Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2449 2453 [Uzo Interpretation Machine]

Gin's analysis was clear and logical. Vodka nodded while listening, but he was muttering in his heart: "..." Will Uzo really give up killing because there are too many people on the other side?

...Even if this is the case, the specific reason is definitely not the fear of exposure, but the feeling that it would be a waste for so many people to play at once, so I gave it up and planned to keep it and play slowly.

But now that the eldest brother has come to a conclusion, now is obviously not the time to express his opinion.

"Yes, that must be the case." Vodka praised insincerely, "I didn't expect that guy to take the overall situation into consideration."

When two people are chatting.

the other side.

Jiang Xia looked at the phone that had been hung up early and was puzzled.

"Forget it if you don't give me bullets, why didn't you ask more about Shuichi Akai?" Jiang Xia muttered to the ghosts, "I've even thought about the reason why Shuichi Akai didn't die - FBI has a lot of people, but I am weak. , if you want to get rid of him, you must give me a few more capable boys to attack, and it is best to send vodka as bait..." But why didn't Gin ask further?

How could he ask for those murderous potential stocks?

"It must have been a mistake. If you call me again, he will pick it up."

With this in mind, Jiang Xia confidently called back.

A black Porsche on the street late at night.

Gin felt the vibration of his phone and glanced down at the caller ID.

Realizing that the caller was Uzo, he muted the call with a swipe of his finger.

Gin: "..." This kid actually wanted to use his obsession with killing Akai Shuichi to make him say things like "Why didn't he kill him?" and then use these words as a basis for shooting in the future. It was allowed to kill people first and tell them later. What was even more annoying was that I was almost fooled...

However, remembering that he finally saw through this little trick, Gin smiled coldly and decided not to argue with the scheming junior.

Of course, he won't answer any more calls about this matter. It’s not that Uzo is annoying when he is stubborn, nor is he worried that he will accidentally fall into the next language trap, but this is the way adults should behave - a stable adult will not be occupied by this kind of thing Time, they will simply choose to ignore it.

"By the way, the channels below have been tightened recently." Gin ordered Vodka, "Bullets can only be supplied to regular customers, and are not allowed to be sold to any strangers." Especially they cannot be sold to someone wearing sunglasses and a black suit. At first glance, he looks like a serious gang member, but in fact, he is a curly-haired man who pretends to be an adult and helps Uzo purchase goods.

Although this cannot prevent the kid from obtaining bullets through other means, it can at least make it more difficult. And as long as he delays for a few days, when he is free, he can find Uzo and take away all the guns.

Vodka nodded repeatedly, took note of the bullets carefully, and even started to make arrangements on the spot: This kind of good thing that can not only create obstacles for Uzo, weaken the guy's force value, but also increase his own survival rate, of course he must deal with it ruthlessly.


Vodka thought of the large and small channels in Tokyo and felt a little worried: "If other organizations supply him..."

Gin sneered: "Idiots who even dare to sell bullets indiscriminately do not deserve to survive in the dark world. If they are really discovered, send them on their way - it just so happens that the organization has been short of manpower and funds recently. If someone doesn't want to run it well, It’s better for us to take over.”

the other side.

Jiang Xia looked at the phone that had not been answered, wondered for a moment, and dialed again.

However, the result is still the same.


After a moment of silence, he looked at the ghosts and said calmly: "It seems that a new task suddenly came. He will call back after he has finished handling it."

"..." The ghosts nodded in a dignified manner.

Jiang Xia put away her mobile phone: "It's getting late, let's go home first. Today's harvest is good, you can order a piece of colorless murderous spirit to try. Do you want sweet and sour fish, or black pepper steak... How about some of both?"

"!" The ghosts immediately put the murderous smell of alcohol behind them, wiped their saliva and voted for Plan C.

——Thanks for the gift from FBI Ace.

In a peaceful and quiet night, some people are sleeping peacefully, some are having extra meals, and some are working overtime.

Kuroba Kaito was sitting in the secret room of his house, concentrating on tinkering with the things on the table.

In front of him, a laptop was open, and on the screen was his mother who still looked young and beautiful despite her age.

"My son is great!" The mother on the other side of the world was wearing a sun hat and bathing in the bright sunlight. While shopping, she leisurely found a new job for her son:

"But even though that guy suffered a big loss at your hands and won't be able to show his face again in a short period of time, don't let your guard down - as far as I know, he has an apprentice who is just as dirty as him."

"It looks like I'm traveling around, Mom, but I'm actually using travel as a cover to concentrate on collecting evidence about them."

The woman on the screen took a bite of the seasonal limited-edition flavored ice cream and explained the business casually: "When I went back last time, I left all the evidence I collected in the secret room at home - now my mother can't spare the time. , let you punish those greedy guys for me!"

Kidd, who was almost busy with his work, had a pair of dark circles under his eyes. He took some time out of his busy schedule to glance at his energetic mother on the screen: "..." If I remember correctly, it was a long time ago when you last came back... …That is to say, after all this time, your evidence has not been updated at all, and only the travel photos on your blog are growing like crazy.

But as a filial son, what can he do when faced with a lazy mother?

Kidd could only nod: "Okay, I understand."

After the mother and son handed over the evidence list, Kuroba Qiankage did not hang up the phone immediately, but continued to look at her son in the video.

Kidd sensed something was wrong, stopped what he was doing, and looked at her suspiciously: "You didn't hang up the phone immediately and run to play after you finished talking about the business... What else do you have? Just tell me."

Kuroba Qiankage adjusted the angle, trying to see her son's desktop clearly: "What are you tinkering with? It looks like the magic ingredients your dad used to use... Do you want to make fireworks?"

Kuroba Kaito: "..." You may not believe it, but it's actually a bullet.

Yesterday when he was shooting the gun lent to him by the foggy tengu, Kidd thought he was smart, but when he got home afterwards and thought about it carefully, he suddenly realized that something was not good.

Kidd: "..." The foggy dog ​​just doesn't have much contact with human society, and he's not stupid. My behavior of emptying the magazine with bang bang in the sky yesterday... wasn't it a bit obvious?

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