Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 26 Your firm looks great

Jiang Xia looked at the pattern carefully.

It's cool.

But it's too conspicuous.

He always wanted to hide his license plate, for fear that after doing bad things, he would be remembered while running away.

If the car were painted so conspicuously, it would be unforgettable. Wouldn’t that just make you look for trouble?

However, the picture is really nice.

Anyway, the points are enough, it’s useless if you don’t use them…

Jiang Xia remembered what she had been thinking about when she came here, and said thoughtfully: "Forget about painting the car, you might as well help me draw a billboard."

The land price in Tokyo is not low, and Jiang Xia is too lazy to go out and buy a house. If you want to open an office, you will definitely open it in your own home.

His house is hidden in a residential area, and the location is not as good as Mouri Kogoro's house.

The aroma of wine is also afraid of deep alleys.

So why not get a cool billboard instead.

Not to mention reputation, at least the momentum must be in place first.

The boss was startled: "...billboard?"

This development was different from what he had imagined.

That, motorcycle...

However, Jiang Xia was completely immersed in his detective billboard and did not notice the boss's hesitation.

Jiang Xia nodded: "Yes, the name of the store is 'Jiang Xia Detective Agency'."

Many stores in the island country use the last name of the store manager as the store name.

As a name-dropper, Jiangxia appreciated this custom very much and decided to contribute to it.

His tone was too determined.

The boss had been working in the service industry for a long time, so he nodded subconsciously.

After ordering it, I started to regret it.

…Who wants to make a billboard?

What he loves is obviously that kind of process, that kind of process of making someone else's car look new and reborn in his hands, and then the car owner looks at it with an expression of shock, relief, and admiration for three days!

...However, after you have already nodded, suddenly going back on your word is not the behavior a tough guy should do.

Moreover, I'm sure Jiang Xia won't be able to stand the simple appearance of motorcycles as her aesthetics improves after looking at the cool billboards for a long time...

The boss enlightened himself sadly and silently wrote down the words Jiang Xia wanted to paint.

Finally, he glanced at Jiang Xia's tortured motorcycle, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Do you need me to add a 'concurrent debt collection and kidnapping business' for you?"

Jiang Xia pushed the cart away without looking back: "Add whatever you want, I am a good student who abides by the law."

The motorcycle brother said "..." for a while, then faced his back and shouted "tui!" in a sonorous voice.

After that, the boss sighed, walked into the warehouse, pulled out a piece of wood of suitable size, looked at it boringly, and began to conceive of the advertisement.

On the way to repair the car, Jiang Xia opened the detective agency and just "had that idea."

But suddenly, a billboard fell from the sky.

...The rest should also be started.

First, you need to check how to open a store and whether you need a business license or something.

Jiang Xia has never studied the detective industry before.

However, in his impression, although the island country has a 20-year age limit, in fact, many things can be done from the age of 18.

For example, taking various legal license exams, renting a house and signing a contract alone, and some well-known movies and games...

Therefore, Jiang Xia felt that if he needed a detective license to open a firm, he should be able to get it.

Kogoro Mori should be very clear about the procedures and procedures for opening an office.

But Jiang Xia thought about it and realized that their two families were not too far apart. It doesn't feel right to just come to someone's door and ask someone to teach you how to steal his business.

If I can't attract a case in the future, I might have to borrow Moori Kogoro to get a case or something. It's necessary to make the relationship more harmonious...

So Jiang Xia didn't go over to ask. Instead, when she got home, she turned on her computer and searched for related questions.

However, during this time, the Internet was not very developed, and the information in it was diverse.

Although the answer can be found for "Procedures for opening a detective agency", the answers are different.

Jiang Xia watched silently for a while.

Based on his rich experience in watching story sessions on the forum, he felt that none of the people who answered were serious detectives, and 80% of them were detective keyboard warriors.

Half an hour later, Jiang Xia closed the computer without any gain.

The next day, Jiang Xia went to Mihua Library.

Then I successfully found a popular science manual related to detectives on the bookshelf in the professional area.

——If you want to open a detective agency, you don’t need a business license.

However, an opening application must be submitted to the Public Security Committee through the local police station one day before opening.

The process is very simple, and minors over 18 years old can also operate.

But soon, Jiang Xia's eyes fell on a certain rule.

——Persons under 20 need to submit a letter of consent from their legal guardian among the application materials for opening a business.

legal guardian.


Jiang Xia thought about the two monuments and gradually lost her dream. His hand holding the pages loosened slightly, and the pages of the Detective's Popular Science Manual clattered shut.

The serious and old-fashioned cover reappeared before his eyes, as if mocking his naivety.

...a minor under the age of 18.

Sure enough, he is still underage.

Can I only find an adult to harm as an apprentice...

Thinking like this, Mouri Kogoro's face once again appeared in Jiang Xia's mind.

However, if you think about it carefully, this uncle is actually a very good person.

When Jiangxia Tongzhi was young, Mouri Kogoro was still a policeman.

At that time, he heard that Jiang Xia Tongzhi's parents were not at home all year round. They even wore police uniforms and walked around Jiang Xia Tongzhi, telling him that the two families were not far away and that if anything happened, he could contact the police.

It's just that Jiangxia Tongzhi knew that his family was engaged in illegal activities. At that time, he only felt frightened, and later he always avoided Mouri Kogoro...


At least Mouri Kogoro's intentions are good.

Jiang Xia finally gave up the idea of ​​"becoming an apprentice to Mouri Kogoro".

He thoughtfully picked up the detective manual and turned back to the front color page.

Just now, when the pages of the book were closed, Jiang Xia actually saw a somewhat impressive name.

In all walks of life, there is a need for proper food.

For example, on the color pages of this manual, there are advertisements for several detective agencies.

Jiang Xia flipped through it, and his eyes quickly stopped on one of the pages.

The photo shows a small but tastefully decorated store.

The sign at the entrance of the store clearly reads "Amuro Detective Agency".

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