfully, "Where."

Saburo Inozuka: "Run away, to the other side of the world!...Well, the organization may not agree, so let's choose a place far away from Tokyo in the country, how about Hokkaido!"

Kurosawa and Ma were speechless for a while: "How can anyone go out to guard the place?"

Maya Hashimoto was a little moved: Physical distance may indeed be a solution - if he hadn't been watched by the organization and refused to let him go, he would have wanted to run to the UK.

Although Mr. Ireland was not able to escape the fate of being hit one after another in the UK, Mr. Ireland said that it was because Uzo was also in the UK at that time. So why was Uzzo in the UK at the time? Because he wants to frame Mr. Ireland... On the other hand, Uzo must have been around the crime scene in order to accurately control the occurrence and direction of the case!

"This is indeed a way." Although Maya Hashimoto intellectually determined that Naoko Tormaru was Usa, emotionally, a certain instinct still constantly warned him to take all possible means to avoid danger.

He suddenly remembered Curaçao with his weird attitude, and said to Kurosawa Kazuma: "I think that superior is quite tolerant. Why don't you call and ask if we can rush to other places."

Kurosawa Kazuma just felt confused: "Why are you following him around? There is no need to run so far."

Maya Hashimoto: "Ask, first ask - don't you feel bored after staying in Tokyo for so long? Just treat it as a public trip."

Kurosawa Kazuma: "..." He called his boss specifically to ask if he could travel at public expense. This guy must be crazy.

But then I thought about it, I don’t know why, every time Maya Hashimoto asked him to report something, his superiors seemed to give him the feedback Maya Hashimoto wanted, as if this guy had his own reasons.

Anyway, he was just serving as a microphone, and judging from the previous exchanges, the superior had a really good temper...

With this in mind, and with the attitude of not seeking merit but seeking no fault, Kurosawa Kazuma began to type emails again, preparing to ask Curacao.

Not long after, the reply arrived.

The letter was extremely short and the attitude was extremely tolerant: just let them do what they wanted and leave a message to their superiors after choosing a location.

Kurosawa Kazuma: "..." I don't know if it was an illusion, but in just a few lines, he could see an indescribable fatigue and escape.

...Well, it must be an illusion. Cadres are busy with many things every day, so it is normal to reply briefly, and it is also normal to feel tired.

As he read out the email and then lowered his head to study the strange attitude of his superior.

Next to him, the other two people stared at him silently with sympathetic eyes, and before he raised his head and looked back, they invariably and silently looked away.

Saburo Inozuka: "..." Ignorance is bliss. There are two people who know about that guy. The level of suspicion in the air is already high enough. There is no need to add another one - otherwise, if anyone has a mental breakdown, decide first If you kill all the gasping people around you first, things will really turn into a battle royale.

With Curacao's approval, the freedom of escape was much higher, and Hashimoto Maya secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, after thinking about it for a moment, Maya Hashimoto suddenly became suspicious. He turned around and looked at Saburo Inozuka: "Are you familiar with Hokkaido? Why do you want to run there?"

Saburo Inozuka chuckled and pushed up his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose: "Have you ever heard of the Avrodia Troupe, that famous touring theater troupe?"

Maya Hashimoto's hand holding the lunch box suddenly froze: "The theater troupe?!"

At the same time, Kurosawa Kazuma said without knowing why: "I've heard about it."


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