Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2428 2432 [Weak and helpless Huihara Ai]

A glimmer of understanding flashed through Kudo Shin's eyes. He looked down at Sakurako Tatsumi and asked softly: "Do you often do such things behind others' backs?"

Mumu Police Department: "..."

...Enough, we are solving crimes, not making weird movies! ! If this continues, our police will also be complained about!

He was about to rush forward to stop this brother Kudo, who had developed a strange habit of solving crimes during a trip out, but at this moment, a biting chill quietly brushed the back of his neck.

"?!" The Mu Mu police department suddenly turned around and almost wanted to use the explosion-proof shield to block it.

But after taking a closer look, he realized that there was no danger behind him, and there was no enemy, just another familiar child.

"Xiaolan?" The Mumu Police Department breathed a sigh of relief and greeted him, "You're here too. Where's your dad? Didn't you come out for a walk?"

Mao Lilan smiled and nodded at him: "My dad is at home. I just came here to eat today. I heard something moving here and came over to take a look."

"Oh." Police Department Megu still felt a chill in his back for some reason, but looking at the gentle and cute female high school student in front of him, he had no clue.

Mao Lilan had already turned his head and looked at Kudo Shinichi at the elevator door.

Kudo Shinichi's mind was full of solving the case, and he was still looking at Tatsumi Sakurako: "By the way, there is one more thing. Your pearl earrings match the pearl necklace Mr. Ohba gave you. Could it be that these earrings also come from that gentleman? Gift?"

"Haha, you guessed it wrong. I bought this temporarily on the way here." Sakurako Tatsumi laughed, "Mr. Ohba will give me the same pearl necklace. It can only be said that we have a good understanding."

She was about to tease the detective who guessed wrong a little more, but at this moment, Sakurako Tatsumi's eyes fell on a female high school student who appeared at an unknown time.

Sakurako Tatsumi: "..." I don't know why, but I always feel like I should leave quickly.

Thinking like this, the daughter of the president followed her inner instinct, picked up her skirt, and ran away in small steps.

Kudo Shinichi looked at her back, turned around with satisfaction, and said to Jiang Xia and Memu Police Department: "I already understand, the murderer of this murder must be... Xiaolan?!"

He belatedly recalled his actions just now, and his face turned pale: "You, why are you here!"

Mao Lilan took a step forward, smiled and raised his hand.

Beside him, Hui Yuan Ai silently covered his eyes, moved and hid behind Jiang Xia.

"You solve the case first, I have to go home and do my homework."

After a while, Mao Lilan walked up to Jiang Xia despite the frightened gazes of the police. She hesitated for a moment and whispered: "That was a wrong example just now. You are a serious detective, don't let that guy lead you astray."

Jiang Xia looked at the cracked floor and the neighbor with stars in his eyes in the middle of the floor, and nodded slowly: "...Don't worry, I know."

After Mao Lilan finished her instructions, she stepped on the ground and walked away.

Jiang Xia lowered her head and vaguely saw that the floor tiles she passed by were broken into pieces.

Hui Yuan Ai was also looking at those innocent tiles. After reading them, she looked up at Jiang Xia. The two looked at each other wordlessly for a long time, and Haihara Ai felt that something should be said here: "...Miss Maori is right."

Jiang Xia: "...Yeah."

At this moment, a figure came back, reached out from behind, and easily picked up Huiyuan Ai.

Haiyuan Ai suddenly flew into the air again: "?!"

"Why did you come here?" Mao Lilan touched the head of the fake primary school student pitifully and whispered, "That bastard actually did such a shameless thing in front of a child... You must Take this as a warning, don’t become that kind of adult when you grow up. Even if you want to be a detective, you must choose the right role model - you see Jiang Xia is very good.”

As she said this, she hugged Huiyuan Ai and said hello to Jiang Xia: "It's getting late. I'll take the child home to sleep first, and you should go to bed early."


Hui Yuan Ai stretched out her hand towards Jiang Xia with all her strength, her eyes indicating: I am not Conan, and I don’t want to stay at Maori’s house. Find a way to keep me here!

Jiang Xia lowered his head and glanced at the reflective glasses on the bridge of her nose and the little hand she stretched out towards him, then raised his hand and gave her a high-five: "Go ahead."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Mao Lilan nodded to him, hugged the child who was nominally staying at their home, and turned around to leave.

While they were leaving, several club members took advantage of the situation and got into the cordon.

"Hey, why is there a person lying here?" Several members of the club who came in a hurry to eat melon were startled. They looked down at Kudo Shinichi, looked at it carefully, and found that this was a living person, not a murder victim. No. 2, so he quickly forgot about this strange person lying on the floor.

The crowd looked at the scene and accidentally saw Jiang Xia. They recognized him as a famous detective, so they asked curiously: "I heard that Minister Ochang was taken away for examination. Is he the murderer?"

Jiang Xia picked up Kudou Shinichi and put it against the wall to prevent this precious classmate from being stepped on. Then he answered a few questions from the crowd: "It's just suspicion at the moment, but it seems that there is no smoke reaction detected in him. Do you have any?" No clues about him?"

Minister Oba's popularity didn't seem to be very good. Instead of defending him, the crowd started to discuss it enthusiastically: "If the gun smoke reaction can't be detected, could it be because he changed his clothes? I remember When he appeared at the commemorative reception just now, he was wearing a mascot doll suit. When he entered the dressing room and put on the doll suit, didn't he have the opportunity to change out of his original clothes? "

"Is there such a thing?" The Mumu Police Department did not expect that Brother Jiang Xia's casual question would lead to key clues. He quickly asked, "Tell me in detail."

Chigua Club member: "Our cocktail party tonight is nominally for the anniversary, but in fact the more important purpose is to announce our company's new mascot - and the person responsible for wearing a doll suit at the cocktail party is the venue manager. ”

The Memu Police Department felt that he understood: "In other words, as long as he prepares a set of identical clothes in advance, he can use the excuse of changing the doll clothes and put on another set of clothes without gunpowder smoke in the locker room to escape our gunpowder smoke. wonder that guy was so confident just now!"

Another male member scratched his head when he heard this: "But that mascot outfit is difficult to put on. When Mr. Ohba put it on, he was not alone. I and several other male colleagues were also there. Help, I didn’t see him preparing another set of clothes at that time.”

Jiang Xia looked at his watch: "Anyway, let's take us over to take a look at the doll suit. We may be able to find enough useful clues from it."

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