Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2400 2404 [Alliance]

The painter couldn't help but raise his chin, showing a bit of pride: "Of course it's true. Don't underestimate the material I've accumulated - in fact, I happened to come across many of the cases I just mentioned, so I That’s when I felt that that puppet was destined to me.”

Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, and when she looked at him again, her eyes were slightly different.

He took out his business card: "Although I should have given it to you last time, I'm worried that you didn't save my contact information..."

"Save it." The painter gave him a meaningful look, "You are not much worse than my puppet."

Jiang Xia said seriously: "If you find any abnormalities around you that may be related to murders, you must tell me in time. Human life is at stake, and I will try my best to stop it."

The painter who was about to reach out to pick up the changed business card said: "..."

...Suddenly I don’t want to look for you anymore.

But then I thought about it, although this detective is good at solving crimes, murders often only happen in a moment - Jiang Xia has never successfully prevented the case in the past few times. In comparison, this detective's murder-ridden nature is really attractive.

As his thoughts were spinning, the painter's hand, which had been stagnant for a moment, continued to stretch out and took the new business card.

He lowered his head to look at it and frowned: "The design is pretty good, but this style doesn't suit you very well."

Jiang Xia was a little curious: "What style should that be?"

The artist took out a smaller notebook from somewhere and started making a rough draft: "This is it."

Jiang Xia glanced at it and found that the paper seemed to be a rugged door, with scythes interlaced on both sides, and black crow feathers on the corners. It was just a draft, but the eerie and eerie atmosphere could be seen in it.

Jiang Xia's eyes lit up when he saw it: "..." Not bad, but the black and white draft is so impactful. After coloring it with black and red, and adding bone-like fonts, the effect will be great. I'll have to trick him into drawing a few new sets of business cards some other day, and maybe I can get some work done on the way - this painter also looks like he has a strong constitution, so I think he's no worse than others.


After thinking for a while, the high school student in a good mood suddenly fell silent.

"Wait, if I remember correctly, I seem to be a detective." Jiang Xia touched his chin, his thoughts drifting away, "The people who come to me are either successful people who follow the rules, or unlucky citizens who have been threatened in some way and want to be safe. What if I scare them away with this kind of business card?”

"But the pattern does look good..."

After hesitating for a moment, the psychic had an idea.

"It's not a big problem. The worst thing is to make it first and leave it there. Even if you don't use it to send it to the client, you can still give it to some people who won't be scared away by business cards, such as colleagues in the organization or the FBI - after all, functionality is the most important thing about business cards. , even if these people don't like the picture on it, they can't throw away the business card, that is very impolite behavior. "

The detective and the painter were having a pleasant conversation.

Next to him, Akai Shuichi looked at the painter, his eyes becoming much more solemn silently.

Akai Shuichi: "..." Do the different cases encountered over the past few years "happen" to be closely related to each other?

...There can't be such a coincidence in the world. There must be something fishy behind this "coincidence".

While thinking about it, Akai Shuichi pressed his cell phone to extract all the cases he had just heard and wrote them into emails, then pressed send and sent them to his diligent colleagues.

With those keywords, it should not be difficult to find relevant news about these cases, and as long as they can prove their authenticity and find the figure of the painter from the edges of these cases, it can explain a very important thing - Kobayashi Seiji Uzo has been paying attention to him since at least five years ago.

"I have been in constant contact with Uzuo for 5 years... If this is the case, I will definitely be able to dig out a lot of things from this painter. With luck, this person may be an important subordinate of Uzuo and hold many clues about him. Like vodka and gin.”

Akai Shuichi thought carefully: "But there is a question - why did Kobayashi Seiji take the initiative to expose this information?"

"The best-case scenario is that 'the guy' was unaware of my presence, so he had no idea I was hearing these words."

However, thinking of the close-up of his own death on the artist's paper and the many criticisms he encountered today, Akai Shuichi silently ruled out this speculation.

"It should be another possibility." Akai Shuichi thought to himself, "Uzo wants to achieve a certain purpose through the painter. For this purpose, he doesn't mind letting the painter expose some information that he thinks is insignificant."

"As for that purpose..."

Akai Shuichi's eyes moved and fell on Jiang Xia, who was attracted by the design of the business card.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

...The organized version of Moriarty is indeed very interested in Sherlock Holmes in Tokyo. In addition to the murders that usually occur around Jiangxia, the information brought by the painter today is probably part of Wu Zuo's game.

Although Bourbon, the undercover agent, protected Jiang Xia, compared with this busy man who worked countless jobs a day, Wu Zuo's pervasive penetration was obviously superior.

"If this continues, let alone defending Jiang Xia, maybe Bourbon will fall into the hands of 'that person' one day - for a 'director' who is good at controlling people's hearts, understanding the nature of people is not a big deal. The difficult thing is, it would be fine if Bourbon didn’t have much contact with him, but if he had too much contact... it would be very dangerous for the undercover.”

Akai Shuichi was a little worried about the safety of his undercover colleague: "We have to find a way to remind him. Of course, it is best to form an alliance with Bourbon, and then we can work together internally and externally to find ways to get more information about Uzo."

As the work increased one by one, Akai Shuichi organized his thoughts and began to sort out future actions very optimistically.

The Memu Police Department did not notice that some detectives were fishing nearby.

He turned around and saw Jiang Xia talking to the painter. He thought the detective was helping the police find clues from that difficult bone, so the Mumu Police Department quickly withdrew his gaze with relief and continued his efforts.

He looked at the police officer from the forensic department: "Has the cause of death of the body been confirmed?"

The police officer nodded: "It's cyanide poisoning."

Akai Shuichi came back to his senses and glanced here, secretly paying attention to the case in order to predict the various variables that might arise.

Hearing the cause of death at this time, he was not surprised: let alone the painter's death picture full of prophecies and warnings, the cause of death can be roughly seen from the appearance of the corpse - the body surface of people often loses its appearance quickly after death. It was bloody, but the nails and lips of the corpse in front of him not only did not turn white, but instead showed a bright cherry red. This is undoubtedly one of the common symptoms of cyanide poisoning.

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