Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1928 1928 [Murderous Feast]

The more Curacao looked at it, the more she felt that this boss looked very familiar, so familiar that she wanted to punch it through the screen.

"'Criminal'..." Curacao remembered the identity of this game character and suddenly felt that he had clarified the situation:

"No wonder the boss at the end of the level is a detective. Is this a game made by someone who hates the detective? That person may have a grudge against Uzo.

"The reason why they dare not release it on a large scale is that the developers are worried about attracting the attention of detectives. Hmm, it seems that this is not 'power for love', but 'power for hate'."

Thinking of this, Curaçao had a thought and became more motivated.

——Who doesn’t want to beat up Uzo?

Anyway, she thought.


Normally, she just sees that Uzuo is still young and doesn't bother to argue with him, but now, since this character has been delivered to her in person to be beaten, don't blame her for being rude.

Thinking of his half-squandered vacation and his painfully lost movie hobby, Curaçao snorted, advanced his character, and officially entered the battle.

For a moment, light and shadow flashed, and the sound of game buttons was heard. Curacao had never been so serious when he chased the target across four countries.

I thought this would be a fierce battle, but strangely, this boss was actually very easy to fight, and the health bar across the entire screen dropped.

"So it turns out that it's because I resented Uzo so much that I made this design to crush him." Curacao felt that he understood and couldn't help but start commenting:

"But this makes people feel very unfulfilled, and since it is a game to vent anger, shouldn't there be changes such as the boss bleeding from the nose when he is hit, screaming in pain, and finally having a bruised nose and face? But what is the special effect now? What's going on?"

Curacao stared at the screen, not satisfied: no matter how you look at it, this boss is based on Uzo, and even if he is hit by her, there is no embarrassing scene.

To be more precise, judging from the screen, Jiang Xia was not hit at all - although he was indeed losing blood, no matter which angle he attacked from, the detective could quickly turn around and hold the player's weapon with a swing stick. If he hits a critical hit, he will sigh softly, showing an expression of compassion and helplessness.

...On the contrary, it makes Curacao look like a villain.

"Forget it, I have a health bar at least." In this atmosphere of "I always feel like there is something missing", Curaçao watched numbly as Jiang Xia's health bar dropped, "I want to see if the health bar is zero." How can he still look like he deserves a beating?"

Finally, the health bar dropped to the halfway point.

Curacao held a lollipop in his mouth and planned to beat the person to death in one go. However, at this time, she realized belatedly that she was not a villain, but a clown.

——At half health, Curacao’s game character was lightly bounced away.

When she saw this, she didn't think there was any problem: Boss, it's normal for him to change into different forms as his blood volume decreases.

It seems that the producer still has some common sense and knows not to make the process of pushing the boss too boring, and leaves some challenges to the players.

Let her see how Uzo can escape from her beating after changing stages... huh?

Different from the common boss explosion, in this game, Jiang Xia's behavior did not change at all. Instead, a buzzing helicopter landed at the top of the screen.

Curacao: "?"

She looked at this completely unconventional fighting game in shock, and then she saw a female student with short chestnut hair and a high school uniform jump out of the helicopter, float down leisurely, and land accurately in Jiang Xia's arms.

The girl leaned over and gave Jiang Xia a sip on the face. Pink bubbles rose up around the two of them. The next moment, Jiang Xia's health bar rose sharply, returning to 100% in the blink of an eye.

Then the female high school student waved to the player, jumped away, and quickly disappeared from the edge of the screen.

Curacao: “…”

Curacao: “…”

Curacao: "???" What the hell!

She stared at the screen for two seconds, not believing it, and continued beating the detective.

After finally reducing the HP to 50%, the helicopter came again.

Curacao was in disbelief: "What are the developers thinking in making the game like this endless loop of fire?!"

“不过这种为爱……为恨发电的人,脑回路奇葩一点也很正常,可能他是想反复多打几次——这游戏肯定有隐藏设定,下次我试试先揍那个女High school student.”

Although this game is messily made and cannot hit anyone, the rhythm and attack feel are actually a bit weird.

Curacao gritted her teeth and tried countless times, and finally... her own health bar bottomed out, and she knelt down in front of the detective.

Jiang Xia stepped forward, put his hand on the player's shoulder, and patted him sympathetically.

Then the screen goes dark.

Several big characters jumped out.

[Please do not break the law or commit any crime.

——Justice will prevail]


The veins on Curaçao's forehead were beating wildly. With one punch, the cabinet next to him cracked open. The half-broken cabinet door shook twice and fell miserably to the ground.

She stared at the screen for a long time, and finally, the idea of ​​"killing this bastard detective" completely took over. Curacao abandoned his pride of "never looking at the guide" and turned around to search for ways to clear the level.

After all, it is a niche game with not many users. After searching for a long time and even using a little hacking skills, Curacao finally invaded a private forum.

The good news is, she found the ending information on the forum.

The bad news is that she discovered that this is actually a losing game.


In addition, what makes Curacao most unbelievable is that other users did not think anything of this kind of garbage game that could lead to a "murder of developers".

Instead, users are discussing the detective's heroic posture in dodging attacks, and the way the detective pats the player's shoulder... The only complaint is that the image of the female high school student who rescued the helicopter cannot be adjusted... In summary, this game has a very high rating !

A vein popped out of Curaçao's forehead, and he almost squeezed the handle.

...It was a good vacation, and most of the time was wasted here. She really couldn't swallow this feeling.

Putting his hand on his forehead and thinking for a moment, Curaçao suddenly had an idea.

——By the way, isn’t there another route?

If you choose "criminal", you can only get beaten up by the detective. So on the other hand, if you choose "Reckless Detective", can you successfully watch the detective get beaten? Maybe you can also see him being handcuffed to the police station for tampering with animal certificates.

It seems that most game users are fans of Jiang Xia, so there are not many people discussing the other route, and there is a lack of relevant information in the forum.

Curacao speculates that this is because in the other route, if the game is not played well, the detective will be frustrated, so users do not like to watch it.

……But that's okay.

She loves to watch.

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