Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2310 2314 [Kid’s enemy No. N]

However, some problems can escape for a while, but not forever.

Jiang Xia will not stay at Dr. Ali's house all the time.

After the high school detective returned to his home after dinner, Conan suddenly jumped up from the sofa and rushed towards Haibara Ai: "Antidote!"

While Haiyuan Ai was seriously thinking about whether to stay at Jiang Xia's house tonight, he said coldly: "No."

Conan thought of Mao Lilan and the new doctor, whose relationship was getting better and better, and looked sad: "Please, this is really important to me!"

"I told you if I didn't, I can't give it to you if I have it."

Haiyuan Ai was unmoved. Of course she knew why Conan wanted the antidote: "There are many famous alumni of Didan Middle School. Your school festival is not something unknown, especially the Qin class, which has appeared one after another. There are two famous detectives, you and Jiang Xia.

"You can think of something like 'taking a temporary antidote and turning back into Kudo Shinichi to perform on stage'. Do you want the entire organization to know that a person who was silenced by Gin has been resurrected in a high-profile way?"

The codename "Gin" was like a basin of cold water, dousing Conan's excitement.

The fake primary school student felt a phantom pain on the back of his head. He rubbed his head and whispered: "The male protagonist in the drama does not show his face. He will wear a helmet that covers his face, and only his chin will be exposed..."

Hui Yuan Ai snorted: "Your vigilance is not even as good as the current vodka - can you guarantee that the helmet will never fall off and that you will not meet anyone before you put it on?

"And as long as the news that you are still alive is exposed, all the insiders will be silenced. Do you have to perform this bloody drama?"

"..." Conan followed her words and thought of the scene, and his firmness began to waver.

After hesitating for a moment, he spoke again: "Then... do you have any laxatives or sleeping pills? The kind that won't do much harm to the human body, but can make people unable to show up for a short period of time."

Haibara Ai:"……"

She picked up her phone and pressed 110 expressionlessly.

Conan: "Don't!! I was kidding!"

Huihara Ai: "..." You'd better be.

At the same time, in the independent house next door.

Jiang Xia was also thinking while gathering with the ghosts to eat ghost mint.

The longing of the mini version of Kudo's classmate was all written on his face. Although this classmate just held back and didn't speak, Jiang Xia certainly noticed it.

And whether to let Conan temporarily transform into Kudo Shinichi is a question.

"Although it's fun to let Conan be Conan all the time, has life been a little too peaceful lately?"

Jiang Xia took inventory of his murderous aura warehouse and found that some people's presence was slightly lower recently: "I don't know how well Ireland has caught Uzo and Gin. As an Avenger, although his actions are always It’s not going well, but I shouldn’t give up so easily.”

When Matsuda Jinpei heard the code name "Ireland", he raised his head keenly.

Ireland produces pure cigarette smoke, which is very popular with some adult ghosts who are addicted to cigarettes. Recently, Ireland has not appeared. Matsuda Jinpei looked at the murderous smell of smoke in the seal space and felt worried for a while.

Jiang Xia doesn't have much preference for the murderous taste of this kind, but he is very interested in the blind boxes that Ireland may produce.

"If you kill the opportunity for Kudo Shinichi to appear, Ireland will not be aware of this flaw. If he is not aware of this flaw, he will not investigate in this direction. And if he does not investigate in this direction, he will lose the opportunity to confront Conan. …”

Jiang Xia thought hesitantly: "How about letting Kudo-kun go for a walk? He also looks like he misses his high school body very much."

After thinking for a while, with the loving help of the ghosts, the balance in the psychic master's mind gradually tilted.

"Then give this fake primary school student a chance to make his own choice... Although it's not hard to guess what he will choose, it's all written on his face."

Jiang Xia finally made a decision and picked up the "Anonymous Organization" that he had not used for a while: "But I have to make some preparations in advance... It happened that I hadn't visited Kidd for a while, and I don't know how much magic power he has accumulated now. Enough for a few waves.”

As long as Kidd made a high-profile appearance nearby before and after the school festival, then even if the news spread that "Kudo Shinichi appeared at the Teidan Middle School campus festival", other people would easily recall these two things at the same time, and then start from "Kiddou" The point that "Goku is good at disguise" leads to the option "Kudo Shinichi is someone who disguises himself", for all insiders to choose freely.

Just do it.

Jiang Xia picked up the mobile phone that Kidd gave to Wutiangu, and was about to send a message when her fingertips suddenly paused in embarrassment.

——Forgot to charge, the phone turned off automatically.

"It's not a big problem. There are still two days before the campus festival." Jiang Xia stood up as if nothing had happened, found the charger and plugged it in for her phone, and then continued to do other things.

the next day.

Tokyo, Ekoda High School.

Kidd was wearing a high school uniform and sitting in the classroom as his true identity "Kuroba Kaito", holding his chin and sighing.

In a recent operation, he disguised himself as Aoko Nakamori, the daughter of the Nakamori Police Department. Then relying on his understanding of this young girl and the Nakamori Police Department, he easily left the heavily guarded scene by brushing his face.

After escaping, Kidd checked the gem against the moon and regretfully found that it was still not the target he was looking for.

After that, he waited for a while as usual, but did not see the foggy dog ​​who came to rob him. After a moment of confusion, Kidd had no choice but to put the gems in an envelope and mail them back to the Zhongsen Police Department, thus returning the stolen goods.

It seemed like an ordinary theft, just like any other, but there was one thing that made people concerned.

——On the inside of this gemstone, there is a small note about the length of a knuckle.

Written on the note was a mini notice letter in tiny handwriting:

[Kaitou Kidd, it’s my turn to appear next.

I will seal the gem in your hand on the spotless pile head on Saturday night when the moon comes belatedly, in order to repay the grudges made 18 years ago. ]

"What a mess, I wasn't even born 18 years ago, and I have a grudge against you."

Kuroba Kaito felt the undisguised malice in the letter, and he was wary but also a little disgusted: "The format is just like my notice letter, but the writing is so illogical. I am so witty. I am afraid that someone else would not know this at all. What did the guy write?”


Just as he was thinking about it, a voice from the side interrupted him.

Kuroba Kaito was startled and sat upright when he saw Nakamori Aoko walking next to him.

Then the daughter of the police department lifted her hair and showed him a brand new hairpin: "How is it! Not bad, right?"

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