Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1906 1906 [Screenwriter’s mowing plan]


The first one to speak out was Suzuki Sonoko.

To her, this "red-bearded Santa Claus" sounded like a walking horror story. Although they had heard something from Wenyue Hualien before, people couldn't help but be shocked when the news was confirmed again.

The clown nodded: "There are rumors outside that he died suddenly, but in fact there was an injection needle hole on his wrist - he died of drug poisoning. The door was locked at the time, and there was no sign of struggle at the injection port. The police Case closed as suicide.”

"Counting the days, by Christmas Eve the day after tomorrow, the ten-year lease of Room 315 by the 'red-bearded Santa Claus' will be completely over."

The clown couldn't help but clasped his hands and prayed: "I always feel that that guy's soul may have been lingering in Room 315. Only by surviving his renting days and waiting for his soul to leave can we be truly safe."

On the way back, Jiang Xia looked at Maya Hashimoto and walked over to chat naturally: "How about it, are you scared to live in that kind of haunted house?"

Maya Hashimoto didn't expect this detective to care about her: "It's okay."

After a pause, he decided to quietly reveal his speculation to Jiang Xia - the detective and Wuzuo forces are always hostile. The stronger one is, the easier it is for the other to be constrained.

"That 'red-bearded Santa Claus' is probably a drug dealer." Maya Hashimoto lowered her voice, "Not to mention the pinholes on his hands, the color of this room is probably also the sequelae of drug addiction-some people are addicted to drugs. People will become extremely obsessed with a certain color. If you want to investigate, you can try in this direction."

Jiang Xia glanced at him and nodded thoughtfully: "You know quite a lot."

Maya Hashimoto imitated Saburo Inozuka and showed a simple and honest smile: "When I helped other doctors before, I came into contact with similar patients."

Jiang Xia said firmly: "You are really suitable to be a detective. If you want to develop in this direction one day, you must come to me."

Maya Hashimoto nodded perfunctorily.

Behind him, the two outlaws tried their best to suppress their laughter: "..." Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Members of the organization went to help the detective? It sounds quite darkly humorous. If Hashimoto Maya really went, the faces of other people in the organization would probably be funny.

To two high school girls, tonight's story of "Santa Claus with a Red Beard" was as scary as a ghost story.

But for the three members of the organization, they slept much more peacefully: a mere drug dealer will be a dead drug dealer even if he dies, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

And the mystery of the "Red Room" that worries them the most has been successfully solved - it's just a little trick created by a guy who took drugs and had a mental problem, so it's nothing to be afraid of.

So the next day, while having breakfast in the restaurant downstairs, the expressions of the two groups of people were in stark contrast.

Lingmu Yuanzi and Mao Lilan yawned loudly, glanced to the side with dark circles under their eyes, and couldn't help but turned back and muttered to Jiang Xia:

"Mr. Hashimoto's heart must be too strong. I was worried about the ghosts floating in the nearby rooms, but they were sleeping on the bed where the 'red-bearded Santa Claus' died, but they were all so full of energy."

Jiang Xia was still regretting that the "red-bearded Santa Claus" did not leave a ghost fetus that matched his legend. He was inevitably a little absent-minded while chatting: "There are three people in the bed. I'm afraid they can't sleep. Someone must have slept on the sofa as well." and the floor.”

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

...That's not the point!

However, upon closer inspection, Jiang Xia seemed to have not slept well either, and was probably thinking about this complicated case. So the two Mihua classmates thoughtfully didn't say anything. They just silently brought Jiang Xia a plate of fried eggs and asked him to eat and think.

Jiang Xia does plan to start collecting clues to speed up the process of solving the case.

He inserted an egg roll and turned to look around. His eyes quickly fell on the next table - Wenyue Hualien happened to be sitting next to them.

Suzuki Sonoko then followed his line of sight and saw Fumizuki Karin sitting alone.

"Miss Hualien? Why do you look worse than me?" Suzuki Sonoko was surprised. She thought about it and felt that she understood something:

"Oh, are you worried about the development of the Avrodia Troupe? - Don't worry, although your troupe leader and scriptwriter are dead, aren't you still here? You are already like this at a young age If you are famous, it will not take long for you to grow into the mainstay of the troupe.

"To be honest, we have a classmate who is several years younger than you. The scriptwriter and accountant in his theater troupe just died, and a senior martial arts instructor was arrested and imprisoned. He himself was seriously injured. Half of the troupe is gone, but now he is still strong and shouldering the heavy responsibility, and the troupe's development is no worse than before!"

Maya Hashimoto, who was eavesdropping from a distance: "..."

...How many troupes has this woman helped Uzuo bring to harm? And they seem to be killing the script writers hard.

Um? In this way, if I hide in a university that offers a major in screenwriting, I should be able to hide for a long time.

When the members of the organization are plotting against the innocent scriptwriter seedlings.

On the other side, Wenyue Hualien was dumbfounded when she heard: "..." There is actually a theater troupe who is worse off than theirs?

...No, this doesn't seem to be what she was worried about just now.

Wenyue Hualien lost her train of thought, and after a while she came back to her senses. She sighed and shook her head: "That classmate of yours must be very brave and very responsible. Unfortunately, I am different from him - I plan to give up being an actor."

Saburo Inozuka, who was quietly listening in the corner: "?!"

……No! !

Wenyue Hualien didn't hear the heartbroken voices of fans in the distance. She put down her spoon, lowered her head and said, "I'm not good at showing up in front of people. I joined this troupe and became an actor because of a person who is very important to me. A very important person, but that person has been worn away by the years and is beyond recognition."

Jiang Xia was listening to her story. When she heard this, she suddenly felt something.

He glanced far away from the corner of his eye and noticed that Saburo Inozuka seemed to think that the "important person" was a love rival. At this time, the strong man in black was holding a fork, and there was a very low-end and high-end murderous aura floating around him.

Jiang Xia: "..." Alas, this plain water has a barren taste with a little bit of sugar added, but it's still a bit far from the original.

While feeling regretful, he also did not forget to be a good listener and asked at the right time: "That person?"

Wenyue Hualien was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "Actually, I was an orphan when I was a child. Teacher Bandai took me home. Since then, I have always treated her as my mother."

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