Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 179 Jiang Xia is a kidnapper?

Officer Sato reviewed Jiang Xia's past behavior, especially his habit of beating criminals "next time" and "next time"... Then he felt that although Jiang Xia seemed to be very law-abiding and obedient, he was not like that on the inside. An overly stereotypical detective.

In other words, even if he told him the truth, Jiang Xia probably wouldn't report it to the Mu Mu Police Department.

Sato then made another request to Jiang Xia that he had just made to the Young Detective Team.

Jiang Xia has long known the causes and consequences of Miwako Sato being trapped here. But he still listened carefully and then nodded, expressing his willingness to help.

Miwako Sato breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, she suddenly heard Jiang Xia say: "You can go too."

Sato was startled.

She thought Jiang Xia didn't notice her predicament, so she had no choice but to expose her wrist a little bit: "I didn't see clearly when I cuffed him just now, and accidentally... I trapped myself here."

Jiang Xia was also startled, and then showed an embarrassed look: "But this building will be demolished by blasting tomorrow morning. I will come here today because I want to see its final appearance before the explosion. If you continue to stay here, What if the explosives were accidentally detonated..."

"Demolition?!" Officer Sato's face turned pale - she thought the worst outcome this time would be to lose her job, but she didn't expect that there was a pile of bombs buried under her feet.

If Jiang Xia didn't happen to show up here, and Takagi and the others didn't kill the prisoner before morning...

Officer Sato immersed himself in that scene, his pupils were straight, and he almost wanted to take out his mobile phone and write a suicide note.

She was getting scared when she suddenly saw Jiang Xia raising his hand and making a downward gesture to her: "Squat down a little."

"Huh?" Miwako Sato asked as she leaned over and squatted on the side of the toilet.

Jiang Xia looked at the two people in the compartment, and then continued to gesture like a driver directing the car to reverse: "Hands down further."

Sato moved his hand downward. Her hands were handcuffed to the suspect. When Sato moved, the suspect's arm also moved down, and a large section of the pipe was suddenly exposed.

Jiang Xia turned around and kicked him hard with a bang.

If he has enough shikigami and can pile up puppet clay with the required hardness and accuracy, then he can get a key on the spot in the blind spot of Officer Sato's sight.

But alas, there aren’t enough ghosts. We can only choose a simpler and more crude method.

This was originally a semi-exploratory move, but I didn't expect that the water pipe was not messy at all. When I kicked it, it broke with a very embarrassing click.

Miwako Sato looked at the broken pipe and the handcuffs that could be easily taken out from the break, and was stunned for a moment: Why didn't she expect this trick...

There are a lot of bombs waiting to be detonated downstairs, so it's not advisable to stay here for long.

Jiang Xia stepped back a little to make way for Sato and the others to leave the cubicle, and the three of them walked out of the building together.

Before they could get too far away, they suddenly heard a series of loud sirens - there were a lot of police officers on the street.

Sato and Takagi lost contact while escorting the prisoner. This incident really gave others too much room for imagination.

In addition, Officer Sato is their police beauty and very popular. A group of police officers were immediately blinded by the opportunity of "hero saving beauty" and imagined Sato's situation as very dangerous - such as being kidnapped by criminals and hanging in a small warehouse.里#@*$\u0026%……

As for Takagi who was also missing, well, he probably died heroically. After all, the kidnappers only needed to keep one hostage, and keeping more would be a burden.

While his colleagues were looking for Officer Sato, Sato still adhered to the principle of "not being discovered by his colleagues."

The three people were hiding in the alley. On the street outside, police cars squeaked by.

Jiang Xia looked at the police lights going away: "What are you going to do next? Are you really not going back to the police station?"

Officer Sato shook his head: "We can't go back now, otherwise Mr. Higashiyama may miss the plane if he is innocent."

But hiding in the alley all the time is not an option.

Officer Sato looked at the clothing store not far away, and with a flash of inspiration, she turned to Jiang Xia: "Help us buy some clothes or hats for disguise. We are easily targeted now."

As she said this, she took out her wallet. She originally wanted to withdraw money from it, but one of her hands was handcuffed to the prisoner, making it inconvenient.

Sato hesitated for a moment, then simply thrust the entire wallet into Jiang Xia's hand. Currently, Jiang Xia is the only one among the three who has not been targeted by the police. The other two will be discovered as soon as they go out.

Jiang Xia nodded and took the wallet, but felt that Officer Sato's idea was not a good one.

Moreover, he failed to understand the logic of Sato Miwako's actions today. In Jiang Xia's view, even if Sato and Takagi are asked to write a confession after returning to the Metropolitan Police Department, other police officers can go to the scene, find evidence, and release them as soon as possible. Or they could simply drop the complaint and solve the suspect's problem first.

Jiang Xia thought for a moment and had to understand that Officer Sato had done too many embarrassing things today, so she subconsciously didn't want to face her colleagues...

However, these things will be known to the Memu Police Department sooner or later.

Instead of waiting for things to escalate, wasting police resources and time, and making Officer Sato's shameful black history continue to would be better to give her a way out in advance.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia glanced at the wallet in his hand, and then at the small group of police officers gathered on the street.

Then he walked out of the alley and walked towards the clothing store on the street.

As one of Sato Miwako's suitors, the Shiratori Police Department was the first to propose the "Sato was kidnapped theory" and even imagined many vivid scenes without permission.

He was analyzing the possible hiding places of the prisoners with the Mumu Police Department and several subordinates. At this time, Jiang Xia passed by them as if nothing had happened.

Bainiao Police Department inadvertently tilted his head and his eyes happened to fall on the wallet in Jiang Xia's hand. This wallet looked familiar to him.

This subtle sense of déjà vu made the Shiratori Police Department unable to help but take a few more glances.

After a moment, he suddenly remembered and said warily: "Why are you holding Sato's wallet?!"

As soon as the others heard "Sato", they followed Shiratori's line of sight as if they were facing an enemy, and at the same time, they quickly ran closer and surrounded the suspicious person who had just passed them.

Just as they were about to ask, the police officers looked at the surrounded "suspect" and were startled: "...Jiang Xia?"


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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