Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2337 2341 [Blow it up, blow it all up! 】Ask for monthly ticket

Chapter 2337 2341 [Blow it up, blow it all up! 】Ask for monthly ticket(`)

A vein popped up on Hattori Heiji's forehead: "..." Who told you to say this? ——Aren’t you good at identifying detectives? You do recognize it!

However, the lady failed to receive his resentful eyes.

After her thoughts wandered for a moment, she looked away from Hattori Heiji and answered Toyama Kazuha's question: "'That thing' means that the organizer will select two people from this experience. Issue permanent membership coupons for this Sorrowful Lake Resort.”

Several high school students listened with bated breath: "..."

Two organizational cadres who were also listening: "..."

That's it?

I have heard many stories full of hidden secrets, and this time "that incident" seems a bit ordinary no matter how you look at it.

Yuan Shan and Ye asked awkwardly: "Is that just it?"

The wife raised her lips and smiled mysteriously: "What else?"

Yuan Shan and Mr. Ye felt something was wrong, but couldn't explain it. She had no choice but to nod her head and pretend that she understood everything: "That's it."

Not only Yuanshan and Ye felt something was wrong, but also some vigilant cadres.

However, no matter how vigilant he is, there is no evidence. They had no choice but to follow the group of insiders, cross the bridge chatting and laughing, and continue on their way to the resort.

"finally reached."

When he saw the simple residential area from a distance, Vodka couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: Although this road was not safe, there was only one fatal trap hidden on the road, which was still surprising.

Vodka: "..." Speaking of which, why is the only trap aimed at me? ——Belmode is also there, how can this guy be treated differently! It's getting more and more suspicious...

Unlike "Mr. Yamada" who is full of thoughts, most of the others have been attracted by the scenery here.

This resort is worthy of its name of "Lake of Sad Love" - ​​simple red-roofed wooden houses sit on the naturally grown lawns, with a straight river cutting through the middle and flowing into the vast lake at the end.

And that lake is the most eye-catching scenery among all the scenery: at dusk, the lake surface is sparkling, reflecting the green mountains in the distance, as if a piece of gold is sprinkled on the jasper.

"This lake is really nice!" Suzuki Sonoko trotted to the lake, raised her hands to face the cool mountain breeze, and took a deep breath intoxicatedly, "After visiting many scenic spots, this original ecological resort is really unique. taste."

Although the tour guide was a little worried about this group of people pretending to be someone else, he quickly got into work mode after hearing what a tourist said. He smiled and introduced: "There is actually a mysterious legend about this lake."

"Legend?" Several female high school students were moved by gossip and gathered around curiously, "What kind of legend?"

The alarm bell in Vodka's heart also sounded, and his ears pricked up vigilantly: "..." Script? What kind of script?

The tour guide enjoyed the curious gazes of the group of people, looked at his watch, and smiled without saying a word.

Vodka's eyes twitched and he cursed in his mind: "...?" Do you dare to be the Riddler? Do you know how quickly the Riddler died in front of Uzo?

Fortunately, there was someone nearby who spoke eloquently.

Senior Tono, who knew Suzuki Sonoko, came over and said with a smile: "You will know when you look at the lake - just in time, the time is almost up."

Hearing this, the group of people cast their eyes curiously towards the lake.

Although beautiful, this seems to be just an ordinary lake.

Just as everyone was thinking this, they saw the tone in front of them suddenly change.

As the sun sets, the color of the originally quiet lake suddenly turns darker - in just ten seconds, a rich red engulfs the original green color, ripples of red, and the entire water surface seems to be dyed red with blood.


Suzuki Sonoko was stunned, and it took her a few seconds to find her voice: "...This, this is really 'tragic'. Without thousands of couples dying in love here, I'm afraid the lake wouldn't be dyed like this. "

Vodka also silently got goosebumps all over his body: "..." Are you crazy? Is the person who chose the site crazy? Can such an unlucky thing be used as a selling point of a resort? ! ——Listen to me, retreat quickly and blow up the mountain wall to bury this place, otherwise it will be too late when people start dying!

The tour guide looked at the bright red lake and recalled: "It is said that there was a pair of lovers nearby who could never stay together. They loved each other but could not be together. The two could not accept this status quo, so they made an appointment to meet again in the next life, and then Jumped into this lake together."

Senior Tono has obviously heard this story: "Since then, every time they commit suicide, the lake will turn red like this - that's how the name 'Lake of Sad Love' comes from."

The three female high school students were very moved when they heard this, and almost burst into tears.

Jiang Xia couldn't help but glance at the bright red lake water: "..." If there is such a past, maybe a pair of ghosts can be fished out from it... But unfortunately, there seems to be no similar aura at present.

Vodka: "..." You must stay away from this lake these days and never go near it alone! ——Look at Uzzo’s focused look, this guy must be thinking of some bad idea.

"Stained red by blood?" Hattori Heiji's voice suddenly sounded, breaking the somewhat tense atmosphere, "The developers really know how to make up such an ordinary natural phenomenon, and they can actually make up such a long story—— If the lake is really dyed red with the blood of lovers, then it must be a pair of giants taller than the mountains, hahaha!”

Toyama Kazuye: "..."

She silently dragged up her suitcase, and pushed Hattori Heiji back with a slap with her other hand: "Let's go, don't be embarrassed."

Others heard the noise and turned their heads to look over.

Then he met the smiling Toyama and Ye.

The quiet female high school student put down her hands and suggested in a gentle voice as if nothing had happened: "It's getting late, let's go back and pack our luggage first."

The others looked at Hattori Heiji who bumped into a tree with stars in his eyes: "...Well, okay."

The tour guide assigned accommodation to everyone.

The red-roofed wooden house here looks just small from a distance, but when you get closer, you realize that it is actually quite spacious inside.

After putting away their luggage, everyone returned to the lobby as the tour guide said and held a small meeting.

After a few glasses of beer or juice, Suzuki Sonoko was leaning comfortably on the sofa when she suddenly felt something was wrong.

She rubbed her eyes and asked Jiang Xia in a low voice: "Why do I feel like there is an extra person in the room?"

Next to him, Mao Lilan was still thinking about the blood-colored lake at dusk. Now that she heard the line that sounded like a ghost story, she was startled and instinctively denied it: "Did you read it wrong?"

Before Suzuki Sonoko could speak, Jiang Xia glanced at the room and said, "There is indeed one more person."

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