Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2464 2468 [Case closed]

Jiang Xia politely raised his hand and knocked on the door, but there was no movement in the tool room.

After a full ten seconds, perhaps one of the cadres inside realized that it would be a shame to continue like this. Finally, the door was opened a crack.

Vodka took a deep breath and acted like a formal member: "What do you want?" Just go away and don't disturb my work!

The curly-haired man in black opposite said politely: "Mr. Uzo is very concerned about your health. Let me see your current situation and your doctor."

Vodka: "..." The first half of the sentence is barely human-like, but the last sentence has completely exposed your sinister purpose... I don't mind introducing the doctor to you, but if I really If I take you there, your boss will probably file a complaint with Brother Gin soon, accusing me of leaking secrets.

He was holding the vodka clearly and snorted: "No need. I have something important to do, don't pry, just do your own thing."

The person opposite stopped talking and looked at him seriously.

Vodka said coldly: "..." What are you looking at? ...Okay, I admit that my tone just now was too strong. I apologize to you in my heart, so when will you leave?

He was muttering in his heart, but he didn't have the nerve to say these words. However, as if he heard his thoughts, the person on the other side actually didn't bother him anymore. He just rummaged through his pocket and took out a gorgeous business card.

Vodka glanced disdainfully, and his eyes suddenly stopped: "..." Huh?

It's actually a new style he's never seen before?

...When did that guy Uzo get new business cards? He didn't receive any news about it.

Vodka stared at the card with complicated thoughts. He originally didn't want to reach out, but his reason told him that only by keeping abreast of the latest business card styles, he could timely estimate the specific contact time of passers-by A, B, B, D, D, and Uzuo, and then judge the danger of each other... It seemed that he had to get this card.

Vodka held out his hand reservedly.

However, the fake Uzo opposite said "huh?" and put the business card back thoughtfully.

"I took it by mistake, it's this one." He apologized and put the gorgeous new business card back into his pocket, took out another ordinary business card with "Hashimoto Maya" printed on it, and handed it to Vodka's hand. , "After the Haixin Theater opens, you are welcome to come and watch it - contact the person on the business card and he will come to receive you in person. If you are willing to bring other members with you, the cost is free."

Vodka: "..."

Hai Xin?

theater? ?

Was it driven by Uzo? ? ?

No matter which one of these three words is picked out, it is enough to make the police lights of the insider buzz. He is crazy to take the initiative to go to such a place... Of course, if he unfortunately becomes enemies with any guy, he will fight for that guy. People highly recommend this place.


Vodka looked at the fake Uzo in front of him, his eyes twitching wildly: "..." He and Brother Gin still vividly remembered the assessment scene of this boy before. At that time, this man in front of him was such a taciturn and honest person... Unexpectedly In the blink of an eye, this guy had become so angry that he imitated everything from his tone to his demeanor.

"It's no wonder that Uzo positioned him as a 'Uzo substitute'." Vodka had to admire Uzo's ability to employ people. "If I hadn't seen the real person of Xiao Yinbi, just looking at the person in front of me, Maybe I actually believe he is Uzo."

Vodka: "..." I don't know whether it's because Uzo's teaching ability is too strong, or this fake Uzo's imitation ability is strong, or he actually has a bit of Uzo's character, so he's progressing so quickly... But no matter what, this person's danger level must be raised to one level again.

in addition……

What's up with that new business card?

Vodka stared at the pocket of the fake Uzo, hesitating to say: He has obviously hacked into the computer of the printing shop that Uzo often used, and he should be at the forefront of updating business cards, but now...this new business card Where did it come from? Is it a trial version that has not yet been put into official use?

It’s not that he wants to collect that damn thing’s business card, but he already has everything else. According to his habit of chasing stars for many years, this one...

However, the fake Uzo, who had been considerate just now, showed no sign of anything. He nodded to this nominally higher-level superior, turned around and left.

Vodka: "..."

Did this kid do it on purpose?

How dare you go beyond the rank and tease the cadres... As expected, there is no good person associated with Uzuo!

After scolding these troublemakers in his heart, Vodka finally got back on track with his work and went to see a psychiatrist.

It has to be said that after today's mess, the task of "seeing a psychiatrist" that he originally resisted suddenly became light and easy, as if it didn't matter anything.

"Meeting Uzo, being treated as a suspect, being detained at the police station, and being forced to show my face in front of the police... I have really experienced too much, but these experiences have also made me stronger. There is nothing else now. Nothing can defeat me again.”

Vodka took heavy steps and felt that he had been strengthened unprecedentedly. He clenched his fists angrily and decided to turn his grief and anger into courage: "I don't believe things can get worse!"

With this thought in mind, he walked into the doctor's office with his head held high, ready to examine the psychiatrist and then complete the task ruthlessly.

The next moment, he got terrible news from his assistant.

"Dr. Shirai?"

The little nurse passing by sighed and apologized: "I'm really sorry, Dr. Shirai is on temporary leave today and can't see a doctor - I heard that his neighbor's garage suddenly exploded, causing the wall of his house to catch fire. Now He is counting the damage at home... We sent a mass email to notify the patients of the appointment, did you not receive it? "

Vodka clenched his fists, and the veins on his forehead throbbed: "...?"

As a man with the dual identities of "Organization Member Vodka" and "Technician Mr. Yamada", Vodka undoubtedly always carries two mobile phones with him.

Today, he was busy fighting with the police and Uzo all day long, and he had no time to browse the messages on that ordinary mobile phone one by one.

"...Is this all part of that kid's plan?"

Facing the empty office, Vodka was silent for a long time, feeling a sense of despair that he had finally arrived at the dragon's lair after going through all kinds of hardships, only to find that the princess had gone on vacation.

Worse, it meant that he had to go back to the starting point and start this terrible path all over again.

Vodka: "..."

Vodka: “…”

No wonder the fake Uzo just left so neatly and without any entanglement.

Vodka: "..." Uzo and I are irreconcilable!

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