Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1942 1942【Summoning】

In addition, Jiang Xia secretly thought: Referring to the previous juice, if the compatibility between vinegar rice and other ingredients is really bad...

"I don't know how likely Rum is to become a ghost fetus."

Miss Mermaid heard his words and turned to look at Rum's face.

Then he showed a look of disgust.

The three organization members gathered next to the dining car, ostensibly preparing for the gourmet party, but in fact they were each thinking about their own thoughts.

the other side.

Class was over at Didan Primary School. Under the bright sun, three primary school students were walking home boredly, carrying their schoolbags.

"Why do Conan and Xiao Ai have so much pocket money?" Yoshida Ayumi sighed in confusion and envy, "Xiao Ai also has a very unique hobby, why do you like to buy bags? If it were me, I would buy this - —There are so many delicious foods, and we eat them in different ways every day.”

Kojima Moto imagined that scene and his mouth watered: "I want to buy a house full of eel rice."

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was more concerned about another thing. He crossed his arms, frowned and shook his head: "That guy Conan's anti-tracking skills are too good. We were even unable to keep up with him just now."

Originally, they planned to play hide-and-seek with Conan and Haibara Ai after school.

But who would have thought that Conan said he was going to grab a newly released mystery book, and Haibara Ai said he wanted to buy a bag. It was unclear whether he was worried about spoiling the child, or simply thought it was too troublesome to take the child shopping, so the two of them picked up their schoolbags as soon as school was over. Flying solo quietly. As a result, the three primary school students were unfortunately left alone.

"Hide and seek with three people is too boring." Ayumi mainly wanted to play with Conan, but now there were only Genta and Mitsuhiko beside her, and her interest in playing suddenly dropped. "Then let's go back to our respective homes?"

"Hey, wait..." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya still hasn't figured out whether he likes Ayumi or Haibara Ai. But one thing is for sure - playing games with cute girls is better than going home and doing homework.

He was trying to find something interesting to do to attract the attention of his classmates.

Just then, something on the wall made him startled.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya blurted out: "There is a cat there!"

"Huh?" Ayumi and Genta followed his direction and raised their heads, and saw a black and white cat standing on the wall.

The cat was squatting on the wall, playing with its tail boredly as if waiting for something.

Finally seeing three primary school students passing by, it breathed a sigh of relief, actually giving people a feeling of relief.

"Is this kitten waiting for us?" Yoshida Ayumi was a little surprised and looked at the fluffy cat with dark clouds and snow, "Speaking of it, it looks so familiar. I seem to see it often in various places."

"Me too." The two boys said in unison.

Cat petting can still be regarded as an entertainment activity. So they gathered around, waiting for the familiar kitten to jump into their arms.

However, the cat just turned its head, took out a leaflet, threw it down, and ran away.


Ayumi caught the piece of paper, unfolded it and took a look. Her eyes first fell on the title at the top: "Mikawa Town Food Festival?"

"Food?" Kojima Mota's eyes lit up, "There must be a lot of delicious food, let's go here and play! Haha, this cat is really good at watching. I happened to be hungry, so it sent a leaflet like this."

Yoshida Ayumi carefully looked at other information: "Mihua Central Park is full of delicious food. You can enjoy the delicious food while enjoying the cheerful music of the warning hall band. Officer Megure Thirteen will give a lecture to create harmony with everyone. Safe city.”

"Ah, I remembered. My sister seemed to be reading a flyer like this this morning, but I was in a hurry to go to school and didn't look at it carefully." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya stared at the corner, looking at the single promotional photo of the police department, and always felt that something was wrong. , "This flyer seems different from what I saw. It's strange. What is the difference?"

"No matter, let's go play!" Yoshida Ayumi put away this old flyer, "It's always more interesting than going home and watching TV."

The three people skipped to the square. The location they reached happened to be on the edge of a slightly remote area.

When passing through the bushes, three short primary school students passed through the gaps between the branches and leaves and saw a dining car painted red.

Next to the dining car, two men and one woman were gathered together, whispering something with strange expressions on their faces.

The three children always felt that they were sneaky, so they instinctively slowed down their steps and eavesdropped quietly.

Then I heard the tall man among them asking the other two accomplices very irritably: "Didn't you say that everything has been arranged? How come things are so short of this and that!"

"Keep your voice down!" the fashionably dressed woman hissed at him, and then explained in a low voice, "It's all the delivery company's fault - they agreed to expedited delivery, but they ended up sending it slowly as regular mail. , now the goods have just arrived halfway...Tsk, after I finish what I am doing, I must give them some color to see."

The long-haired man was more Buddhist than the two companions, and said calmly: "Why don't we forget it this time?"

"How can that be done!" The other two scolded him, "It's hard to come across such an opportunity. If you let it go, you don't know when the next time will be!"

Long-haired man: "...What should I do?"

The fashionable woman paced around anxiously for a few steps, then suddenly had an idea: "Go buy it! What you can buy online can also be bought in real life - the lecture has just ended, and the food party will continue for a while. , there is a commercial street nearby, so you can definitely make it in time.”

The tall man smiled sinisterly and nodded: "Yes, there is still time, it all depends on human beings - we will definitely be able to blow this place up according to the plan!"


The three primary school students covered their mouths in horror: "..." Exploded?

Is there a bomb here? !

The three young men finished conspiring loudly and began to prepare their plans with great enthusiasm.

The three primary school students huddled next to the bushes, not daring to move at all and only whispering in low voices.

Genta Kojima: "It's just a gourmet party, why would they bomb a place like this? Do they have a grudge against the food? - It's so vicious!"

"How is that possible?" The other two primary school students refuted him. They thought of something and took out the flyer and took a look at it. They suddenly felt that they understood, "There was a police lecture today. This must be their goal!"

Overhearing something terrible, the three children were very panicked.

Ayumi Yoshida suggested in a low voice: "Shall we call the police?"

Moto Kojima thought it was unacceptable: "It's not like we haven't reported it before, but every time it was treated as a prank and no one believed it."

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya touched his chin like a detective, and suddenly had an idea: "By the way, evidence. As long as there is enough evidence, even if we are just children, the police will have to believe it!"

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