Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 175 He Ye, what are you doing? He Ye

The deceased was a fat man with a strangulation mark on his neck, a knife stapled to his heart, and a hemp rope wrapped around his waist. Falling from a building, piercing the heart, suffocating... no matter how you look at it, it's a very complete death.

Such a fat body fell from a height, and the front hood of the car was smashed.

When Hattori Heiji and Conan rushed to the roof, Jiang Xia glanced at the high-rise building in front of him without an elevator, and then looked at the damage to the front cover of the car, feeling that he could hang up properly here. At this point in time, there are many things that have not happened yet, and it is not yet time to start fast forwarding...

The driver brought by Hattori Heiji was a detective from the First Investigation Division, Sakata Yusuke. Officer Sakata called the police even faster than Mao Lilan.

An hour later, several people arrived at the Osaka Police Station's Higashijiri Branch.

Then I learned that this was actually a serial murder case, and two people with the same death pattern had already appeared before.

This case has not yet been solved, and the details should be kept secret, but Hattori Heiji's father Hattori Heizo is the chief of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters. Hattori Heiji himself is a high school detective with professional bonuses. Therefore, what they inquired about was no less than the police.

——The person who hit their car today was the third deceased, the taxi driver, Noan Kazuto.

The deaths of the three victims were very characteristic: they were all strangled to death and then stabbed into the heart with a knife. At the same time, their respective wallets were still attached to the knife.

But other than the fact that they died in the same way, the men didn't appear to be related in any way.

But soon, the driver from before—Sakata Yusuke from the First Investigation Division—ran over with a videotape.

Officer Sakata said excitedly: "Heiji, there is progress, we have found the intersection between the victims!"

Hattori Heiji and Conan were startled, looking at the videotape in Officer Sakata's hand with happy expressions on their faces.

Jiang Xia glanced at the three neat shikigami on Officer Sakata's legs and wanted to show joy.

But considering that he should hang up in a daze at this time, Jiang Xia could only silently take a sip of the hot tea that Yuan Shanhe Ye poured for him and suppress his expression.

Yuan Shan and Ye saw Jiang Xia's actions and reached out to touch the cup. She felt that the remaining tea was a little cold, so she took the cup away, refilled a cup of hot water, and put it back into Jiang Xia's hand.

——In Toyama Kazuha's view, Jiangxia is a guest from afar. Hattori Heiji is obsessed with solving crimes and has no time to entertain others, so she can only do it for him.

Moreover, Yuan Shan and Ye discovered that Jiang Xia didn't look right since the body was smashed on the hood of the car, as if he couldn't accept that kind of scene.

Although Toyama Kazuha did not know the inside story, she knew that Hattori Heiji had an incident constitution and often ran into cases. Therefore, she guessed that Jiangxia was implicated by Hattori Heiji's unlucky physique, so she wanted to help Hattori Heiji make some amends.

Hattori Heiji was watching the videotape.

At this time, he noticed the movement on Jiang Xia's side, and he looked over with a sour look. He always felt that something was not going well, but he didn't know where the problem was.

Hattori Heiji's eyes wandered back and forth between Jiangxia and Toyama and Ye for several times. He tried hard to think, but failed. Finally, he had to exhale angrily, turned his head again, and concentrated on checking the video tape that Sakata's driver had found.

The content in the videotape is an image of the township councilor being surrounded by reporters. It captured the councilor's secretary and the councilor's driver - these two people were the two victims in this serial murder case.

Although there is still a deceased person who does not appear in the picture, there has been no progress in the case for a week. Now the contents of the video tape can be regarded as important clues.

Hattori Heiji then asked Officer Sakata to send him to the congressman to inquire about the situation, and Conan followed him.

Before going out, Hattori Heiji finally remembered that he seemed to have invited a few guests today, so he planned to ask Toyama Kazuha to ask Fa Xiao to help take care of Maori and others.

As a result, when she turned around, she saw Yuan Shan and Ye getting two pillows from somewhere. She thoughtfully stuffed one into Jiang Xia's arms and placed another behind her back, as if Jiang Xia had been sitting still for too long. , thus creating a more comfortable hang-up environment for him.

Hattori Heiji:"……"

Conan walked halfway and found Hattori Heiji suddenly frozen in place.

He followed Hattori Heiji's line of sight in confusion, and happened to see the scene behind him.

Conan sighed like a stranger, pushed Hattori Heiji's leg, and whispered: "Let's go, Jiang Xia is not that kind of person."

Even if he is, can you stop him by staring at him for a while? It will only make yourself more stressed +1...

Officer Sakata was glad that Jiang Xia didn't get up. He looked at his watch and urged in a vague voice: "Well...are we still going?"

Hattori Heiji subconsciously replied: "Of course!"

Being distracted like this, his mind returned to the case and he strode towards the parking lot.

Before Officer Sakata went out, he glanced at Jiang Xia out of the corner of his eye.

When he found out that the Tokyo detective really had no intention of coming, he felt secretly relieved.

——Sakata Yusuke actually planned to kill another person later and asked Hattori Heiji to be his alibi witness.

A detective is pretty easy to fool, but if you add Jiangxia, who is rated higher by the media than Hattori Heiji, he really lacks confidence.

Officer Sakata was worried at first, but what he didn't expect was that Jiang Xia seemed to be unwell and didn't get up at all.

Sakata Yusuke suddenly regained his confidence and felt that God was helping him.

Jiang Xia really had no intention of going with them.

This series of cases has taken a long time. Now that the two high school students are already on the road to triggering the next murder case, he can also fast forward appropriately.

Once Hattori Heiji and the others left, there was no need for the others to stay at the police station.

Toyama and Ye made a phone call and found a familiar Otaki police officer, planning to let him be the next driver.

Jiang Xia calculated the time and felt that it was almost done.

So he disconnected and reconnected, looked at the Otaki Police Department, and secretly reminded: "The recent serial murder case... have you checked the DMV?"

The Otaki Police Department was startled: "DMV?"

The first three deceased people could be quickly identified because they all had driver's licenses in their wallets. And the wallet was nailed to the heart with a knife, what do you think? This is all information left intentionally by the murderer.

Previously, the police suspected that this was a hint that the motive for the murder was a financial dispute.

But after careful investigation, they ruled out this possibility.

But now, after being exposed by Jiang Xia, the Otaki Police Department suddenly thought that the driver's license in the wallet could indeed be considered a direction of investigation.


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

The time, place, characters, and details of the case in this book are subject to change.

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