Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2322 2326 [The real identities of the kidnappers] Please vote for me

Chapter 2322 2326 [The real identities of the kidnappers] Please vote for me ()

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was startled for a moment, feeling something was wrong: "You entered Teacher Kaibe's room? This is not good."

Jiang Xia nodded in agreement.

Conan: "..." Nodding your head, you were obviously the one who went in first!

He took a deep breath and cleared his throat: "That's not the point. The point is that we discovered something."

In a few words, he explained the map and toolbox he saw. After listening, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya's expression changed.

This little puppy finally couldn't care less about respecting the teacher at this time. The horror of the unknown made him just want to quickly find a visible and tangible real culprit. Soon, all the clues seemed to form a clear line in his mind, and Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya exhaled heavily: "I understand, I understand everything!"

He paced nervously: "Teacher Kaifu must be the B\u0026B destroyer. The map and toolbox in his bag are proof! The crossed villas on the map are all his prey.

"In order to come to this place justifiably, he took us here under the pretext of leading a training team. However, during the crime, some classmates accidentally discovered his evil deeds, so he simply did not stop and killed those innocent people. My classmates were also included in the murder!"

The more Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya said, the more excited he became: "No, judging from the puppet incident, Mr. Kaifu has long planned to attack us. The script adapted from "No Survival" is the presentation of his sinister plot!—— He, he actually betrayed my trust and deceived my feelings!"

Conan sighed: "Theoretically, this is true, but I always feel it's a bit strange..."

Does an adult need to use this roundabout way to deal with children like them? Moreover, Teacher Kaifu is responsible for preparing their meals. If he really wants to murder them, he can just sprinkle a handful of potassium cyanide into the meals.

In addition, there is another important factor that has always had a low sense of existence, but people dare not ignore it...

Conan turned to look at the little boy in a scarf who looked a bit like Miss Yoko, with a suspicious look on his face: "..." What on earth is this anonymous person doing?

"Actually, I have always speculated that quite a few of the anonymous members were victims of the black organization Aptx4869 - that is to say, Xiaobai's appearance as a child may not be true. In fact, he is probably an adult, and The Anonymous Organization has apparently mastered a way to temporarily transform back into an adult."

Conan was contemplating and had a headache: "But this is just a conjecture after all. I have never seen Xiaobai grow is this person reliable? The child's temperament is difficult to fathom. If he suddenly doesn't want to help on a whim, That would be really troublesome.”

Realizing that the thigh he thought might not be reliable, Conan could only take the initiative.

After thinking about it, he made a risky decision: "We can't sit still and wait for death. The doors and windows of this villa can't stop an adult who is determined to break into the house - let's leave here first and go to the administrator to have a try." luck."

Jiang Xia opened the map in his hand, glanced briefly, and quickly landed on a marked house: "Is this the administrator's room?"

Conan nodded, then looked at the huge black cross that was struck on the house, and sighed: "..." Alas, I hope the administrator hasn't been poisoned yet.

It was dark at night, and the three children walked out of this scary villa and entered the heavy fog.

They walked in the dark towards the direction of the administrator, but before they reached the place, a warm yellow light suddenly hit their field of vision.

Conan was startled: "Why is there light in that villa? Is there someone there?!"

Jiang Xia looked up and was silent for a moment: "..." Isn't this the villa owned by her sister in Yuanzi? Event physique and event physique are indeed attracted to each other. Conan actually walked casually to the adults who came to camp. gathering place.

In his silence, Conan's flexible mind had already turned over countless thoughts: "I remember that on that map, this villa was also marked with a cross - could it be that this place has been captured by Mr. Kaibu and has become... His temporary camp?"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya couldn't help but feel his scalp numb when he heard this. The originally ordinary villa changed rapidly in his eyes, as if it had turned into a huge mouth full of blood.

He wanted to turn around and run away, but before leaving, he thought of one thing and stopped tremblingly: "In other words, in which house are all the classmates who were captured?"

——Then if he defeats Teacher Kaibu and bravely rescues the classmates in the room from the clutches of that gangster, will Ayumi be moved enough to commit herself to him?

Two thoughts fought fiercely in his mind, and after a moment, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya made a decision.

"Come on, let's go take a look!"

He rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the villa in small steps with an air of never returning.

Conan suddenly noticed something. He covered up the flashlight light emitted by his watch, lowered his head to shine on the ground, and his expression changed slightly: "The footprints here are the same as those near our villa - that villa vandal may actually be a gang, and this house is their temporary stronghold. !”

Jiang Xia nodded: "That makes sense."

As he spoke, he followed Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya. The two people quietly came to the window and looked in through the gap in the curtains. They saw that inside the window was a living room with warm colors.

In the middle of the living room, a group of children were sitting on the floor, their hands seemed to be tied behind their backs. In front of them, Teacher Kaifu stood with his back to the window. When he turned around, there was a strange smile on his lips.

While he was peeking out of the window, Teacher Kaibu suddenly seemed to notice something and turned his head to look over.

Jiang Xia pulled Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya back, and the two disappeared from the window in an instant. Shigeru Kaibe walked to the window and looked around. He couldn't see anything from the reflective window, so he just tightened the curtains.

"What should we do now?" Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya said happily as the three children got together again, "Fortunately, everyone is still alive, but how are we going to rescue them from Teacher Kaifu?"

Jiang Xia: "There should be a landline phone in this villa, and you can use it to call the police."

Conan thought the same thing: "You guys are waiting outside, I'll go in..." After a pause, he saw Jiang Xia next to him and silently changed his mind, "How about you go in with me?"

...It would be fine if there was only Shigeru Kaibu, but there were probably five other lawless gangsters in that room, and he really didn't have the confidence to deal with them alone.

Even so, Conan didn't expect Anonymous to listen to his orders.

Originally it was just a casual question without any hope, but after he said it, the little boy in the scarf actually nodded: "Okay."

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