Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2504 2508 [Going along with the crowd]

Matsuda Jinpei also felt strange. It thought seriously for a while, but failed, so it turned its attention to the pocket of the psychic master.

The addicted smoker made a famous suggestion: Ireland is back recently, how about celebrating with a murderous cigarette?

Jiang Xia glanced at it: "I don't mind lighting up a cigarette to decorate the atmosphere, but I'm going to find the boss now. If you want to be snuffed out after just two puffs..."

Matsuda Jinpei: "..."

...Damn old classmate, next time you grab the coffee-smelling murderous aura, you need to be harder.

Jiang Xia searched for the address and soon saw a simple and elegant courtyard from a distance. Over the courtyard wall, he could vaguely see the spacious building with a hint of ancient style inside.

When you go around to the front, you will find that this is actually a Japanese restaurant named "Liu Shuitei".

Jiang Xia looked at the time and pushed the door open.

Scanning the front hall, a cluster of striking blond hair jumped into view. Jiang Xia walked over and said hello: "Boss."

Amuro turned around and responded, pointing to the bench next to her: "There are still ten minutes until my appointment time. Sit down and wait."

With that said, he was about to go and sit down, but at this moment, a ringing sound came from his pocket - someone called.

"..." Toru Amuro took out his cell phone and when he saw the caller ID, he couldn't help but frowned - what's going on with this guy from Ireland?

After thinking about it, he handed Jiang Xia the reservation number, then walked out of the store and found a deserted place to answer the phone.

"Bourbon." Irish said sarcastically, "Although I said I wouldn't mind you borrowing my subordinates, I really didn't expect you to be able to use them so easily."

Toru Amuro: "...?" Borrowing your subordinates? Which subordinate? Could it be Maya Hashimoto who already belongs to Usa?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to laugh. But as an undercover agent who has been lurking in the black organization for many years, Bourbon is obviously very good at controlling his emotions. He calmly tried: "Both each other."

Ireland snorted coldly and stopped talking nonsense. He asked a little doubtfully: "Why did you ask him to build that island?"

Toru Amuro: "..." Island?

Combining the keywords in the conversation just now, he immediately understood that Ireland was asking about the island in the middle of the sea that was undergoing major construction projects recently. At first, Toru Amuro didn't pay attention to the small projects of Hashimoto Maya, but as the movement on the island became more and more... As he got older, he still didn't dare to let it go, so he asked Feng Jian Yuya to investigate.

...In other words, for some reason, Ireland now feels that he asked Hashimoto Moe to build that island?

Thinking of this, Amuro Toru's eyes twitched slightly: That bastard Uzo could actually come up with such a way to make him take the blame for this matter.

After seeing through this, he opened his mouth, determined to expose Uzuo's conspiracy. But calm down and think about it again: exposing Maya Hashimoto seems to be of no benefit to him.

"Both Uzo and Ireland are my enemies, but judging from the current progress, if there is a chance to arrest someone and bring him back to the police for investigation, then Ireland has a better chance than Uzo."

The balance in Amuro Toru's heart wavered hesitantly: "In addition, Hashimoto Maya is in my store now. With this guy here, I have the opportunity to get information about Uzo and Ireland from him at the same time.

"Leave aside Ireland, I have personally experienced how difficult it is to obtain Uzo's information... That guy inexplicably took Maya Hashimoto under his command, probably because of Maya Hashimoto's double identity. If I reveal this, At this point, Uzo loses his fun with Maya Hashimoto, and Hashimoto may become his abandoned son."


——It’s not that I find it funny that Ireland is kept in the dark, it’s just that for the sake of his intelligence source, it seems that Maya Hashimoto shouldn’t be exposed to everything so early.

As his thoughts were spinning, Toru Amuro smiled mysteriously: "'What to build an island for?' It's such a rude question without any mystery - it would be meaningless to ask it now. If you really want to know, you can go to the island to see it in person after it is completed. look."

Ireland: "..." Disgusting mystic, this guy should be sent to the stake together with Belmode.

However, after this confirmation, Amuro Toru and Hashimoto Maya's words can be matched. Ireland said no more and hung up the phone with a cold snort.

Toru Amuro looked at the screen that exited the call interface and fell into deep thought for a moment.

A trace of curiosity slowly arose in his heart: "..." So what is that island used for?

When Toru Amuro was communicating with Ireland through the air in the courtyard.

The front hall of Liushui Pavilion.

Jiang Xia looked at the restaurant casually while waiting for someone.

Among the many high-end restaurants with the same style, this store is particularly unique - it is surrounded by a shallow artificial stream, and the stream flows through each private room. The meals ordered by the guests will be placed by the chef on a special wooden boat and float with the water to the designated room.

After the guests open the window and take the meal from the boat, they just need to press the button on the boat again, and the boat will flow back to the dining room to wait for the meal.

"It's so creative." Jiang Xia muttered to his ghosts, "But obviously my Haixin Island is better - there is only an artificial stream less than half a meter deep here, but there is an entire sea there."

The ghosts nodded one after another, while the mermaid looked at the boats floating on the water and stretched out her hand to tug Jiang Xia's hair.

Then after Jiang Xia looked at her, he patted his chest proudly: The fish trainer is going to make a move - buy more large fish and put them in the indoor fish tank of Haixin Theater. She wants those fish to help deliver the food, which must be much more impressive than these small boats!

Jiang Xia: "..." Let the fish deliver the food? Let's not talk about whether the fish can resist stealing the food. By the time the food is delivered, I'm afraid it will be soaked.

...But if it can be trained, it can make some fish boats like carriages, let the fish wear reins and pull the boat to deliver the food - this is the real original flavor, unlike the boats in this store, which are remote controlled and motorized, not natural enough.

Jiang Xia nodded secretly, approved the creative proposal of the ghost employee, and planned to send a message to Hashimoto Maya later, asking him to find suitable fish in advance.

While adding things to his new island in his mind, the door of the store opened and closed, and two people walked in.

Jiang Xia looked over. At the same time, the receptionist in kimono came to the door and said as usual: "Hello, do you have a reservation?"

The two guests were men in suits, one fat and one thin. The sturdier man heard the receptionist's words and replied briefly: "Yes."

"..." The receptionist waited, but nothing happened. She had to check the time and guessed with a smile, "Are you Mr. Kaneda who has reserved room 8?"

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